Aeon Bike Okazaki South - Okazaki

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aeon Bike Okazaki South

住所 :

2-1 Misakicho, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0853, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 444-0853

2-1 Misakicho, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0853, Japan
吉田眞紀子 on Google

I bought a bicycle the other day. I am grateful that the sales staff was polite and helpful.
yuzo yamamoto on Google

価格が安いのでここで購入した。 店員さんが少し愛想の無い様に感じた。 説明もあまり無かったので残念。 高い保険を勧めて来るのであまりお勧めしない 買うんじゃなかった。
I bought it here because the price is cheap. I felt that the clerk was a little unfriendly. I'm sorry that there wasn't much explanation. I do not recommend it because it recommends high insurance I didn't buy it.
- discavari on Google

I have no intention of selling bicycles at this store. The store manager talks on the phone in the corner of the store, talking about repairs, and even if he hears the explanation of the product, he goes somewhere briefly. The female clerk yelled "Tencho Tencho" and brought some bicycles that I thought could be repaired by ignoring the cancer even if I looked at the products inside the store. There are customers, right? If you don't want to sell your bicycle, leave only a few items and go to a repair shop. I don't want to sell it enough to block the aisle
ネモフィラ on Google

スポーツタイプ系の高校生になっても乗 れる様なのものを探して、他の大手の自転車屋さんを巡ってきた中で、気に入った物がお手頃な値段で買えました。 週末はひっきりなしでお客さんが出入りしてました。店員さんは手が空いていれば、しっかり話を聞いてくれます。気分良く買いものが出来ました。 イオンなので、クーポンとかお客様感謝デーだと5%offです。 3月から4月が入学シーズンとあって、選べるものが多い時期で5月は売れちゃって種類は少なめだそうです。 買ってはいないですがブ○ジス○ンって高級車ですね。
Ride even if you become a sports type high school student I went around other major bicycle shops looking for something that I could buy, and I was able to buy the one I liked at a reasonable price. Customers were constantly coming and going on weekends. The clerk will listen to you if you have a free hand. I was able to shop comfortably. Since it is AEON, it is 5% off on coupons and customer appreciation day. March to April is the entrance season, and there are many things to choose from, and May sells and there are few types. I haven't bought it, but it's a luxury car.
denoblue denoblue on Google

老人クラブが暇つぶしに開けているような店 ジジババ店員共は無駄話に忙しく客からアクションを起こさないと一切無視なスタンスなので単なる見学や価格・在庫チェックに行くだけなら最適 若い男性店員が黙々と自転車の出し入れをしていたが彼からすれば「暇なんだからお前ら(ジジババ店員共)接客しろよ!」と思っているに違いない イオン本体と別棟故にジジババ店員共は社員の監視が行き届かず勝手気まますぎる無法状態なので総入れ替えするほうが良い
A store that the old people's club is open to kill time Jijibaba clerk is busy with wasteful talk and ignores it unless action is taken from the customer, so it is best if you just go to a tour or price / inventory check A young male clerk was silently putting in and out of the bicycle, but he must be thinking, "Because I'm free, you (both Jijibaba clerk) should serve customers!" Because it is a separate building from the main body of Aeon, the Jijibaba clerk is in a lawless state where the employees are not monitored well and it is too selfish, so it is better to replace it completely.
ちまき on Google

朝9時半頃、駐車場に入り店頭にあった看板で10時からだったことを知ったので、イオンなら9時から開店だからイオンに少しでも自転車が売っているかを聞こうと女性店員に近づいたところ まだ開店前で対応出来ないとキツイ口調で言われた。凄い顔して。まだなんにも聞いてないのに… そんな言い方あるかと思った。 商売って人と人のやり取りが大事なのに最初っから話しにならない。 めちゃめちゃ感じ悪い、二度といくもんか。
Around 9:30 in the morning, I entered the parking lot and learned from the signboard at the store that it was from 10 o'clock, so I asked a female clerk to ask Aeon if bicycles are sold because the store opens from 9 o'clock. When I got closer, I was told in a tight tone that I couldn't handle it before the store opened. Have a great face. I haven't heard anything yet ... I wondered if there was such a way of saying it. It's important to interact with people in business, but I can't talk about it from the beginning. It feels so bad, I'll never go again.
teruhisa oae on Google

子供の自転車を見に来た 「写真撮って良いか」尋ねたら、快く了承 他の客への説明を聞いていても丁寧
I came to see my child's bicycle If you ask "Is it okay to take a picture?" Polite even if you listen to explanations to other customers
Rantei Savage (丘の中の人) on Google

The old-fashioned bicycle shop guys work with high tension, so my arms are reliable and comfortable. The goodness of after-sales service shines.

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