Aichi Prefectural Nisshin High School - Nisshin

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aichi Prefectural Nisshin High School

住所 :

Sagamine-4-18 Komenokicho, Nisshin, Aichi 470-0111, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 470-0111
Webサイト :

Sagamine-4-18 Komenokicho, Nisshin, Aichi 470-0111, Japan
鯖チャンネル on Google

瑞貴 on Google

n赤のシンフォニー on Google

Twenty years ago, when the rugby club was strong, the school was a little better. An era when there was one hot-blooded PE teacher.
Albert Mikey on Google

生徒が犯罪を犯す事の無いように教師が鬼の様に教育をしている甲斐あってか最近は不祥事を起こすことが少なくなっている。 かつての様な底辺校と呼ばれる学校から変わろうとしているのは見て取れる。 大学進学率や中退率は我々が変えようの無いが事だが、素行不良や問題騒動を一つでも起こす事を教師や学校自体で未然に防ごうとする意識の強さには評価を与えても良いと思う。いつか創立当時の様な輝きを取り戻す様に応援しています。 日進高校さん頑張ってください。
Teachers have educated like demons so that students do not commit crimes. We can see that it is changing from a school called the bottom school like it used to be. The university entrance rate and dropout rate are things that we can not change, but we give praise to the teachers and the school itself for their strong awareness of preventing any poor conduct or troubles from occurring. I think also good. I will support you someday to regain the radiance of its founding. Please do your best in Nisshin High School.
小松のぶ on Google

10年以上前の卒業生です。 当時の事ですが先生、生徒のモラルが低くてもし自分に高校受験前の子供がいてどんなに頭悪くてもここだけは入学させたくないです。 当時で言えばラクビー部の顧問、渡○先生、若○先生のモラハラ、暴力が横行しててこんな人間が未だにどこかで教職をしてると想像するだけで気持ち悪い。税金の無駄だと思います。 だって、元生徒の僕が彼等からプラスな物は何も教わらなかったと社会人になった今でも思います。
I am a graduate of more than 10 years ago. At that time, I don't want to enroll here, no matter how clumsy I have a child before taking the high school exam, even if my teachers and students have low morale. Speaking at that time, it was unpleasant just to imagine that such a person is still teaching somewhere because of the rampant violence of the rugby club adviser, Mr. Wataru and Mr. Waka ○. I think it's a waste of tax. After all, I still think that I, a former student, became a member of society that I didn't learn anything positive from them.
TEC OTO on Google

He yells at him in the name of rehabilitating a stupid student, and sometimes seems to be doing something like corporal punishment, and anachronisms are enormous. If you yell at me, you may misunderstand what you say and the teacher may be a tengu. Students are students, but teachers are teachers and I have to say that it is a school that cannot be saved.
on Google

入学することをおすすめしません 生徒を理不尽に怒鳴りつけ、家族や生徒本人を全否定して傷つける、事実を保護者に隠蔽、辞めろと言われる、生徒をファイルで頭を思い切り叩く 昔のような厳しい校則です。今は令和ですよ?時代遅れすぎます、まるで軍隊 ある生徒には厳しく指導、他の生徒には甘やかす 校則破ってメイク、スカートを折ってるのに、注意されない子もいれば、注意され指導になる子もいます 先生が不機嫌なときには、理不尽に怒鳴られます そういうときに気使うのがめんどくさい 闇高校です正直気持ち悪いです この高校入って後悔しかないので、違う高校をおすすめします この高校以外にも入れるところは絶対にあります 絶対に入学しない方がいいですよ
We do not recommend enrolling Unreasonably yelling at the student, denying and hurting the family and the student himself, concealing the facts from parents, being told to quit, hitting the student with a file It is a strict school rule like the old days. Is it Reiwa now? It's too old-fashioned, like an army Strict guidance for some students, spoiling for others Some children are not careful even though they break the school rules and fold make-up and skirts, while others are careful and instructed. When the teacher is in a bad mood, he is unreasonably yelled at It's annoying to be careful in such cases It ’s a dark high school. I only regret entering this high school, so I recommend a different high school There is definitely a place to enter other than this high school You should never enroll
野田チャンネル on Google

今行こうか悩んでる中学生が居たらほんとに辞めた方がいい。後悔する。校則が厳しいとか言うレベルではなくただ怒鳴られる毎日。仮に自分が悪いことをしてないとしても生徒全員で怒鳴られる。 1年生の体育はラジオ体操と整列のみです 他の高校は楽しい文化祭や修学旅行等行事も沢山あります。もし普通の高校の選択肢がここしか無くなったら通信高校でも良いので、とにかくここ以外を選択した方がいいです。 もし入ってしまった方、直ぐに転校しましょう、辞めるのではなく通信など手続きは簡単です。先生に聞けば教えてくださります。若い人生を3年も無駄にする必要はありません。
If there is a junior high school student who is worried about going now, you should really quit. Regret. Every day I'm just yelled at, not at the level where school rules are strict. Even if I didn't do anything wrong, all the students would yell at me. First grade physical education is only radio calisthenics and alignment Other high schools also have many fun cultural festivals and school trips. If the only option for a normal high school is here, you can go to a correspondence high school, so you should choose something other than here. If you have entered, let's transfer to another school immediately, and the procedure such as communication is easy instead of quitting. Ask your teacher and he will tell you. You don't have to waste three years of your young life.

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