まるこうすいさん おぺらぱ-くすみのどう

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact まるこうすいさん おぺらぱ-くすみのどう

住所 :

Akai, Daito, 〒574-0046 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87878
Webサイト : http://marukousuisan.com/
街 : Osaka

Akai, Daito, 〒574-0046 Osaka,Japan
古川昌彦 on Google

Nikoichi store in the takoyaki corner and the rotary grilling corner. There is a small eat-in space. There are many types of takoyaki and rotary grilled.
Baikuman tarutaru on Google

たこ焼きは様々な種類の味付けがあって まさに選びたい放題( *¯ ꒳¯*)✨ 面白いなぁ。 回転焼は皮がパリッとモチモチっとしてて 美味しかったです! 子供連れだろうと 仲間連れだろうと テンション上がる事間違い無し! ですねぇ‪⸜(*ˊᵕˋ*)⸝‬
Takoyaki has various kinds of seasoning Just what you want to choose (* ꒳ ꒳ ✨ *) ✨ It's interesting. The grilled meat is crisp and crispy It was delicious! With children Let's be with friends There is no doubt that the tension goes up! That's right (* ˊᴗˋ *) ⸝‬
53, on Google

ホントに美味しすぎます??◓✧* この店にいるおじちゃん感じよくてめちゃくちゃ好きです笑お腹すいた時とかほぼここしか食べてないなあ‪✌︎ ‪✌︎ おすすめのメニューは卵乗っかってるやつ! 名前がわからん笑とにかく卵乗ってるたこ焼き食べてみ〜???美味しすぎて飛ぶぞ?!
It's really too delicious ??◓✧ * The uncle in this shop feels good and I really like it lol I only eat here when I'm hungry ✌︎ ✌︎ The recommended menu is the one with eggs on it! I don't know the name lol Anyway, try eating takoyaki with eggs on it ~ ??? It's too delicious to fly? !!
hi hi on Google

たこ焼きと回転焼きか色々な味で楽しめます。 小さいですが、テーブルと椅子があるので焼き立てをその場で楽しめます。
You can enjoy various flavors such as takoyaki and rotary grilling. Although it is small, you can enjoy freshly baked food on the spot because it has a table and chairs.
水Nước on Google

Originally, it seems that Imagawayaki is the mainstream shop, but it seems that there is also a takoyaki shop. There are so many kinds of seasonings that they all look delicious. Depending on the time and circumstances, there may be a waiting time and you may get "fresh" (it was "fresh" when I went).
すぅ on Google

たこ焼きは美味しい。 回転焼きの生地に砂糖が入ってない?皮が不味い。
Takoyaki is delicious. Is there sugar in the roasted dough? The skin is bad.
kayo kayo ogi ogi on Google

たこ焼きと回転焼きが楽しめます。いろんな味がありお値段お手頃でおいしいです。店員さんも丁寧です。 手狭なスペースですが、イートインできます。女性1人でも立ち寄る人多いです。
Enjoy takoyaki and roasting. There are various tastes and the price is reasonable and delicious. The clerk is also polite. It is a small space, but you can eat in. Many women stop by even one woman.
Carey Kazumum on Google

トッピングの種類が豊富で安価。 美味しい。 テイクアウトで購入し 持ち帰りがてら買い物も済ませたが たこ焼きの保温力が抜群でした。 スタッフさんの対応も気持ちよい店舗さんでした。
A wide variety of toppings are available at low cost. delicious. Purchased at takeout I finished shopping when I took it home The heat retention of takoyaki was outstanding. The staff was very comfortable with the store.

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