Aiken Trimming School - Yokohama

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aiken Trimming School

住所 :

2 Chome-17-1 Shinyokohama, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 222-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 222-0033
Webサイト :

2 Chome-17-1 Shinyokohama, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 222-0033, Japan
佐明 on Google

雨の日でもお家でゆっくり遊べます。 今まで何回か利用しましたが、 どのワンちゃんも可愛くていい子でした。 個性的で性格も様々です。
You can play slowly at home even on rainy days. I've used it several times so far, Every dog ​​was cute and nice. It is unique and has various personalities.
大野 on Google

子供の情操教育の為、お散歩やお泊りとして何度かレンタルしています。犬自体はとっても大人しくかわいいのですが、歯石がいっぱいで歯がボロボロだったり口臭がひどく歯周病だったり、オス犬は包皮炎だったりと、トリミングの練習以外大切にされていないのがよくわかります。かわいそうです。 又、お泊りで2週間ほどレンタルした際は、返却時に毛玉があると言われ追加料金がかかりました(トイプードルです)こちらもブラッシングは毎日した旨伝えると、素人には難しいと。だったら最初から専用のブラシを貸し出すとかブラシの方法を教えるとかすればいいのに。こちらはブラシをしてくださいと言われてもいないのに善意でやって文句言われたらたまらない。 長くなりましたが、レンタルする際はお散歩の1時間がおすすめです。 追記:レンタル犬が出てくるのを待っていたら上から生徒さんたちがキャリーケースを振り回して降りてきました(中に犬が入っています)犬の待機部屋に入って出てきた後「くっせー。マジくせー」と私と子供がいるにも関わらず大声で話しててびっくりしました。見た目もアレな方々でしたが、こんなことをいう人達が将来トリマーさんになるのかぁと残念な気持ちになりました。
For the children of sentiment education, it has been several times rental as you walk or staying. The dog itself is very quiet cute But, Dattari teeth bad breath is severe periodontal disease or was battered by tartar is full, the male dog Dattari foreskin flame, to understand better not been valued other than the practice of trimming increase. Poor thing. In addition, when you rent two weeks in your stay is, (is the Toy Poodle) that we were at an additional cost is said that there is a pill at the time of return and here also brushing tell that it has every day, and difficult for an amateur. For from the beginning do I Toka teach you how Toka brush lend a dedicated brush Once was. This is unbearable Once complain doing in good faith to not even be said to please refer to the brush. Now long, but when the rental is recommended 1 hour of your walk. Postscript: rental dog students us from above If you are waiting to come out there is (have dog entered in it) has been down brandishing a carry case after came out into the waiting room of the dog "Kusse over. I was surprised I was talking out loud in spite of there are serious Kuse "and me and my children. Appearance was also array of people, but the people who say such a thing is now to regret feelings and huh become the future trimmer's.
R B on Google

The children kept inside were all tattered and sick. I don't have teeth, my body has a terrible product and smell, and I think it's really terrible as a facility for handling animals. There were many such children, not one or two.
米本真菜 on Google

わんちゃんは、とても可愛くてお利口さんなのですが口臭が気になりました。 でも、お手やおすわりが出来るわんちゃんたちなので初めての方におすすめです。 ちなみに私が借りたわんちゃんは… カカオ・メリー・グーフィー・メロン・メルです。犬種によっては、すごく毛が抜けるので気をつけて下さいね!
The doggy is very cute and clever, but I was worried about bad breath. However, it is recommended for first-time users as they are dogs who can sit and sit. By the way, the doggy I borrowed ... This is Cacao Mary Goofy Melon Mel. Depending on the breed of dog, hair will come off very much, so be careful!
rei on Google

I rented a dog for a walk once. The dog was a good boy, but he was a little thin and didn't look healthy. Well, I wouldn't rent a creature if it was taken care of. It's a good idea to use it, but ...
nana Nme on Google

ワンちゃんの健康状態がとても良くない…今日借りてたワンちゃんの後ろの歯が抜けそうで、ワンちゃんが落ち着かず痛そうに歯をギシギシしてた。 ワンちゃんを返して、健康状態を聞いてみたら、多頭飼いなので、個人みたいに一頭一頭を歯磨きしたり、病院に見てもらったりすることができないとのことでした。 できないのなら、ワンちゃんの命を大事にしていないと思い、もうレンタルしたくないと思います。このような場所を1円とでもサポートしたくありません。悲しいです。
My dog's health isn't very good ... The teeth behind the dog I borrowed today seemed to come off, and my dog ​​was restless and painfully squeezing his teeth. When I returned the dog and asked about his health condition, he said that he was a multi-headed dog, so he couldn't brush his teeth or see him at the hospital like an individual. If you can't, I don't think you care about your dog's life and you don't want to rent it anymore. I don't want to support such a place for even one yen. sad.
g- ken on Google

ペットレンタルを数回させて頂きました。 トリミング用のせいか白いプードルが多いです。 スタッフの方は説明をしっかりとしてくれますが、当方はなにぶん犬と触れ合うのになれていないせいかワンちゃんはあまりいうことを聞いてくれません。 ワンちゃんによりけりですが、散歩も立ち止まる(散歩拒否)することも多くあまりスムーズに散歩をできた記憶がありません。 ただ格安で犬と触れ合う機会を頂ける点は大変感謝しております。
I rented pets several times. There are many white poodles probably because of trimming. The staff will explain it well, but the dog doesn't listen to me much, probably because I'm not used to interacting with dogs. It depends on the dog, but I often stop walking (refuse to walk) and I don't remember being able to take a walk very smoothly. However, I am very grateful for the opportunity to interact with dogs at a low price.
Sun Moon on Google

Really great place to rent a dog for a walk or the whole weekend, staff is very kind and caring.

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