Albis - Minokamo

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Albis

住所 :

1 Chome-4 Shinikecho, Minokamo, Gifu 505-0031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 505-0031
Webサイト :

1 Chome-4 Shinikecho, Minokamo, Gifu 505-0031, Japan
パイセン on Google

石川県発のスーパーというのもあり、海鮮系がかなり充実しており鮮度も良いです! お惣菜とお弁当もすごく美味しいのでオススメですよ。
There is also a supermarket from Ishikawa prefecture, so the seafood is quite substantial and the freshness is good! The side dishes and bento boxes are also very delicious, so I recommend them.
Shimachan 135 on Google

北陸のお惣菜が充実したお店です。 東海地方では、美濃加茂と名古屋にお店があります?
It is a shop full of Hokuriku side dishes. In the Tokai region, there are shops in Minokamo and Nagoya ?
sawamura s on Google

北陸が地盤のスーパーらしいです。 一番の特色は何と言っても北陸のちょっと珍しい産物が揃っていること。岐阜市在住ですが、美濃加茂市に行ったときはほぼ必ず立ち寄ります。 鮮魚コーナーは品揃えに加え、鮮度が良いのがうれしいです。このシーズンだと蟹(生きたままのやつまで)なんかが目立ってます。 惣菜コーナーも魚介を使った興味深いものがいろいろあります。 お気に入りはカジキのソースかつ。福井名物にソースカツ丼というのがありますが、あれに乗ってるカツのカジキ版です。ソースが染み込んでいて、ご飯が進みます。ときどきマグロソースかつも並んでます。 あと、大きなタラフライのタルタルソース添えとか、鮭ハラミの塩麹焼きとかも。 今日は福井名物?のクロワッサン入りプリン(100円)というのも買ってみました。
Hokuriku seems to be a supermarket on the ground. The best feature is that there are some rare products from Hokuriku. I live in Gifu City, but I almost always stop by when I go to Minokamo City. In addition to the assortment of fresh fish, I am glad that the freshness is good. In this season, crabs (even live ones) stand out. There are various interesting side dish corners that use fish and shellfish. My favorite is swordfish sauce. One of Fukui's specialties is the sauce cutlet bowl, which is a marlin version of the cutlet on it. The sauce is soaked in and the rice goes on. Sometimes tuna sauce is lined up. Also, big tartar sauce with tartar sauce, salmon halami grilled with salted koji. Is it Fukui's specialty today? I also bought a croissant-filled pudding (100 yen).
Poohsukeのしっぽ on Google

普通のスーパーです。 温かい作りたて(⁉️)のカレー等をテイクアウト出来るショップが入っているようで、店内に良い香りがしていました。店内に入ったら大きな舞茸のパックが入口に山積みになっており「98円」の文字が…安い‼️っと思い手に取ると別の金額が?? 良く見ると「98円」の前に小さく「g」が書いてありました?店内、意外と「g○○円」が多いような気がしました?立地が近所に生鮮食品を扱っているドラッグストアや別のスーパーもあり激戦区だと思うのですが、特に安いわけでもなさそう。何か特色があるのかなぁ。私には見つけられませんでした。
It's an ordinary supermarket. It seems that there is a shop where you can take out warm freshly made (⁉️) curry etc., and the inside of the shop had a nice scent. When you enter the store, large packs of Maitake mushrooms are piled up at the entrance, and the letters "98 yen" are ... cheap! ️ If you pick it up, another amount will be ?? If you look closely, there was a small "g" written in front of "98 yen" ? I felt that there were unexpectedly many "g ○○ yen" inside the store ? The location is a drug store that sells fresh food in the neighborhood I think it's a fierce battlefield because there are other supermarkets, but it doesn't seem to be particularly cheap. I wonder if there is something special about it. I couldn't find it.
J S on Google

Compared to other supermarkets, there are a wide variety of fish and shellfish. It hasn't been so long since it opened, so the inside of the store is beautiful and the layout is easy to see. I like the fruit sandwiches in the bread corner here. It costs about 200 yen and contains plenty of whipped cream, so it has an elegant taste!
ビビ子 on Google

通りすがりに目につき入店。外観も中も新しくて綺麗でお店の方の対応も親切で丁寧。値段はオオクワやバローよりは少し安い印象。 でも品揃えはあまり良くないのでここ1件では欲しい食材は揃わない。 スーパーにしては新鮮な色んな魚介類が売られていてお刺身や寿司も多く、次回は必ず鮮魚を買おうと思った。この店の魚が強みの印象。扱っている肉も綺麗な質のものが多かった。 惣菜はせっかく種類が多いのに全体的に味付けが濃く、特にフライ物は衣が厚くてボソボソで我慢して食べないとダメなレベル。今まで行ったスーパーの中で一番マズかった。大きめのばい貝の煮付けは身がグ二グ二と硬くて砂がさ残っていて食べにくかった。客が多いのに値引きされてもたくさん売れ残っている理由がわかる。他店は値引きが始まると飛ぶように売れている。 惣菜に関しては改善を求む。 パン屋さんのパンはすごく美味しかった。
I noticed that I was passing by and entered the store. The exterior and interior are new and beautiful, and the shop staff are kind and polite. The price is a little cheaper than Ookuwa and Barrow. However, the product lineup is not very good, so I can't find the ingredients I want in this one case. For a supermarket, various fresh fish and shellfish are sold, and there are many sashimi and sushi, so I decided to buy fresh fish next time. Impression that the fish in this shop is a strength. Most of the meat we handle was of beautiful quality. Although there are many kinds of prepared foods, the seasoning is strong as a whole, and especially the fried foods are thick and you have to put up with it and eat it. It was the worst supermarket I've ever been to. The boiled large mussels were hard and hard to eat because of the sand left behind. You can see why many customers are still unsold even if they are discounted. Other stores are selling like crazy when discounts start. We are looking for improvements in prepared foods. The bread at the bakery was very delicious.
Pちゃん on Google

税抜き580円 今は680円の海鮮チラシがお得で美味しいです。すぐに売り切れるので、厨房に頼むことがあります。快く作ってくださいます。 トロ、ホタテ、タコ、ハマチ、いくら、アマエビなどなど、お昼ご飯はこれで十分! 少し前までいらっしゃった店長さんのアナウンス力が長けていて、富山の話題を入れながらの知恵袋のような内容でした。買い物が楽しいと思えるお店。富山の食材、商品が並び、もっと県内に進出してほしいと思います。しかし、あの店長さん、今どこに行っちゃったのかなあ。顔は忘れたけれど富山のうんちくは覚えてる。今はアナウンスがなくなってしまって残念。
580 yen excluding tax Now, the seafood leaflet of 680 yen is good value and delicious. It sells out quickly, so I may ask the kitchen. Please feel free to make it. Toro, scallops, octopus, yellowtail, how much, pink shrimp, etc., this is enough for lunch! The store manager, who came a while ago, was very good at making announcements, and it was like a wisdom bag with the topic of Toyama. A shop where shopping is fun. Toyama's ingredients and products are lined up, and I would like to see more expansion into the prefecture. However, I wonder where that store manager has gone now. I forgot my face, but I remember Toyama's prank. It's a pity that the announcement is gone now.
ごとうみつる on Google

I do my best for being faithful.

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