Akagi Onsen Yunosawa Inn - Maebashi

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Akagi Onsen Yunosawa Inn

住所 :

2027 Naegashimamachi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0241, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 371-0241
Webサイト : http://yunosawakan.com/
Description : Unpretentious rooms in a rural hot spring hotel offering open-air pools & free in-room breakfast.

2027 Naegashimamachi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0241, Japan
order order on Google

日帰り温泉で利用しました。 山道のくねくねした感じが運転不慣れ者にはきつかったですが、行く価値のある温泉かと思います。 露天風呂の眺めがよく目下の軽い滝もいい味出しています。 あいにく雨の日でしたが屋根(?)から垂れる雫も風情があっていいです。 また紅葉の季節などに来てみたいです。
I used it at a day trip hot spring. The winding feeling of the mountain road was hard for those who are not accustomed to driving, but I think it is a hot spring worth visiting. The view of the open-air bath is good, and the light waterfall at the moment has a good taste. Unfortunately it was a rainy day, but the drops dripping from the roof (?) Are also nice. I would like to come again during the autumn leaves season.
go da on Google

It was a nice hot spring. The landlady is also nice
i on Google

R1.6月に日帰り利用。 日帰り入浴11〜16時 大人600円 利用1時間 日帰りの場合は女性は内湯のみ。泊まりの場合は、夜が混浴になるとのこと。 石鹸類、ドライヤーあり。 お湯は熱めのいい温泉でした。熱すぎたら水を入れて簡単に湯温調整もできます。 茶色い湯花が浮いた濁り湯であたたまります。匂いはさほどありません。 日帰り入浴で女性が露天に入りたいなら、すぐ隣の総本家旅館で、混浴ですが露天入浴できます(ただし湯之沢館の露天と違ってこちらは川や滝は見えません。こちらも金額は600円)。
R1 Use for a day trip in June. One-day bathing from 11:00 to 16:00 Adults 600 yen 1 hour use For day trips, women only have an indoor bath. In the case of staying, it is said that the night will be mixed bathing. There are soaps and hair dryers. The hot spring was a hot spring. If it is too hot, you can easily adjust the temperature by adding water. It warms up in the muddy water with brown yunohana floating. It doesn't smell so much. If a woman wants to take a day trip to the open-air bath, she can take a mixed bath at the Sohonke Ryokan next door (however, unlike the open-air bath at Yunosawakan, you can't see the river or waterfall. Is 600 yen).
psylent babie on Google

I used it on a daily basis. Although it was a corona disaster, we were able to rent out the open-air bath with a spectacular view facing the mountain stream all day because we were the only ones to stay! Tears ... It seems that the source is heated at a little over 43 degrees Celsius ... However, there is something called lukewarm that uses this warm source, and this is irresistible! It's a paradise with lukewarm water and normal hot water, and I'll never be able to get out again. The spring quality is also the best, brown and high in iron. Not only that, the food at this inn was delicious and fulfilling, and I couldn't really eat it, such as edible wild plants tempura and grilled char. Thank you for the coffee service on your way home. About 3 minutes from the parking lot, the dryer is equipped with a nice Panasonic one that dries quickly. Shampoo also has Pantene! !! !! Wi-Fi is also fast and I enjoyed bringing in the Amazon FireStick TV. This is a recommended inn.
Rouge on Google

土日で宿泊しました。 1日5組の受け入れで満室でした。 食事をする部屋は別に個室が用意されてましたが、部屋も暖められていて料理も美味しかったです。 お風呂は、内風呂と露天が一つずつですが、24時間入れます。 但し、20時半から22時半までは貸切ok(無料)で22時半から翌朝6時半までは混浴になります。 スタッフの方々も親切でとてもいい宿でした。 駐車場から宿までと、宿の中も上がって下がってと階段が多いのに、足腰の弱い方にはちょっとしんどいかもです。
We stayed on Saturdays and Sundays. It was full with 5 groups accepted a day. There was a separate private room for eating, but the room was warm and the food was delicious. There is one indoor bath and one open-air bath, but you can take it for 24 hours. However, from 20:30 to 22:30, it is ok to charter (free of charge), and from 22:30 to 6:30 the next morning, it will be a mixed bath. The staff were kind and very nice. From the parking lot to the inn, there are many stairs going up and down in the inn, but it may be a little difficult for people with weak legs.
いかひこ on Google

Googleや楽天トラベルの口コミを読み込んだうえで訪問。 料理は美味しく、そして本当に多かった。。自分の分は食べ切れました(当方37歳男性、特別大食いではないがそこそこ食べる方)が、子ども達のは手付かずで残してしまった料理も… 大人と子どもで宿泊料金が違うので、子どもの料理は当然少ないと思いきや、ほぼ大人と同じ量&品数で出てきます。非常に贅沢。 熱燗美味しいですよ。「桂川」という地元のお酒とのこと。 お風呂は露天風呂のみ行きました。熱湯?とぬる湯の2つ。内湯にも入った嫁さん曰く、熱湯でも内湯ほどは熱くなかったそうです。 ぬる湯、いいですね。入った瞬間は寒いと感じるほどですが、徐々に馴染んで、最終的にはいつまでも入っていたくなります。 崖に立地していますので階段が多く、廊下も角が多いのですが、そこは割り切って楽しんでください。親切で愛らしい女将さんにも必ず癒やされるはずです。
Visit after reading reviews from Google and Rakuten Travel. The food was delicious and really good. .. I ate up my portion (my 37-year-old man, who is not a special eater but eats moderately), but there are also dishes left untouched by children ... Adults and children have different room rates, so children Of course, I think that the number of dishes is small, but they come out in almost the same amount and number as adults. Very luxurious. It's hot and delicious. It is a local sake called "Katsura River". I went to the open-air bath only. Hot water? Two of hot water and lukewarm water. According to the wife who also entered the indoor bath, the hot water was not as hot as the indoor bath. The lukewarm water is nice. The moment you enter, it feels cold, but gradually you get used to it, and eventually you will want to enter forever. Since it is located on a cliff, there are many stairs and many corners in the corridor, but please enjoy it. The kind and adorable landlady will surely heal you.
だびっどLS on Google

2022年2月8日に宿泊。 当日はわたしだけの宿泊になりました。 カルシウム、マグネシウム、ナトリウム、炭酸水素塩泉の温泉であり、赤茶色になります。 効能は写真の通りになり、1時間ほど入れば芯から暖まります。 冬場は結構寒いため、すぐに冷えます。 16時までは男性露天と女性内風呂と分かれてますが、それ以降は混浴となります。 料理は地元のものを使っており、量も多く美味しく頂けました。 ご夫婦で経営されており、また行きたいと感じる老舗宿でした。
Stayed on February 8, 2022. It was my only stay on the day. It is a hot spring of calcium, magnesium, sodium and hydrogen carbonate spring, and it turns reddish brown. The effect is as shown in the picture, and it will warm up from the core after about 1 hour. It's quite cold in winter, so it gets cold quickly. Until 16:00, the men's open-air bath and the women's indoor bath are separated, but after that, it is a mixed bath. The food is local, and the amount was large and delicious. It was a long-established inn run by a married couple and I wanted to go there again.
Kenny Huang on Google

Friendly Owners, Relaxing Hot Spring, Beautiful Forest Mountain View, Tons of tasty foods for Dinner and Breakfast, Spacious Room.

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