Aizu no Beko no Gyu - Ice cream dairy - Kawanuma District

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aizu no Beko no Gyu - Ice cream dairy

住所 :

Tatsumi-19-1 Kanagami, Aizubange, Kawanuma District, Fukushima 969-6521, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 969-6521
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–5PM
Sunday 10AM–5PM
Monday 10AM–4PM
Tuesday 10AM–4PM
Wednesday 10AM–4PM
Thursday 10AM–4PM
Friday 10AM–4PM

Tatsumi-19-1 Kanagami, Aizubange, Kawanuma District, Fukushima 969-6521, Japan
M MIYABEY on Google

平日の昼間にお邪魔しました。「会津のべこの乳 アイス牧場」という大きな看板と、大きな牛さんがお出迎えしておりますし、通りに面しておりますので、車でのアクセスはしやすいと思います。 広い駐車場がありますので、余程混まない限りは安心です。お店(直売所)に入ると、牛乳やヨーグルト等、べこの乳を代表する様々な製品が所狭しと並べられておりますので、お土産に買って買えるのもヨシ。 今回はソフトクリームを注文しました。濃厚なソフトは他でも楽しめますが、ココのは今まで食べた中で最高峰に濃厚で美味しいです。屋外にベンチやテントが設置されているのもグッド!
I visited you during the daytime on weekdays. A big sign called "Aizu no Beko no Milk Ice Farm" and a big cow are welcoming you, and it faces the street, so I think it is easy to access by car. There is a large parking lot, so you can rest assured as long as it is not too crowded. When you enter the shop (direct sales office), you can find various products such as milk and yogurt that are representative of beko milk, so you can buy them as souvenirs. This time I ordered soft serve ice cream. You can enjoy the rich softness elsewhere, but Coco's is the highest peak I've ever eaten and is delicious. It is also good that benches and tents are installed outdoors!
tosh wyvern on Google

国道49号線沿い 駐車場広いし停めやすい 店員さん親切丁寧な対応ありがとうございます。 商品も、とてもおいしかったです。 ごちそうさまでした。
Along National Highway 49 Large parking lot and easy to park Thank you for your kind and polite response. The product was also very delicious. Thank you for the meal.
Yoko on Google

今日はハズレ! いつもズッシリなのに、今日は下のアイスはスカスカ、上のソフトクリームはチョロチョロ。 味は美味しいですけどね。 520円かぁ…残念 【12月12日追記】 わざわざ返信ありがとうございます。 下のアイスを大きくしすぎてカップからはみ出したとのことですが、下のアイスは少なくスカスカでカップからはみ出していませんでした。 下のアイスも、上のソフトクリームも少なかったです。 最近は、11月19日、12月1日、12月9日と3回伺い、始めの2回は直売所に行ったことがない人を連れていき、連れも味と量とても満足していました。以前も何度も伺っていますが、ガッカリしたことは始めてです。 今回だけは1人で伺ったので、オーナーさんの「下のアイスを大きくしすぎた」の言葉で、店員さんは嘘をついていると思い、1人客をバカにして対応しているのかなと感じてしまいました。
Lost today! The ice cream on the bottom is squishy and the soft serve ice cream on the top is chorochoro today. The taste is delicious though. 520 yen ... sorry [Updated on December 12] Thank you for your reply. It is said that the lower ice cream was made too large and squeezed out of the cup, but the lower ice cream was too small to squeeze out of the cup. There were few ice creams on the bottom and soft serve ice cream on the top. Recently, I visited three times on November 19, December 1, and December 9, and the first two times I took people who had never been to the direct sales office, and they were very satisfied with the taste and quantity. I did. I've heard it many times before, but it's the first time I've been disappointed. Since I visited by myself only this time, I think that the clerk is lying with the words of the owner, "I made the ice cream underneath too big", and I wonder if I am dealing with one customer as a fool. I felt that.
マトリョシカ on Google

A soft serve ice cream with a strong aftertaste and a light aftertaste. This time I made it a normal milk flavor, but I wanted to eat other flavors as well. The yogurt you buy as a souvenir is smooth and easy to drink, so you can drink one bottle by yourself. I also bought a large pack of yogurt, which was also modestly sweet and tasty. By the way, when I showed the JAF card, the soft serve ice cream was discounted by 30 yen.
Yukio Kita on Google

2021/10/16来店 ここのソフトクリームは、さっぱりしてるのにコクがあり本当に美味しかった!甘いソフトクリームは、食べた後喉乾くけど、ここのは永遠に食べ続けたいソフトクリーム。 夏にリベンジ!!
2021/10/16 Visit The soft serve ice cream here was refreshing but rich and really delicious! Sweet soft serve ice cream makes me thirsty after eating, but this is the soft serve ice cream I want to eat forever. Revenge in the summer! !!
Metal On on Google

雨降っていたから写真取っただけだけど、 牛のベンチがカワイイ、ウチの庭に欲しい笑 ソフトクリームはスッと消えるフレッシュ感っていうよりはしっかり味。 ソフトクリームのコーヒー味もおいしかったよ!写真ないけど笑 あと、レジ脇のくるみゆべしも甘さ控えめでおいしかったです。 甘党になりつつあるなーへへへ。
I took a picture because it was raining The cow bench is cute, I want it in my yard lol Soft serve ice cream has a firm taste rather than a fresh feeling that disappears quickly. The soft serve ice cream coffee taste was also delicious! I don't have a photo but lol Also, the walnut yubeshi beside the cash register was modestly sweet and delicious. Hehe is becoming a sweet tooth.
はぎどん on Google

ベコの乳が大好き過ぎてネットで買えるのを知りヨーグルトといちご味を頼みました。届くの楽しみです。関東だと中々売ってないのでネット販売本当に嬉しいです。牛乳はサラッとした味付けですが濃い味もしっかりあり美味しいです。コーヒー牛乳も美味しいですが、牛乳ははずせないですね。紙パックは初めて飲んだ時の衝撃は半端はなく、楽しめました。お土産で持ち帰った時、皆んな大爆笑しながら飲みきりました。味付けも爽やかで飲みやすいのでオススメです。 グッズも可愛いから保冷バック買いました。可愛いです。
I found out that I love Beko's milk so much that I can buy it online, so I ordered yogurt and strawberry flavor. I'm looking forward to it. I'm really happy to sell online because I don't sell much in Kanto. Milk is lightly seasoned, but it also has a strong taste and is delicious. Coffee milk is delicious, but you can't miss it. When I drank the paper carton for the first time, the shock was not odd and I enjoyed it. When I brought it home as a souvenir, everyone burst into laughter and drank it. It is recommended because it is refreshing and easy to drink. I bought a cold storage bag because the goods are cute. Is the cute.
Yaqub Mahmoud on Google

Best softcream ever. No joke. Highly recommend.

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