ABC-MART 群馬安中店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ABC-MART 群馬安中店

住所 :

Iwai, Annaka, 〒379-0112 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト :
街 : Gunma

Iwai, Annaka, 〒379-0112 Gunma,Japan
Wave Honda on Google

I think the clerk's response is good. However, I am worried that there are not many customers. In Annaka, shoe stores are here and in Beisia World.
nao岡本 on Google

靴の品揃えが少ない気がしました。 おトイレを借りたのですが、凄く汚くて驚きました。手を洗う所などに髪の毛が沢山固まっていて、全然掃除していない感じでした。久しぶりにお店で汚いトイレを見ました。
I felt that there was not enough assortment of shoes. I borrowed a toilet, but I was surprised that it was very dirty. There were a lot of hair in places where I washed my hands, and I felt I hadn't cleaned it at all. I saw a dirty toilet in the store after a long time.
南軽太郎 on Google

国道18号に面した店舗です。 夏のドライブ用の靴を探しに行きました。 爪先が有るサンダル3850円でした 難点は、価格が税別表記であることです。 改善を強く求めたい!
It is a store facing National Highway No. 18. I went looking for shoes for summer driving. Sandals with toes were 3850 yen The difficulty is that the prices are tax-excluded. I strongly want to improve!
くん鬼 on Google

You can choose shoes quietly (alone). The correspondence of the employees was also good.
上達部喬 on Google

いつも、店先の駐車場に車が少ないから営業しているのか心配していました! 歩きやすい紳士靴を求め入りました。 午後6時過ぎでした。お客さんはちらほら見られる程度。 在庫は一通り揃っていました。値段は手頃、普通かな。 いい靴無いかな、としばらく探していたら、店員が声をかけて来てくれて一緒に探してくれました。 おかげで、思っていた通りの靴を買えました。
I was always worried if it was open because there weren't many cars in the parking lot at the storefront! I asked for men's shoes that are easy to walk in. It was past 6 pm. Customers can be seen here and there. The stock was complete. The price is reasonable and normal. When I was looking for good shoes for a while, a clerk called out and searched for me together. Thanks to that, I was able to buy the shoes I expected.
つば九郎 on Google

お正月の初売りは安くて良さげなのが多いと思い広告を見てから伺いました。 駐車場は広く店内は綺麗で見やすいです。 最初に欲しいと思った靴のsizeが無くて断念しましたが、次に良いなと思った靴が最後の2足のうち1足が希望sizeが残っており履いて歩いてみたらフィット感が良くデザインにも引かれ即購入を決断。 ABC-MARTでの買い物は数年ぶりで会員も紙⇒アプリへと変化しており新たに入会です。 接客対応してくれた若い女性店員さんの上手な接客&若干の色落ちの指摘を的確にして頂き(色の違いは分かりましたが履くのには自分が気にしなければ許容範囲でした)初売り価格&色落ちの割引&新規入会の割引で思った以上に安く購入出来て、若い女性店員さんのおかげで新年そうそう気持ち良く満足のいく買い物が出来ました! 素晴らしい接客対応ありがとうございました!! ABC-MARTに行くなら安中店にします。
I thought that the first sale of the New Year is often cheap and good, so I asked after seeing the advertisement. The parking lot is large and the inside of the store is clean and easy to see. I gave up because I didn't have the size of the shoes I wanted at first, but the shoes I thought were the next best were the ones of the last two pairs that had the desired size. I was drawn to the design and decided to buy it immediately. Shopping at ABC-MART has changed from paper to app for the first time in several years, and I am a new member. The young female clerk who responded to the customer service was good at serving customers and pointed out some discoloration (I understand the difference in color, but it was acceptable if I didn't mind wearing it) With the initial sale price, discoloration discount, and new member discount, I was able to purchase at a lower price than I expected, and thanks to the young female clerk, I was able to make a pleasant and satisfying shopping for the New Year! Thank you for your wonderful customer service !! If you go to ABC-MART, go to Annaka store.
春日玄(Toru Kasuga) on Google

The clerk was kind and knowledgeable, recommended what was right for me, and explained exactly which store had stock. And I am glad that the discount was applied wisely. It's not very pleasant to hear the recorded voice from time to time.
ismael kikuchi paredes on Google


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