ゴールデンボディー 60min¥2980 - Nagoya

4.2/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact ゴールデンボディー 60min¥2980

住所 :

Nakata, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0074 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 464-0074
街 : Aichi

Nakata, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0074 Aichi,Japan
mazio マジョ (MAZIO) on Google

日比野哲也 on Google

ピヨピ on Google

はじめて利用しました! 外観とは違い店内の雰囲気が良く、バリ風な感じ?? 好きな方、 特に女性にはオススメかも、、、 施術も肩コリが酷くて辛かったのですが、しっかりほぐしてもらいました! また機会があれば利用したいです!!
I used it for the first time! Unlike the exterior, the atmosphere inside the store is good and it feels like Balinese? ?? If you like Especially recommended for women ... The treatment was also painful due to severe shoulder stiffness, but I had it loosened firmly! I would like to use it again if I have the opportunity! !!
水野藍 on Google

デトックスオイル80分のコースをお願いしました。どこへ行っても取れなかったコリがこちらではウソのように楽になりビックリでした! 強いチカラで流してほしいのですが、何も言わなくてもバッチリのチカラ加減でとても爽快でした。 お店も清潔で雰囲気も良かったです。
I asked for an 80-minute course of detox oil. I was surprised that the stiffness that I couldn't get anywhere I went was as easy as a lie here! I want you to let it flow with a strong power, but it was very refreshing with the perfect power without saying anything. The shop was clean and the atmosphere was good.
i on Google

I used it with my mother and I. The atmosphere was very much better than I normally used and I was able to experience the moment of healing in a calm space. The staff were also friendly and carefully massaged, and the body was refreshing and lightened by the time it was over. There is also a drink service at the end, I am very satisfied with not saying things carefully to a fine place. I also wanted to use it soon. Thank you very much (^ ^)

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