株式会社 カーサービスシンワ |フラット7泉佐野

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

泉佐野市で新車の購入・車修理なら | カーサービスシンワ - Cs-shinwa.com


Contact 株式会社 カーサービスシンワ |フラット7泉佐野

住所 :

Minaminakayasumatsu, Izumisano, 〒598-0033 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Webサイト : http://www.cs-shinwa.com/
街 : Osaka

Minaminakayasumatsu, Izumisano, 〒598-0033 Osaka,Japan
ぴたぱーし on Google

ボンネットのタオルの拭き傷を消していただきました。 ディーラーで33000円見積もりで、すがる思いで行かせていただきましたが、拍子抜けするくらいのお値段と、サービスと、接客の良さに本当にほくほくした気持ちで帰ることができました。 車の傷ってただでさえへこむし、修理が高額になるのも分かってるからさらにへこむのに、その気持ちに寄り添っていただけたのが何よりありがたかったです。 多少遠くてもまた行きたいと思えるとてもいいお店でした。 (ここのクチコミ欄は感謝で溢れてますね。私と同じ気持ちの方ばかりで、納得です?)
I had you erase the scratches on the towel of the bonnet. The dealer gave me an estimate of 33,000 yen, and I was able to go with a feeling of urgency, but I was able to return with a feeling of relief from the price, service, and good customer service. I knew that the car was scratched and dented, and repairs would be expensive, so I was grateful that I was able to get along with that feeling even though I was dented further. It was a very nice shop that I would like to visit again even if it is a little far away. (The word-of-mouth section here is full of gratitude. I'm convinced that all the people have the same feelings as me ?)
ゆきこ(ゆきちゃん) on Google

車の修理はこちらのお店と決めています。 値段も安く、丁寧な仕上がりにいつも満足です。 修理から戻ってくる際は、車の洗車等もしてくださり大満足です。また何かあればよろしくお願い致します。
We have decided to repair the car at this shop. The price is low and I am always satisfied with the polite finish. When I come back from the repair, I am very satisfied with the car wash. I would appreciate your favor if there is anything else.
t momo on Google

初めての事でわからない事ばかりでしたが、丁寧な対応とわかりやすい説明で安心しました。 修理もキレイにしていただき、価格もだいぶ頑張っていただいて良心的な価格にしていただきありがとうございました。 また何かあった時はお世話になりたいと思います。
It was the first time for me to understand everything, but I was relieved by the polite response and easy-to-understand explanations. Thank you for cleaning up the repairs and working hard on the price to make it a reasonable price. I would like to take care of you when something happens again.
Hiroki Morita on Google

事故後の板金で一度お世話になり、対応がとても素晴らしかったので、ラジエーターホースの修理をお願いしました。 今回も丁寧かつ、迅速な対応でとても助かりました! 金額も色んな方法を提案していただけるため、とても助かります。 また、何かあればお願いしようと思います!
I was taken care of by the sheet metal after the accident, and the response was very good, so I asked for the radiator hose to be repaired. This time too, the polite and prompt response was very helpful! It is very helpful because you can propose various methods for the amount of money. Also, I would like to ask if there is anything!
久保田豊 on Google

車の修理だけど、何社かまわってここに頼んだけど比較的安価で仕上がりも綺麗。いいんじゃないかと思う。仕事が丁寧な分預ける時間は長めかもしれない。 個人的には満足。
It's a car repair, but I asked several companies here, but it's relatively cheap and the finish is beautiful. I think it's okay. It may take a long time to deposit the work carefully. Personally satisfied.
Matsu Da on Google

LINEで見積もりして頂けるのがとても良かったです。丁寧な作業で修理して頂き大変感謝しております。安心してお任せする事ができ、代車無料、部品交換一部無料などサービスも満点でした。オイル交換もぜひ利用させて頂きます。 仕上がりを見て、感激です。大切に乗らなきゃなと思わせてくれました。
It was very nice to be able to get a quote on LINE. We are very grateful for the careful work and repair. I was able to leave it to me with confidence, and the services such as free substitute car and some parts replacement were perfect. We will also use the oil change. I am thrilled to see the finish. It made me think that I should take good care of myself.
田倉文子 on Google

昔からとてもお世話になってます。常に誠意あるご対応で親切にして頂いてます。 車て大きな買い物でライフプランにも影響してくるのでじっくり相談にのってもらってます。とは言え消耗品なので出費を最小限に抑える為に他社ともかなり比較しましたが、一番コスパも心も良かったです! シンワさんにご提案頂いたリースのフラット7のお陰で子供が増えたうちの生活も守りながら安心して車を使う事が出来るかと契約して、コロナ禍にも関わらず早い納車でした。 今のリースにしてから約1年半、税金や車検に別に資金を用意する事なく、友達や同僚にも褒められる車に乗っています。 先日、事故してしまった時は遠いにも関わらずいち早く駆けつけて下さって心強いご対応をして下さいました。とても不安だったので嬉しかったです。その後の処理についても、丁寧な修理と保険屋さんと話を進めながらも、リース料金も変わる事なく(任意保険料込み)解決出来たので、今となってはフラット7をご提案下さった事や、シンワさんの親切なお仕事ぶりに感動しています。 本当にありがとうございました!また、このリースの次も、主人の車の方も、家族の車屋さんとして、よろしくお願いします。
I have been indebted to you for a long time. We are always sincere and kind to you. A big shopping by car will affect your life plan, so I ask you to consult with me carefully. However, since it is a consumable item, I compared it with other companies in order to minimize expenses, but the cost performance and heart were the best! Thanks to Mr. Shinwa's proposal, Flat 7 of Reese, I made a contract to see if I could use the car with peace of mind while preserving my life while the number of children increased, and it was delivered early despite the corona. It's been about a year and a half since I made the current lease, and I've been riding a car that can be complimented by my friends and colleagues without having to prepare additional funds for taxes and vehicle inspections. The other day, when I had an accident, even though it was far away, he rushed to me as soon as possible and gave me a reassuring response. I was very anxious, so I was happy. Regarding the subsequent processing, we were able to solve the problem without changing the leasing fee (including voluntary insurance fee) while proceeding with careful repairs and talking with the insurance company, so now we have proposed Flat 7. I am impressed by Shinwa's kind work. I'm really thankful to you! Also, after this lease, I would like to ask the owner's car as a family car dealer.
issei y on Google

When I happened to be looking for repairs on the internet, I was caught up in the word "campaign", and Shinwa, who had just inquired about LINE, caught my eye, and I was able to feel free to consult about repairs, Mr. Ueno in charge. I received a very kind and polite answer and decided to request repairs, I was able to repair at a very low price in the campaign, the image of visiting the store was good, it was very helpful, the president's education is good, everyone smiles Welcomed me at. Thank you very much. I will take care of you at the car inspection next year.

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