Akemidorikai Takatori Nursery - Takaichi District

4.3/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact Akemidorikai Takatori Nursery

住所 :

1230-1 Kangakuji, Takatori, Takaichi District, Nara 635-0154, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 635-0154
Webサイト : https://takatori.akemidorikai.or.jp/

1230-1 Kangakuji, Takatori, Takaichi District, Nara 635-0154, Japan
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子ども2人の卒園校です。明日香村の明日香保育園と姉妹校です。明日香保育園の次にできました。毎年2月に桜井市民会館で生活発表会が有ります。ゼロ歳児から就学前のクラスの、子ども達が大きな舞台で発表します。小さな時から大きな舞台に立つ経験をさせて貰い、大切な経験です。また、小規模保育園の為職員の先生方全員が全園児の名前に始まり、様子を見守ってくださいます。何より、保育園卒園の時に頂いた卒園アルバムは本当に素敵です。今も子ども2人とも自分のアルバムを、大切にしています。時々アルバムを一人で眺めています。多分彼らの一生の宝物です。就学前迄の余りに幼い頃の記憶は本人に残って居ないだけにまた貴重です。親は仕事や育児に家事に目が廻る忙しさですが…。園での普段の様子、何気ない日常をスナップ写真に納め、コメントを付けて可愛らしくアルバムに納めてくださってます。保育士先生の子どもへの愛情がアルバムから溢れ出ています。だから彼らは何時も自分の手の届く所にこのアルバムを置くのでしょう?楽しかった保育園生活がその中に…。懐かしい思い出としてあるのです。立地的に決して便利な所では有りませんが橿原市からも調べてこの園を、選んで我が子を預ける保護者も多いです。百聞は一見にしかずと申します。一度園見学か生活発表会を園にお問い合せ後見学されると良いと思います。 因みに、私は母親として子ども2人にあいうえお、もABCも足し算引き算も…。全く教えていません。全て保育園です。幼児教育にも大変熱心な保育園です。因みに中々の高学歴な保育園児も多いです。それは教育熱心な保護者がこの園を選ぶのか、卒園児が園で学んだからなのか…。それは分かりません。私自身は仕事を続ける為に自宅に近いこの園にたまたまお世話になっただけでしたが…。今では本当に感謝しています。上の子は今年20歳成人を迎えました。今は県外の大学で寮生活で勉学に励んでいます。国公立大学への進学率はママ友の話に依ると非常に高いと思います? 就学前迄にどんな環境でどんな生活を送るかは一生の生活リズムを確立する上で非常に大切だったのだあ〜と今、 実感します。特別偏った教育熱心な園でも有りません。一度子ども達の園生活を見学されると良いかと思います。働く女性・母を応援してくださる頼もしい!栄子先生のお話も素敵ですよ? 明日香・高取保育園に御感謝申し上げます?
It is a graduation school with two children. It is a sister school with Asuka Nursery School in Asuka Village. It was made next to Asuka Nursery School. Every February, there is a life presentation at the Sakurai Civic Center. Children from zero-year-old to preschool classes will make a big presentation. It's an important experience that gives me the opportunity to stand on a big stage from a young age. Also, for small-scale nursery schools, all teachers will start with the names of all children and watch over the situation. Above all, the graduation album I got when I graduated from a nursery school is really wonderful. Both children still value their albums. Sometimes I look at the album alone. Probably the treasure of their lifetime. The memories of my childhood before going to school are so valuable that I don't have any memory of myself. Parents are busy doing housework for work and childcare. She puts snapshots of everyday life in the garden, casual everyday life, adds comments and cutely puts them in the album. The nursery teacher's love for children is overflowing from the album. So they will always put this album within their reach ? A pleasant nursery life in it ... It is a nostalgic memory. Although it is not a convenient place due to its location, many parents from Kashihara City choose this garden and leave their children there. Seeing is believing. I think it would be good to visit the garden once or contact the garden for a tour to see it. By the way, as a mother, I have two children, AIUEO, ABC, and addition / subtraction ... I do not teach at all. It's all a nursery school. It is a nursery school very keen on early childhood education. By the way, there are also many kindergarten nursery school children with a high education level. Is it because the parents who are enthusiastic about education choose this garden, or because the graduates have studied there? I don't understand it. I myself just happened to take care of me in this garden near my home to continue working ... I really appreciate it now. The older child has reached the age of 20 this year. I am currently studying in a dormitory at a university outside the prefecture. I think that the rate of going to a national public university is very high according to the story of Mommy ? It was very important to establish a life rhythm by what kind of environment you would live in before you entered school. I realize it. It's not a garden with a special bias in education. I think it would be good to see the children's garden life once. It's reliable to support working women and mothers! Mr. Eiko's story is also wonderful ? We would like to thank Asuka and Takatori Nursery School ?

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