Agri Naganuma - Nagano

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Agri Naganuma

住所 :

274-1 Hoyasu, Nagano, 381-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 381-0003
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM

274-1 Hoyasu, Nagano, 381-0003, Japan
鬼舞辻無惨 on Google

I think that admission restrictions are very good for infection control, but it is inevitable to get infected because there are too many lines at the cash register. It doesn't make sense ~
Lee Sunna on Google

旬で新鮮なお野菜と果物やお花がお安く購入できます。 家から少し遠いですがわざわざ買いに出掛けます。 一緒に売っているおやきやおにぎりも美味しくて、必ず買って来ます。 時間帯によってレジは混みますが、セミセルフレジとなっていて割かし早く進みます。PayPayも使えるのでとても便利です。 先日レジの方に教えていただきLINEの友達登録をしたところ幻の米のパックご飯2個をもらえました。抽選ですが必ず当たるようです。 たまにお得情報が届くようです。 長野市方面から行くと対向車が途切れないと店舗に入りにくいのが難点です。タイミングがよければ問題ありません。
You can buy seasonal fresh vegetables, fruits and flowers at a low price. It's a little far from my house, but I go out to buy it. The oyaki and rice balls that are sold together are also delicious and I will definitely buy them. The cash register is crowded depending on the time of day, but it is a semi-self-checkout and you can proceed faster. It is very convenient because you can also use PayPay. The other day, when I was told by a cashier and registered as a LINE friend, I received two phantom rice packs of rice. It's a lottery, but it seems to win. It seems that you will receive valuable information once in a while. If you go from the direction of Nagano City, it is difficult to enter the store unless the oncoming vehicle is interrupted. There is no problem if the timing is right.
未央松本 on Google

You shouldn't go in winter. Although the store is large, it is a gallan and there are not many items. I bought strawberries and apple juice for the time being.
るる on Google

久しぶりの立ち寄りです。 併設のお蕎麦は安くて美味しいとの事。 タイミングが良いと打ちたてです。目の前で打ってくれるそうです
It's been a long time since I stopped by. The soba noodles in the annex are cheap and delicious. I just hit it when the timing was good. It seems that it will hit you in front of you
田栗幸和 on Google

毎年お歳暮のりんごを送るときは便利です。ふじ祭りのテントを張る前に頼べばめちゃ混まないで済みます。 自家用も足りない時は買います。 今年は行ってみたら、夏場に信濃町産のとうもろこし売っていました。わざわざ信濃町まで買いに行かなくて済んだ。 お米が入り口に来ていました。 以前は月に一度一割引で販売していたが、今はポイント 2倍になったのかな?
This is convenient when you send apples for the year-end gift every year. If you ask before setting up the tent for the Fuji Festival, it won't get crowded. I will buy it when I don't have enough for my own use. When I went there this year, I was selling corn from Shinano-cho in the summer. I didn't have to go to Shinanomachi to buy it. Rice was coming to the entrance. I used to sell it once a month at a discount, but now I wonder if the points have doubled?
渋谷ゆいな on Google

直売所隣の十哲というお蕎麦屋さんがおすすめです。 美味しいですし、かき揚げは季節の野菜が入っています。 今回はふきのとうが入っていてました。 お店のレジのお姉さんもとても感じが良くて素敵です。
We recommend a soba restaurant called Totetsu next to the direct sales office. It's delicious and the kakiage contains seasonal vegetables. This time, butterbur sprout was included. The store's cashier's sister is also very nice and nice.
Y's Studio on Google

長野市の友達と楽しく飲んだ翌朝、産直市場を検索したらアグリながぬま。ナビを頼りに来たら、今日は水害からの復興イベントとのこと。並んでたら、先日市長になった荻野さんもお祝いに来てて、リンゴを売ってました。 産直市場は、スゴいフルーツや野菜等の数。それがまた激安! 超特大エリンギ300円、棍棒みたいに極太エノキ一株100円! あまりの安さにめまいを起こしてリンゴあいかのかおり、ラ・フランス、ムキタケ等、沢山買いました。
The next morning after having a good time drinking with a friend in Nagano City, I searched the direct market and found Agri Naganuma. If you come to rely on the navigation system, today is a recovery event from flood damage. When I lined up, Mr. Ogino, who became the mayor the other day, came to celebrate and sold apples. The direct market is the number of amazing fruits and vegetables. It's cheap again! Extra-large eringi 300 yen, extra-thick enoki mushrooms like a club 100 yen! I was dizzy because it was so cheap and I bought a lot of apples such as Aika Kaori, La France, and Mukitake.
kui douraku on Google

2019年10月12日の台風19号で千曲川が決壊し洪水の被害を受けた時は屋根しか見えない程、水没した以降、改装してから以前より利用し易い造りになった。 平日週末関わらず午前中は来客が多く季節の果物や新鮮な野菜などを市価より安く購入出来る。 また、食事処もあり地元のお母さんスタッフが作った料理も安価でとても美味しく素朴な田舎の味と思えノスタルジックさえ感じる全体的にオススメ!
When the Chikuma River broke down on October 12, 2019 and was damaged by the flood, only the roof was visible, and after it was submerged, it was refurbished and made easier to use than before. There are many visitors in the morning regardless of weekdays and weekends, and seasonal fruits and fresh vegetables can be purchased at a lower price than the market price. In addition, there is a restaurant, and the dishes prepared by the local mother staff are cheap and very delicious, and it seems to be a rustic countryside taste, and even nostalgic is recommended overall!

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