Akanoren - Shizuoka

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Akanoren

住所 :

赤のれん 3 Chome-19-1 Hirono, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 421-0121, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 421-0121

赤のれん 3 Chome-19-1 Hirono, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 421-0121, Japan
ロビンM on Google

It is the original Japanese ramen that is dying now. The deep soup is a delicious ramen that is kind to the body and will not get tired after 30 years.
k k (黒蜜) on Google

台湾ラーメン 美味しかったです。 ただ私以外客がいなかったのもあって 作り終わったら客前でタバコ吸ったりテレビじっと見てるのは 驚きました... 昔ながらのラーメン屋ならではなのでそういうのが好きな人もいるのかな?
Taiwan Ramen It was delicious. Also there is just me other than the customers were not The staring or smoked cigarettes in the previous customer When you have finished making TV I was surprised... Since the old-fashioned noodle shop unique wonder if some people like that kind of?

And when ramen and fried rice are good!
たけひろ on Google

ラーメンチャーハンセット 昔ながらの中華そばです 値段もリーズナブルです 煙草が吸えるように灰皿が各テーブルに置いてありました。
Ramen fried rice set Traditional Chinese soba The price is also reasonable There was an ashtray on each table so that you could smoke.
Atsu Miya on Google

And I had lunch. Well it's normal. Ramen is not as tasty as a compliment. The price is cheap.
karakara niini on Google

美味しい。 安い。 昔のラーメン屋さんです。 お店自体は古そうですが、綺麗にされてるみたいです。清潔。 流行りのラーメンを食べたい人には合わないと思います。
delicious. cheap. It is an old ramen shop. The shop itself seems old, but seems to be beautiful. Clean. I think it is not suitable for those who want to eat trendy ramen.
鈴木 康之すずき やすゆき on Google

ずっと前から気になってましたシリーズ。今回は赤のれんさんです。 開店と同時にイン。店内はなんとお座敷で土足禁止。下駄箱に靴を入れカウンターへ。壁に貼ってあるメニューの中から「ラーメンチャーハンセット」を見つけご注文、900円。まずはスープ。ん?なんかすっぱい。スープなのか、醤油ダレなのか…?麺は細麺ストレートでポクポク歯ごたえあり。具はチャーシュー三枚メンマのりネギ。チャーハンは刻んだチャーシューがたくさん入ってます。この水準の半チャンラーメンセットは600円で提供する店がありますから、わざわざ足を運ぶにはもう少し頑張ってほしいなぁ。でもご馳走さまでした。
A series that I've been interested in for a long time. This time is Mr. Red Goodwill. In at the same time as the store opens. The inside of the store is a tatami room and no shoes are allowed. Put your shoes in the shoe box and go to the counter. Find and order "Ramen fried rice set" from the menu on the wall, 900 yen. First of all, soup. Hmm? Somehow sour. Is it soup or soy sauce? The noodles are thin and straight and have a chewy texture. The ingredients are three char siu pork and menma green onions. Fried rice contains a lot of chopped char siu. There is a store that offers this level of half-chan ramen set for 600 yen, so I'd like you to do your best to come all the way. But it was a treat.
Emma S-B on Google

Very good ! The ramen was cheap but delicious ! The chef was very nice :) No regrets ! A peaceful time between visits :)

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