Abiko city hall - 1858 Abiko

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Abiko city hall

住所 :

1858 Abiko, Chiba 270-1192, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 270-1192
Webサイト : http://www.city.abiko.chiba.jp/index.html

1858 Abiko, Chiba 270-1192, Japan
芝原由美 on Google

Since the building is old, it is divided into the main building, the west building, and the east building. You should check where the target section is before entering. The Citizens Division is the main building. The restroom for healthy people in the main building is half down the stairs, so if you have a bad foot, you can use the wheelchair restroom next to the front entrance.
ユウマ on Google

転入に当たって手続きしてもらいました。 受付してくれた方が皆さんとても親切で大変助かりました。 この場を借りてお礼させてください
あさりめめ on Google

I went to get my number card. The person in charge responded with a polite, kind smile. It was a very different and gentle atmosphere from the M city office next to the two where I work.
Mr.k on Google

本日所用で行きました。 建物はこぢんまりで楽。あちこちウナキチさんだらけ。 期日前投票も終えました。
I went there today. The building is small and comfortable. There are lots of Unakichi here and there. The early voting has also ended.
T T on Google

朝一で行ったのでスムーズに転入手続き印鑑登録が出来ました。 国民年金について疑問があり、窓口でお姉さんが対応してくださり色々と聞いたのですが非常に丁寧に説明してくださり助かりました。師走の、しかも月末付近で忙しかったと思いますが本当に助かりました。 仕事上、転勤が多く様々な市町村役所に手続きの関係上で訪れるのですが上記のお姉さんの対応は断トツの一番でした。 役所には色々な人が来て大変だと思いますが願わくば、あのお姉さんには長く勤めて頂きたいです。 もし我孫子市役所のここを直してほしいという所があるならトイレです。 汚いではなくて年季というか時代を感じるのでそこはよろしくお願いします。
Since I went there in the morning, I was able to smoothly register the transfer procedure seal. I had a question about the national pension, and my sister responded to me at the counter, and I heard a lot about it, but it was very helpful to explain it very carefully. I think I was busy in December, and near the end of the month, but it really helped me. Because of my work, I often transfer to various municipal offices because of the procedure, but the above-mentioned sister's response was the best. I think it will be difficult for various people to come to the government office, but hopefully that older sister will work for a long time. If there is a place where you want to fix this part of Abiko City Hall, it is a toilet. It's not dirty, but I feel the season or the times, so I'm looking forward to working with you.
Ayki suzu on Google

Poor service
Jojie Senoue on Google

Staff are really nice and willig to assist
Adine BlessedOne on Google

The service was great. They try to accommodate you even if they don't know the language. I speak English but they try their best with all languages

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