Adachi Kuritsu Midamae Park - Adachi City

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Adachi Kuritsu Midamae Park

住所 :

1 Chome-17-1 Yazaike, Adachi City, Tokyo 123-0863, Japan

Postal code : 123-0863

1 Chome-17-1 Yazaike, Adachi City, Tokyo 123-0863, Japan
桑原均 on Google

It was a very nice park.
Yuです on Google

Aku sangat suka taman ini pemandangannya indah apalagi saat musim semi dan musim gugur Apalagi pada saat pagi hari suasana kota yang ramai dengan udara yang sejuk sangat menenangkan hati Lain kali aku akan mengajak pacar ku dan teman-temanku ke taman ini berfoto bersama menikmati masa muda sebelum berakhir?
I really like this park, the scenery is beautiful especially during spring and autumn Especially in the morning, the atmosphere of a bustling city with cool air is very calming Next time I will take my girlfriend and my friends to this park to take pictures together to enjoy youth before it ends?
塩谷恭弘 on Google

The cherry blossoms are about to bloom.
N M on Google

There is nothing special to mention, it is a park that is not unusual, but it is a park where children are practicing soccer and leisurely rooted in the local area.
s k on Google

春は隠れた桜の名所となります。 いい公園なのですが、野良猫への餌やりが止まず臭いがあるのがとても残念です。 猫餌を求めてカラスや鳩も集まってしまっています。 猫は自宅で責任を持って飼育してほしいです。
Spring is a hidden cherry blossom viewing spot. It's a nice park, but it's a shame that the stray cats can't stop feeding and smell. Crows and pigeons have also gathered in search of cat food. I want cats to be raised responsibly at home.
長岡みのる on Google

It's a large park, but it seems that the camera has been behind the swing and slide for months. Live streamed on YouTube.
ネコフクロウ on Google

It's a large park, but there are few playsets. There are swings, slides, horizontal bars, sandboxes, and other ordinary items, so I think it's good for everyday use by children in the neighborhood.
Gisele S on Google

There are trees of sakura you can enjoy from the benches. It is a small park located between the buildings and private houses. If you like cats then this park will give you more to enjoy. Also, sometimes people play on the sand, or meet up there. It is quit and nice for small groups. You can't do any picnic there. Reading or enjoying sun-shower alone, with pets or friends and family are the main activities by local people!

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