A Colle

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact A Colle

住所 :

Sekimachikita, Nerima City, 〒177-0051 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://acolle.co.jp/page/store/tokyo/nerima/musashiseki-higashi.html
街 : Tokyo

Sekimachikita, Nerima City, 〒177-0051 Tokyo,Japan
NA MI on Google

イオングループの中で、低価格に飛びつく客をターゲットにしているので 気分よく買い物ができることや 店員に挨拶やサービスを求めてはいけない。 改装費用、設備費も切り詰めているので オープン当初から床はヒビが入っているし 照明で商品の見栄えを良くするより、安くただ照らすことに徹底している。 「安くすませる」範囲が見栄えだけならいいけど 建物や防災の基準は守っているのか そこは少し不安。 町田の方のどこかの大型店のように大災害で運悪く巻き込まれたくないので行きたくない。
Since we are targeting customers who jump to low prices within the AEON Group You can shop comfortably Don't ask the clerk for greetings or services. Since renovation costs and equipment costs have also been cut down The floor has cracks since it opened Rather than making the product look good with lighting, we are committed to simply illuminating it cheaply. It would be nice if the "cheap" range is just looking good Do you follow the standards for buildings and disaster prevention? I'm a little worried there. I don't want to go because I don't want to be unluckily involved in a big disaster like a large store somewhere in Machida.
mami mami on Google

Are there many shortages and are you refraining from purchasing? There are few non-alcoholic products
こうちぇ on Google

A place where you can easily drop in on your way home from work. You can shop with confidence as you can buy fresh produce and vegetables.
あーる“あーる”・ひーこちゃん推し on Google

It's a so-called mini supermarket near the station, but there are many cheap products compared to Seiyu, so I can't underestimate it ... I'm convinced that the mother is the same as Big-A. I don't think I'll buy side dishes or fresh food.
リカ on Google

魅力は安いだけです。 店長さんは接客も優しくとても良い方ですが、店長さん以外のスタッフの態度がひどすぎます。。 特にポニーテールのおばさまスタッフには、商品を投げやりにカゴに入れられ、とても悲しかったです…
The attraction is only cheap. The store manager is a very nice person with kind customer service, but the attitude of the staff other than the store manager is too terrible. .. Especially the ponytail aunt staff was very sad to throw the product into the basket ...
dayon afi on Google

Affordable shopping
Harry Hui on Google

Easy access
Dennis Ng (DFN) on Google

They accept Suica which beats all other supermarkets since we prefer not to end up with lots of coins. Do note there's always an additional 8% for goods or sales tax. 235 for a bag of chicken nuggets. 95 for 2 litres oolong tea. 32 yen for a pack of soba. 300 for a bag of mixed shrimp, squid, scallops. 1 litre of coffee, 95 yen.

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