アイデアル 赤羽西口店

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アイデアル 赤羽西口店

住所 :

Akabanenishi, Kita City, 〒115-0055 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89899
Webサイト : https://www.ideal-gr.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Akabanenishi, Kita City, 〒115-0055 Tokyo,Japan
白石禎晶 on Google

It was my first time to use a real estate agent, but I was able to move with peace of mind because Mr. Tsuchiya, who was in charge of it, gave me a kind and polite response.
みみみ on Google

I was worried when I moved for the first time, but I was able to leave it to Mr. Tsuchiya with confidence! !! !!
ほんだねぎ on Google

担当してくださった方が地域に詳しくおすすめのスーパーなども把握していらっしゃったので安心して物件を決められました。 対応も素早く丁寧で、わからないことをすぐに聞けて返答してくれるので心強かったです。
The person in charge knew the recommended supermarkets in detail in the area, so I was able to decide on the property with confidence. The response was quick and polite, and it was encouraging to hear what I didn't understand and respond immediately.
フルジョイ on Google

初めての一人暮らしで分からないことがたくさんあったのですが、土屋さんが親切に教えて下さったのですごく助かりました! おかげでいいお部屋を選ぶことが出来ました!
There were many things I didn't understand when I was living alone for the first time, but Mr. Tsuchiya kindly taught me, which was a great help! Thanks to you, I was able to choose a good room!
木下和泉 on Google

初めて一人暮らしをする為 物件探しの相談をしに店舗にお伺いしました。 私は諸事情があり、なかなか賃貸契約が 決まらなかったのですが、 親身になって話を聞き、対応して頂けました。 また引越しをする際は物件探しの相談を お願いしようと思います。 とても良い不動産屋です。
To live alone for the first time I visited the store to discuss the property search. I have various circumstances, and it is quite difficult to make a rental contract I couldn't decide, I was kind enough to listen to them and respond to them. Also, when you move, consult with us about finding a property. I would like to ask. A very good real estate agent.
kota moro on Google

担当土屋様。 急な飛び込みでしたのに非常に丁寧な対応をして頂き、良い物件も見つける事が出来て感謝しております。 引っ越し業者も紹介して頂き、非常助かりました。
Mr. Tsuchiya in charge. Although it was a sudden dive, I am grateful that I was able to find a good property by responding very politely. It was very helpful to introduce the moving company.
I K on Google

担当→土屋さん 初めての一人暮らしの物件探しでお世話になりました。 建物の2階にある店舗のため中を伺う事が出来ず、緊張しながら入りましたが、土屋さん、その他従業員の方々の明るい接客でまず安心しました。 物件選びで迷っていると色々と案を出していただき、特に迷う事なく決める事が出来ました。 案内中の車中での会話も年が近いという事もあり楽しく過ごせました。アイデアルさんにお願いして良かったです。
Person in charge → Mr. Tsuchiya Thank you for your help in finding a property for living alone for the first time. I was nervous because I couldn't visit the store because it was on the 2nd floor of the building, but I was relieved by the cheerful customer service of Mr. Tsuchiya and other employees. When I was at a loss when choosing a property, I was asked to come up with various ideas, and I was able to decide without any hesitation. I enjoyed the conversation in the car during the guide because it was almost a year old. I'm glad I asked Mr. Ideal.
kazuriruかずりる on Google

There was a time when I was indecisive, and I couldn't determine the conditions clearly (I had a lot of trouble with this in other real estate), but I am satisfied with the patient suggestions. I was able to find. The power of the person in charge is great. Thank you, Mr. Yoshino.

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