Aishinkyu Acupuncture

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aishinkyu Acupuncture

住所 :

Tsuruma, Yamato, 〒242-0004 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
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街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Tsuruma, Yamato, 〒242-0004 Kanagawa,Japan
sora on Google

I had a pain in my lower back when I moved for a long time, and I went to this place where the word of mouth is high. After the first treatment, I felt that my lower body became very light and I felt refreshed. I'm glad I chose this.
田代多恵子 on Google

突然、足の痺れがありHPをみて直ぐ連絡を して当日の急遽対応もとて親切で解りやすい説明でした。施術も無理の無い範囲でして頂き、次の日には楽になりました。その日から通いだし今はだいぶ良くなりました。 有難う御座います。
Suddenly, I had numbness in my legs, so I saw the website and immediately contacted me. It was a kind and easy-to-understand explanation even in a hurry on the day. The treatment was done within a reasonable range, and the next day it became easier. I've been there since that day and now it's much better. Thank you.
M S on Google

長年の肩こりと運動不足のせいで首・肩・腕の痛みから指に痺れが出てきました。解消するために整骨院を探した末、こちらでお世話になっています。症状に対する原因をロジカルに説明してくださり、自分でも自然に意識改善ができて、今のところ順調に調子が良くなってきています。 先生たちとの会話も自然で、プレッシャーを感じることはありません。なのでとても通いやすいです。
I have had numbness in my fingers due to pain in my neck, shoulders and arms due to my stiff shoulders and lack of exercise for many years. After searching for an osteopathic clinic to solve the problem, I am indebted to you here. He explained the cause of the symptoms logically, and I was able to improve my consciousness naturally, and I am feeling better so far. The conversation with the teachers is natural and I don't feel any pressure. So it's very easy to go.
田村綾 on Google

週に一回、指圧でお世話になっています。 肩こりからくる頭痛と吐き気がひどくて、日常生活に支障を来たしていたのですが、こちらに通うようになってからは頭痛の頻度も痛みの程度も格段にダウンし、ほんとに楽になりました。同じ症状の方がいたら迷わずお勧めしたいです。 先生方も話しやすい方ばかりで、気負わず通えます。高額な治療を無理に勧められることももちろんないし、カウンセリングの上で症状に合わせた適切な治療をしてくれるので、迷ってる方は一度気軽に行ってみてはと思います。
I am taken care of by shiatsu once a week. I had a severe headache and nausea from stiff shoulders, which hindered my daily life, but since I started going to this place, the frequency and degree of pain have decreased dramatically, and it has become really easier. If you have the same symptoms, I would like to recommend it without hesitation. All the teachers are easy to talk to, so I can go without hesitation. Of course, expensive treatment is not forcibly recommended, and counseling will provide appropriate treatment according to the symptoms, so if you are in doubt, please feel free to go.
薗田海鈴 on Google

整骨院にいらっしゃる方々は、みなさん本当に優しくて親切です。施術の際も、適宜声をかけてくださって丁度良い力を探して行ってくれます。 元々あった腰の痛みや、頭痛は通っていくうちに少しずつ楽になっていると実感しています。 あい鍼灸整骨院さんの暖かい雰囲気がとても大好きです。
The people who come to the osteopathic clinic are really kind and kind. Even during the treatment, they will talk to you as appropriate and look for the right power. I feel that my original back pain and headaches are getting better and better as I go through. I love the warm atmosphere of Ai Acupuncture and Moxibustion Institute.
Y JIN on Google

あい鍼灸整骨院と出会って自分の体に対する考え方が変わった。 色々な知識を共有してもらった事も大きかったが、施術後の著しい体の変化が何よりも大きい。 全身矯正のチケットを購入し、いつもマッサージとセットで施術をしてもらっているが、施術後の肩や腕周りの楽さ、肩の開き、腰の立ち上がりなどなど毎度、驚くほど。 家に帰ると整骨院に行ったことがバレてしまうほど、姿勢が良くなるし、長年の課題だった猫背もかなり改善されている。 また愛社心を持つ、高い志と技術力を持つ社員がいる事も魅力。 会社の制度も素晴らしく、社員は、幸せだと思う。 もうそろそろチケットが無くなるので、また購入しようと思う。
When I met Ai Acupuncture and Moxibustion Institute, my way of thinking about my body changed. It was great that they shared various knowledge, but the remarkable change in the body after the treatment was the biggest. I bought a ticket for whole body correction and always have a massage and a set of treatments, but after the treatment, the comfort around the shoulders and arms, the opening of the shoulders, the rise of the waist, etc. are amazing every time. The more I go home, the more I find out that I went to the osteopathic clinic, the better my posture is, and the stoop that has been a long-standing problem has improved considerably. It is also attractive to have employees with high aspirations and technical skills who have a loyalty. The company system is also wonderful, and I think the employees are happy. I'm about to run out of tickets, so I'll buy it again.
NA O on Google

通い始めて数年たちます。 ぎっくり腰からお世話になり、めまい、耳詰まり、首のひどい寝違え、慢性的な頭痛、肩こり、肩甲骨の不快感等様々な症状でお世話になっています。 ぎっくり腰に関しては症状を見ていただいた上でハイボルテージという機械を使い治療していただきかなり回復が早まりました。 その他の慢性的な頭痛めまい等は先生に見ていただいた上で指圧、矯正、鍼治療を行い、以前よりかなり症状が減ってきています。 正直初めは半信半疑でしたが、ある日頭痛薬の使用がかなり減っていることに気がつきました。一度の治療でもスッキリはしますが、継続する事で身体が楽になっている事が体感できました。 同じような症状で悩んでいる方がいらっしゃったらおすすめしたいです。
It's been a few years since I started going. I have been taken care of from my waist, and I have been taken care of by various symptoms such as dizziness, clogged ears, severe misplacement of the neck, chronic headache, stiff shoulders, and discomfort of the scapula. As for my low back, after seeing the symptoms, I was treated with a machine called High Voltage, and my recovery was considerably accelerated. For other chronic headaches and dizziness, acupressure, correction, and acupuncture are performed after seeing the doctor, and the symptoms have decreased considerably from before. To be honest, I was skeptical at first, but one day I noticed that the use of headache medicine has decreased considerably. Even with one treatment, I feel refreshed, but I was able to feel that my body was getting better by continuing. I would like to recommend it if anyone is suffering from similar symptoms.
masanori on Google

通い始めて半年ほどたちます。 当初は頭痛とめまいが酷くてお世話になったのですが、通い始めて1ヶ月も経たないうちにどちらも全く無くなり、以後は仕事柄酷使しやすい目肩首まわりのケアをしてもらっています。 いろいろなメニューがあるので気になるところを矯正してもらえるのも助かってますが、体幹を鍛えられる楽トレのおかげで姿勢も良くなってきた気がします。 先生方はみなさん親切ですし、回数券を使えば費用も抑えられるので、本気で体の不調を治したいのならばおススメです。
It's been about half a year since I started going. At first, I was taken care of by my severe headache and dizziness, but within a month after I started going to school, both of them disappeared completely, and after that, I have been receiving care around my eyes, shoulders and neck, which is easy to overuse my work. Since there are various menus, it is helpful to have people correct their concerns, but I feel that my posture has improved thanks to the easy training that trains my core. All the teachers are kind, and if you use coupon tickets, you can save money, so if you really want to get rid of your physical condition, I recommend it.

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