Agui Junior High School - Chita District

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Contact Agui Junior High School

住所 :

Handagamine-1 Usaka, Agui, Chita District, Aichi 470-2212, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 470-2212
Webサイト :

Handagamine-1 Usaka, Agui, Chita District, Aichi 470-2212, Japan
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Bicycle manners are bad.
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The door was broken
伊藤優咲 on Google

这一刻,我很清楚,我在高考。这一刻,爸妈正在麦地里挥洒着土黑的汗水拼命地收割,而不孝的儿子却在考场上无奈地发呆! 是的,这一刻,谁都应该铭记! 时光慢慢推移,命运的坎坷开始一点一点暴露,当然,我不怕。农村的孩子都这样,贫穷与闭塞已经不能将他束缚,走出去,要富裕,挣脱贫穷,挣脱知识的贫乏,挣脱所有的无知与偏见!这一刻,思想在混乱中高度清晰,这是积极健康全面奋进的一刻,要铭记! 6月5日,雨正大,我坐在长途汽车上,感觉自己像是在逆着命运奔跑,但我心里清楚,这是惟一的路,是我十几年寒窗苦读才等来的,对我来说,对我的家来说确实不易,应该铭记,应该奋进! 雨正大,路也正长! 坚强地走下去,忘记一切自怨自艾的眼泪,铭记农村,铭记贫穷才有动力,才会奋进,才会懂得珍惜奉献!谨记:路正长,仍需要努力!
At this moment, I know very well that I am in the college entrance examination. At this moment, parents are swaying the sweat of soil black in the cornfield and desperately harvesting, but the unfilial son is helplessly in a daze in the examination room! Yes, this moment should be remembered by everyone! Time goes by slowly, and the ups and downs of fate begin to be exposed little by little. Of course, I am not afraid. Children in rural areas are like this. Poverty and isolation can no longer bind them. Go out and become rich, get rid of poverty, get rid of poverty of knowledge, and get rid of all ignorance and prejudice! At this moment, the mind is highly clear in the chaos. This is a moment of positive, healthy and comprehensive progress, which must be remembered! On June 5th, it was raining heavily. I was sitting on a long-distance bus, and I felt like I was running against my fate, but I knew in my heart that this was the only way. For me, it is really not easy for my family, I should keep it in mind and work hard! The rain is heavy and the road is long! Go on strong, forget all the tears of self-pity, remember the countryside, remember that poverty is the only motivation, only then will you forge ahead, and only then will you know how to cherish dedication! Remember: the road is long and still needs to work hard!

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