Aizushingū Castle Ruins - Kitakata

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aizushingū Castle Ruins

住所 :

Keitokumachi Shingu, Kitakata, Fukushima 966-0923, Japan

Postal code : 966-0923
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

Keitokumachi Shingu, Kitakata, Fukushima 966-0923, Japan
A N on Google

There is a parking lot at a national historic site, but ...
澤柳秀利 on Google

The trace of the moat, which goes around almost once, is wonderful. It is designated as a historic site.
はるのゆいたろう on Google

県道沿いにいきなり現れる新宮城跡ですが、基本的には畑が広がっているだけで、パッと見は城跡とは分かりません。 碑と案内板により、ココが城郭であった事が伝えられていますが、言われて見ると畑の脇には「堀割」が残っています。 室町初期に新宮氏と呼ばれる豪族の城だったようです。近くにある長床で有名な熊野神社に関係のある豪族だったようですが、戦国大名となった会津の葦名氏に滅ぼされてしまったようです。 とは言え城跡の大部分は私有地と言う事で詳細は外から眺めるしか出来ない状態です。
The ruins of Shingu Castle suddenly appear along the prefectural road, but basically the fields are just expanding, and at first glance you can't tell that it is a castle ruin. The monument and information board tell us that Coco was a castle, but when you look at it, there is a "Horiwari" on the side of the field. It seems that it was a castle of a powerful family called Mr. Shingu in the early Muromachi period. It seems that it was a powerful family related to the Kumano Shrine, which is famous for its long floor nearby, but it seems that it was destroyed by Mr. Ashina of Aizu, who became a warring lord. However, most of the ruins of the castle are privately owned, so the details can only be seen from the outside.
Masayoshi Shibata on Google

国指定史跡会津新宮城跡 新宮城は方形の主郭を中心にこれを囲む外郭で構成された二重の堀と土塁で区画された複郭式の城館です。 主郭は内堀と土塁(幅15~20m)で囲み東西100~120m、南北120~130mの規模で、その外側を天然の谷を利用した外堀で囲む外郭からなり、城跡全体では東西約480m、南北約440mの規模となる。 戦国時代以前の平地方形館跡としては東北地方でも有数の規模を誇り、文献史料と発掘調査の結果が一致するなど貴重な遺跡であるため、平成21年に国指定史跡に指定されました。 城跡は田畑になっていますが、遺構の保存状態は良好です。 【アクセス】 城跡すぐ南側に駐車場があります。 #お城 #城 #城跡 #福島県 #喜多方市 #会津新宮城 #国指定史跡
Nationally designated historic site Aizu Shingu Castle Ruins Shingu Castle is a double-walled castle that is divided by a double moat and earthworks, which consists of a square main wall and an outer wall that surrounds it. The main enclosure is surrounded by an inner moat and earthworks (width 15 to 20 m) and is 100 to 120 m east to west and 120 to 130 m north to south. , The scale is about 440m north and south. It is one of the largest archaeological sites in the Tohoku region before the Warring States period, and it was designated as a nationally designated historic site in 2009 because it is a valuable archaeological site with the results of excavation and archaeological sites matching. The ruins of the castle are fields, but the remains are well preserved. 【access】 There is a parking lot just south of the castle ruins. #Castle #Castle #Castle Ruins #Fukushima Prefecture #Kitakata City #Aizu Shingu Castle #National Historic Site
Toshihiko Yano on Google

National designated historic site. However, except for the information board, it is just grass. The site of the historic site is privately owned and can only be seen from the outside.
Goo Latte on Google

長床で有名な大銀杏の見頃の季節に駐車場として活躍します ちょっと歩くけど観光した気分にもなり 多くの車を止められるので助かります 駐車場は無料です 何気に史跡だったのですね この場所にお城が建っていたのだと思うとロマンがあります
It works as a parking lot during the best season of the big ginkgo tree, which is famous for its long floor. I walk a little but it makes me feel like sightseeing It helps because I can stop many cars Parking is free What a historic site, wasn't it? There is a romance when I think that a castle was built in this place
Image Creation Studio on Google

田んぼや畑の中を走っていくと、駐車場が未舗装だが20台くらい停められそうな広さ。管理されている様子はなく無料。駐車場の中に再現土塁があります。思っているものより随分低いな。 駐車場のフェンスにお城の説明板があります。説明板によると結構広い。ただ、駐車場以外は私有地で、畑になっているので中に入ることが出来ない。駐車場の奥に堀の跡のような窪地。山の中腹とかでもなく平地になっている。争いが少ない時代で屋敷跡だったのかなあと思ったりするが随分広い。
If you drive through rice fields and fields, the parking lot is unpaved, but the size is about 20. It doesn't seem to be managed and is free. There is a reproduction earthwork in the parking lot. It's much lower than you think. There is a castle explanation board on the parking fence. According to the explanation board, it is quite wide. However, except the parking lot, it is a private land and it is a field so I can't go inside. A depression like a moat at the back of the parking lot. It's a flat land, not a mountainside. I wonder if it was a mansion in an era when there were few conflicts, but it is quite wide.
山崎博 on Google

遺構としては少ないです。復元らしき土塁と館跡があります。 無料駐車場も完備されています。 資料入れにパンフレットが無かったので地元の教育委員会に電話しましたら、親切に資料を何種類も持ってきてくれました。 丁寧で親切な対応で良かったです。
There are few remains. There is a reconstructed earthen ruins and a ruins of a museum. Free parking is also available. There was no pamphlet for the materials, so when I called the local school board, I kindly brought many kinds of materials. It was good with polite and kind correspondence.

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