ボディーサービス スギウラ - Hekinan

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ボディーサービス スギウラ

住所 :

6 Chome, Wakamiyamachi, Hekinan, 〒447-0818 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 447-0818
Webサイト : http://www.bodyservicesugiura.com/
街 : Aichi

6 Chome, Wakamiyamachi, Hekinan, 〒447-0818 Aichi,Japan
空白 on Google

とても良い対応をして頂きました。 また、何かあった時はお世話になろうと思います
Thank you for your very good response. Also, if something happens, I will take care of you.
yama Sugi on Google

I had the dents and scratches repaired. After all, mochi is a level of repair power that impresses me as a mochi shop!
りんりん on Google

We had you repair dent and wound of body and door. Although there was rust after a long time, it was cured very beautifully, and in a short period of time the price was less than I imagined and I am very satisfied. Thank you very much.
鈴木優希 on Google

連絡もなしに急にお願いしたのですがとても丁寧な対応で良かったです。 出来上がりも驚くほど綺麗に修復されており、且つ安くすみ、とても満足です!! 傷を付けたくはないですがまた何かあったらお願いしようと思います。
We asked without any contact, but we were very grateful for a very courteous response. The result is surprisingly beautifully repaired, and it is cheap and very satisfying! ! I don't want to hurt, but I'd like to ask if there is something again.
ぷっちんpurin on Google

昔買った車の修理してた場所だと後から知った! 直接電話し、1回対応して貰い。2回目もまた凹みがあり対応して頂きました。 しっかりお客の対応をしてくれるいいお店です! 綺麗に元通りになっていたので流石職人技です。 お店の入り口が傾斜がキツいので車体の低い車は注意が必要です。ありがとうございました。
I later learned that it was the place where I used to repair the car I bought a long time ago! Call me directly and get a response once. The second time also had a dent and I had you deal with it. It's a good shop that will take care of customers! It was a sasuga craftsmanship because it was restored to its original state. The entrance of the shop has a steep slope, so be careful of cars with low bodies. Thank you very much.
伊藤(こう) on Google

I asked for sheet metal work to fill the holes in the left, right, front and rear fenders. Since this was my first time using it, I made an inquiry over the phone and requested work, but I am very satisfied with all aspects from the polite response and work to the conscientious presentation of the amount of money and the smooth work. I would like to ask you again next time. I'm really thankful to you.
磯貝貴広 on Google

車検受けたが、クーラント空、パワステオイルがダダ漏れで空、下回りがオイルまみれでした…( ̄▽ ̄;) パワステが壊れるとこだった。よく車検通ったなと不信感あり。他の整備工場で見て貰ったら『何を点検したのかな?』と言われる始末でした…。車検前日にスタッドレスタイヤに交換してたので、ハンドル切った時にガタガタ振動するのはタイヤが当たってるんじゃない?と言われましたが、他工場の整備士さん曰く普通に点検して見たらパワステオイル部のホース劣化によるオイル漏れって気付きますよとの事。車検通っても不安しかない。
I had a car inspection, but the coolant was empty, the power steering oil was leaking, and the area below was covered with oil ... ( ̄ ▽  ̄;) The power steering was broken. There is a feeling of distrust that I often passed the vehicle inspection. When I asked him to see it at another maintenance shop, he said, "What did you inspect? It was a disposition that was said ... I replaced it with a studless tire the day before the vehicle inspection, so the tires are hitting the rattling vibration when the steering wheel is turned, isn't it? However, a mechanic from another factory said that if you inspect it normally, you will notice an oil leak due to deterioration of the hose in the power steering oil section. Even if I pass the vehicle inspection, I'm only worried.
Ta yu on Google

雪のスリップにより破損した左後ろのボディー、バンパー、テールランプを修復してもらいました。 バンパー、テールは交換。ボディーはタイヤ上あたりの滑らかなR形状ですが2週間ほどで綺麗に直してもらいました。代車も貸していただき迅速で柔軟な対応ありがとうございました。
I had the body, bumper, and tail lamp on the left back damaged by the snow slip repaired. Bumper and tail are replaced. The body has a smooth R shape around the top of the tire, but I had it repaired in about two weeks. Thank you for lending us a substitute car and responding promptly and flexibly.

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