メンズクリア 倉敷店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact メンズクリア 倉敷店

住所 :

Achi, Kurashiki, 〒710-0055 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
Webサイト : https://mensclear.com/salons/okayama-kurashiki/
街 : Okayama

Achi, Kurashiki, 〒710-0055 Okayama,Japan
akihiko sugihara on Google

本日初めて利用しました 脱毛は初めてです 少しチクチクする感じはあったけど、苦じゃないしこれなら続けて行けそうです 効果が出るまで頑張ります 写真が使用してる脱毛器です
I used it for the first time today Hair loss is the first time I felt a little tingling, but it's not a pain and I think I can continue. I will do my best until it is effective The epilator used in the photo
z k on Google

倉敷駅からすぐそばのところにあり 電車通院が気軽にできます。 通い始めてまだ浅いですが効果がでてきてると 感じます。 お店の方も誠実でお話も楽しいので とてもオススメです。
Located right next to Kurashiki Station You can easily go to the hospital by train. It's still shallow since I started going, but when the effect is coming out I feel it. The shop staff are also sincere and fun to talk to I highly recommend it.
miata _mx-5 on Google

通い始めて間もないですが、施術時の痛みもほとんどなく、思ったより短時間で終わるので通いやすいと思いました! また、脱毛するコースも自分に合った形でできたり、料金の支払い形態も自分たちが支払いやすいようになっているので、難しくなく気軽に出来て良いと思いました!
It's been a while since I started going, but I felt it was easy to go because there was almost no pain during the procedure and it ended in a shorter time than I expected! Also, the hair removal course can be done in a way that suits you, and the payment form is easy for you to pay, so I thought it would be nice to be able to do it easily without difficulty!

I used the Men's Clear Kurashiki store. It was easy to reach from Kurashiki station in about 5 minutes on foot, and the inside of the store was very clean. At first, I had the image that hair loss was painful, but hair loss with Men's Clear was less painful than I expected. Also, I thought it would be easy to make a reservation because I could check the vacant days from my smartphone.
ゆあさしょへたそ on Google

施術中も痛みもなくどんどん髭の生えてくる速度が遅くなるのも実感出来ています! スタッフさんの対応も良くわからないことは丁寧に説明してくれます! 男が脱毛って?って思ってる人、男でも脱毛しても良いと思います! 1歩踏み出して実感しにも行ってみてください!
I can also feel that the speed at which the beard grows slows down without any pain during the procedure! He will politely explain what the staff does not understand well! Is a man hair loss? I think it's okay for men and women to remove their hair! Take a step forward and try to feel it!
フリーメイソン。 on Google

まだ、日は浅いのですが説明も対応もしっかりしていてわかりやすいです。 従業員も若く話しやすいです。 施術時の痛みもほとんどなく、思ったより短時間で終わっるので通いやすいです。
It's still early days, but the explanations and correspondence are solid and easy to understand. Employees are also young and easy to talk to. There is almost no pain during the procedure, and it finishes in a shorter time than I expected, so it is easy to go.
hama on Google

脱毛初心者で昨年10月から開始しました。 髭脱毛はしたいと思っていたので、軽い気持ちで相談に行きました。 丁寧に説明して頂き、決断しました。 やってみると痛みもあまり無く、今では、生えるのが遅くなったのが実感できます。
I am a beginner in hair removal and started in October last year. I wanted to remove my beard, so I went to the consultation with a light feeling. I had you explain it carefully and decided. When I tried it, there wasn't much pain, and now I can feel that it has slowed down.
荒川侑己 on Google

店員さんがとても親切でかなりいい印象です。 痛み等は特になく不安点もないのがいいとこだと思う。
The clerk is very kind and has a pretty good impression. I think it's good that there is no particular pain and no anxiety.

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