Alfa Romeo Katsushika - Katsushika City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Alfa Romeo Katsushika

住所 :

7 Chome-15番11号 Okudo, Katsushika City, Tokyo 124-0022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 124-0022
Webサイト :

7 Chome-15番11号 Okudo, Katsushika City, Tokyo 124-0022, Japan
c nagumo on Google

I asked for a car inspection, but the correspondence is miscellaneous. Even if I ask a question, I try to pass through with a half laugh, and when I receive it, I am told to return the key of the substitute car at the entrance as soon as I enter the store. Men's business passing by without welcome. The sales person I finally met also just greeted me as I passed by. In the future, I plan to replace it with Kashiwanoha.
J S on Google

I thought the threshold would be high, but the dealer was kind and very pleasant!
ひで on Google

The Stelvio is a very good car, but the dealer is the worst. I feel like getting in a car. It's good that you can't keep your greetings and promises. But I can't feel any love in the car. be surprised. I've never seen a dealer like this.
Sachiko Suzuki on Google

スタッフの皆さんがとても感じが良く、ちょっとの不安事項でもすぐに相談できる店舗です! 以前都心のお店にお世話になりましたが、全然雰囲気も違います。とても信頼できます。
It's a store where the staff feels very good and you can immediately consult with us even if you have any concerns! I was taken care of by a shop in the city center before, but the atmosphere is completely different. Very reliable.
Kawa Yoshi on Google

No, all the cars are cool.
好岡夢貴 on Google

ジュリエッタ最終車を納車していただきました。 いつも通り、大変素晴らしいホスピタリティに感謝致します。 今後ともよろしくお願い致します?
We had you deliver the last Giulietta car. As always, thank you for your wonderful hospitality. Thank you for your continued support ?
好岡優佳 on Google

本日納車でした✨? 担当のディーラーさんはいつもとてもサービスが良く、明るく良い方です。 前回のミトと同じく、今回はジュリエッタをここで購入させて頂きました! またお世話になりますので、宜しくお願い致します?✨
It was delivered today ✨? The dealer in charge is always very good, cheerful and good. Like the previous Mito, I bought Julietta here this time! Thank you for your continued support ?✨
前川時寛 on Google

アルファロメオ販売店です。 環七沿いに有り、店内や外の展示コーナーに、美しい車が並んでいました。 まァ、私にゃ手が出せる感じがしませんので、ため息つきながら眺めさせて頂くとしますかネ?
It is an Alfa Romeo store. Located along Kannana, beautiful cars were lined up in the exhibition corner inside and outside the store. Well, I don't feel like I can get my hands on it, so would you like to take a look while sighing?

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