7-Eleven - Mito

2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 7-Eleven

住所 :

セブンイレブン水戸西原店 3 Chome-6-32 Nishihara, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0044, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 310-0044
Webサイト : http://www.sej.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 6AM–12AM
Sunday 6AM–12AM
Monday 6AM–12AM
Tuesday 6AM–12AM
Wednesday 6AM–12AM
Thursday 6AM–12AM
Friday 6AM–12AM
Description : Convenience chain offering grab-&-go bites & beverages, plus assorted newsstand items.

セブンイレブン水戸西原店 3 Chome-6-32 Nishihara, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0044, Japan
えど on Google

トイレが汚い、猿が糞尿撒き散らしたのかってぐらい。男女兼用なのに。 場所的にも信号が複雑で入りづらい
The toilet is dirty and it seems as if a monkey was splashing manure. Even though it is unisex. It's difficult to get in at a place where the signal is complicated
963 birdog423 on Google

ここ確か昔は本部直営だった気がしますが今はどうなんでしょう? もし直営だとしたらあまりにも評判が悪すぎです。
I think it used to be directly managed by the headquarters, but what about now? If it is directly managed, it has a bad reputation.
M A on Google

ものすごく、不愉快。 若いのか若くないのかわからない女店長で 全てにおいて会話が棒読み。上からな対応。 マスクをしていてもいつも全く笑顔はなく無愛想。 お客を馬鹿にした対応で、バイトやパートへの指導もされておらず不手際が多い。 感染対策もあまりされていないので要注意。
It's terribly unpleasant. A female store manager who doesn't know if she's young or not Conversation is stick reading in all. Correspondence from above. Even if I wear a mask, I always have no smile and are unfriendly. He made a fool of the customer, and he didn't give any guidance to part-time workers or part-time workers, so there were many mistakes. Be careful as there are not many infection countermeasures.
阿久井浩 on Google

Even if there were only customers from the aunt army corps of a considerable age, there was a storm of chats, and I felt that I was hardly dealing with customers. Are you OK? I don't want to go to 7-Eleven here.
punico moci on Google

The daytime auntie clerk here chats loudly. Thank you for turning to a completely different direction while leaving the cash register before the receipt was issued. Maybe it's the first time for such a terrible convenience store. I think you should be taught how to serve customers from the beginning.
じゃみら on Google

おにぎりをレジに持っていくと期限切れだったのですが店員のおばさんから「期限切れですね 、新しいのお持ちください」と。耳を疑いましたね。まるで期限切れを持ってきたこちらがいけないみたいな言動。謝ることもせずそのままレジを続けてましたね。こんな接客もあるんだと勉強になりました。今まで行ったコンビニの中で1番接客が出来てないコンビニだと感じました。
When I brought the rice balls to the cash register, it was expired, but the aunt of the clerk said, "It's expired. Please bring a new one. " I doubted my ears. It's like saying and acting that you shouldn't bring the expired one. You continued to register without apologizing. I learned that there is such a customer service. I felt that it was the most unsuccessful convenience store I've ever been to.
Y on Google

男性の店員はいつも大きな声で喋っていて、接客も雑。箸とかスプーンとか放り投げてよこしたのにはびっくり。 追記 2021.9.21 16:30頃利用 品出しの為に通路が2箇所も塞がれていたが、店員は悪びれる様子もなく客に対しての声掛けもないし、客に通路を譲ろうともしない。その後弁当等をレジに持って行ったが、その店員は電子レンジでの温めの案内もせずに、何も言わずに弁当やその他の商品を袋に詰めました。それも小さい袋に無理やり入れて袋が破けそうだった。ちなみに「温めますか?」って言われなかったのは生まれてはじめてです。商品の値段はサービスの対価も含まれているはず。普通の接客が出来無いなら、値段を下げたらいかがですか? 追記 2021.10.21 16時過ぎに利用 杏仁豆腐を買ったらスプーンを付けてもらえなかったので、スプーンを下さいとお願いしたところ、怪訝そうな表情…。そして嫌味ったらしくドリアを食べるのに使うような大きなスプーンを付けてきました。あのおばさんいつもお箸で杏仁豆腐食べるのかな?
The male clerk always speaks loudly, and the customer service is also miscellaneous. I was surprised to throw chopsticks and spoons. postscript 2021.9.21 Use around 16:30 The aisles were blocked in two places due to the delivery of goods, but the clerk did not seem to be afraid, did not speak to the customers, and did not try to give the aisles to the customers. After that, I took the bento boxes to the cashier, but the clerk packed the bento boxes and other products in the bag without saying anything, without giving instructions for warming up in the microwave. I forced it into a small bag and the bag seemed to tear. By the way, it was the first time I was born that I wasn't asked "Do you want to warm up?" The price of the item should include the price of the service. If you can't serve customers normally, why not lower the price? postscript 2021.10.21 Used after 16:00 When I bought almond tofu, I couldn't get a spoon attached to it, so when I asked for a spoon, I looked suspicious. And I've attached a big spoon that seems to be sarcastic and is used to eat doria. Does that aunt always eat almond tofu with chopsticks?
Mikko Yamamoto on Google

吉田(よしだ)さん って言うスタンプが とっても 良い人 です〜 一種懸命やっています。 外人には言葉の使いも とっても 優しい。❤️ ただ スズキって言う スタンプが 行って 凄く言葉の使いが悪い?
Mr. Yoshida The stamp that says is a very good person ~ I'm doing a kind of hard work. The use of words is very gentle to foreigners. ❤️ However, a stamp called Suzuki went Very bad word usage ?

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