Alice Konanten Studio - Okayama

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Alice Konanten Studio

住所 :

2 Chome-6-50 Konancho, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0866, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 700-0866
Webサイト :

2 Chome-6-50 Konancho, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0866, Japan
くんやすし on Google

A store where there is no meaning of reservation! Feels ok even if you keep waiting! If there was no grandchild, it was a place that was crazy!
hama chan on Google

I made a reservation early, but I would have made a reservation to how many .... It took 5 hours to finish everything .... Though there are three studios, only two did not function. Is the photographer suddenly absent?
匿名希望 on Google

人が多すぎて落ち着かない。待ってる間はちょっとした席の取り合い。入口が喫煙所のため、風向きによっては店内がタバコ臭い。 それ以外は満足。
There are too many people to feel restless. While I'm waiting, I had a few seats. Because the entrance is smoking area, restaurant is by the wind smell tobacco. Everything else is satisfactory.
亜由美 on Google

When you come to the store by making a reservation for Shichigosan, it will be dealt with unfriendlyly. ? The attitude like that is taken and there is only a bad impression. Do you decide to do various things while standing up? ? ? was.
山口愛浪 on Google

個人の撮影から変えて初めて利用した。やはり土日ともなり待ち時間があり、10時予約で衣装選んだりしてると子供のお昼ご飯時間になり子供ぐずる。衣装も着てもらうのに四苦八苦。衣装係のおばさんに、お父さんが怖いなら来てもらおうかななんて言われて。 親の都合で衣装着せてるんだから子供を怒るのは間違い。待ち時間をないように予約を調節するか、出来ないなら、もっと朝早くから撮影して保育園が推奨する予定時間に合わせるかしてほしい! 衣装着てからは穏やかに撮影出来たけど… やっぱり個人だと時間に追われてないから、子供の表情とか仕草とか、何気ない感じを撮ってくれるけど… 構図が決まってるんだよねっていう写真しか撮ってもらえないのは、悲しいなぁ。生まれてから1年は、その時期にしかしない仕草があるからね… 写真選びも笑顔を重視。 CMで、見るような笑顔。うちの子の特徴はどこにあるの?笑顔じゃない真顔の写真を選んでも、「こっちの方が可愛いのに、あえて笑顔じゃないのですか?」なんて言われて。笑顔じゃない子供の写真も親バカな私は可愛くて仕方ないんだ❗だから選んでるんだよって教えたい。 色々不満はあるけど、お姫様の衣装が着たいって言う娘のためにまたお世話になります。親バカな私は不満も喜びに変えてみせる‼️
I used it for the first time after changing it from my personal shooting. After all, there is a waiting time on Saturdays and Sundays, so if you make a reservation for 10:00 and choose costumes, it will be lunch time for the child and the child will feel tired. I'm having a hard time getting the costumes on. The costume clerk told me that if my dad was scared, he might come. It's a mistake to get angry at a child because they wear clothes for their parents' convenience. Adjust your appointment so that you don't have to wait, or if you can't do it, shoot earlier in the morning to match the scheduled time recommended by the nursery! After wearing the costume, I was able to shoot gently... After all, as an individual, I am not busy with time, so I take a casual look, such as a child's expression or gesture. It's sad that I can only take a picture that the composition is decided. It's been a year since I was born, because there are gestures that only happen at that time... Smiles are also important when selecting photos. A smile that looks like a commercial. Where are the characteristics of my child? Even if I chose a photo with a real face that wasn't a smile, I was told, "This one is more cute, isn't it a smile?" I'm too foolish to take pictures of children who aren't smiling, so I can't help being cute. I have a lot of dissatisfaction, but I will take care of me again for my daughter who wants to wear a princess costume. I'm an idiot and I'll turn my complaints into joy! ️
釈大智 on Google

基本的に対応が悪い店ではないです。 着付けもちゃんとしてくれるし、取り直しもしてくれるのはポイントが高い処です。 あとは、待ち時間の長さと、技術力が改善されると、更に良いのですが・・・
Basically, it's not a bad store. The point is that it will be dressed properly and will be redressed. After that, it would be even better if the length of waiting time and technical capabilities were improved ...
めぐさん on Google

いらっしゃる方角に寄っては、入りにくく出にくい不便な場所にあります。駐車場も駐車券のある所なので面倒です。 少し小さい店舗ですが、店員さんの対応はどこのアリスさんも丁寧で親切です。
It is in an inconvenient place where it is difficult to enter and exit when approaching the direction you are coming. The parking lot is also a place with a parking ticket, so it is troublesome. The store is a little small, but the staff are polite and kind to Alice.
中村香里 on Google

従業員の言葉遣いが悪いです。子ども相手に話すことが多からか分かりませんが、大人相手でも子ども相手に話すような言葉遣いで話すことが多々あり大変失礼です。 写真の撮り方も忙しいときは雑ですし、質は良くありませんね。
The wording of employees is bad. I don't know if I talk to children a lot, but I'm very rude because I often talk to adults in the same language as talking to children. The way I take pictures is messy when I'm busy, and the quality isn't good.

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