Akao Ear - Kamakura

3.9/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact Akao Ear

住所 :

5-6 Onarimachi, Kamakura, Kanagawa 248-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 248-0012
Webサイト : http://www.akaojibika.jp/

5-6 Onarimachi, Kamakura, Kanagawa 248-0012, Japan
s mt on Google

やまだまこと on Google

Hitoshi Ono on Google

神野志津子 on Google

A quiet and calm teacher. Thanks to you, my voice is cheaper. If you are older than me, going up and down the stairs will be difficult!
Yagami Syuki (瑠猩) on Google

中耳炎の症状(液だれ、熱、頭痛)があり、ここへ駆け込みました。 診断は菌の結果を待ってからになり、薬は痛み止めと炎症抑える薬と解熱剤のみ。 その日は38℃の高熱と頭痛と黄色い液だれがずっと出て起き上がることも出来ず寝込んでました。 翌日セカンドオピニオンにかかり、急性中耳炎ということで【抗生物質】が初めて出ました。 それを飲んだら、初日が嘘のように炎症があるけど少し動けました。 明らかな症状が出てるのに、抗生物質を出してくれない。セカンドオピニオンの先生も何故出さなかったのか不思議な顔してました!!
I ran into here with symptoms of otitis media (drip, fever, headache). The diagnosis is made after waiting for the results of the bacteria, and the only drugs are painkillers, inflammation suppressants and antipyretics. On that day, I had a high fever of 38 ° C, a headache, and a yellow dripping. I couldn't get up and fell asleep. The next day, I had a second opinion, and for the first time I got an [antibiotic] ​​for acute otitis media. When I drank it, the first day was a bit inflamed like a lie, but I could move a little. I don't give antibiotics even though I have obvious symptoms. The second opinion teacher also had a strange face why he didn't show up! !
3451 鎌倉 (60) on Google

I went to various hospitals, but this is the first time for a teacher to be so kind and kind to the patient. I was vaccinated against influenza for the first time this time, but he gave me a kind and polite explanation, and I can hit it with confidence. I'm done, I don't want to get crowded, but nowadays I'm getting stuck with the advertisement introduction, I want a lot of people to see the doctor. By the way, I was scared and worried when I consulted with teachers at other hospitals about influenza vaccination, but the teachers at any hospital gave me a light response as I like and always gave up on influenza vaccination. I came, even if I had just a cold, I got a light fever and my cough didn't stop and I went to the point just before pneumonia, so I thought it would be difficult if I got the flu and wanted to get vaccinated every year, but I was arrogant I couldn't beat it for decades with all the teachers. It was really nice to meet Dr. Akao.
ナポリーノ on Google

良い先生だと思います。別の耳鼻科にかかっていましたが、診断内容が納得行かず、セカンドオピニオンと思い伺いました。きちんと様々な検査をして、結果別の病院での診断が誤診とわかり、良い治療をいて頂きました。 別の方のコメントで「高齢者には階段が大変」とありましたが、ここには階段はありません。何か勘違いされてるかと思います。
I think he is a good teacher. I had another otolaryngology department, but I wasn't satisfied with the diagnosis, so I thought it was a second opinion. After conducting various tests properly, I found that the diagnosis at another hospital was a misdiagnosis, and I received good treatment. Another person commented that "stairs are difficult for the elderly", but there are no stairs here. I think you have been misunderstood.

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