5th Avenue Gobangai - Aomori

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 5th Avenue Gobangai

住所 :

1 Chome-21-9 Higashiono, Aomori, 030-0847, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Postal code : 030-0847
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM

1 Chome-21-9 Higashiono, Aomori, 030-0847, Japan
Toko NanNa on Google

品が良くて綺麗なケーキが昔から素晴らしいです。味は甘味控えめですが美味しいです。 ケーキをお店で食べることができるのですが、カフェ席のインテリアもとても素敵です。 「薔薇のケーキ」というのがあり、繊細で美しく特に心ひかれます。 と、こんな風に夢見心地にさせてくれるケーキ屋さんなのですが、もしかすると女性の感性には響いても男性には何処が良いのかワカランってやつかも。
Good and beautiful cakes have always been wonderful. The taste is modestly sweet but delicious. You can eat the cake at the shop, but the interior of the cafe seats is also very nice. There is a "rose cake", which is delicate, beautiful and especially fascinating. It's a cake shop that makes you dreamy like this, but maybe it's a cake shop that is good for men even if it affects the sensibility of women.
A on Google

数年前に閉店間際に来店しました。ケーキをしまっている途中だったようでしたがまだ大丈夫ですよと言われたので、店員さんが持っていたトレーに入れていたケーキを買おうと思い指を差した途端、「ケーキに触らないで下さい!!」と言われ、びっくりして何も買わずに店を出ました。 あまりのショックでその時言い返すことが出来ませんでしたが、帰宅後に、怒りと、何も言えなかった自分への悔しさが込み上げてきて涙が出ました。 売り物を触るわけがないじゃないですか。 綺麗な感じの方ですが40代後半から50代の年配の店員さんでした。 昔は平和公園の前やNTTの向かいなど何店舗もあり、よく買いに行っていたケーキ屋さんでしたが、もう二度と行きませんし、お勧めもしたくありません。 きちんと店員さんの教育をして下さい。 県外に引っ越した今でもケーキ屋に行くたび思い出します。
I came to the store just before closing a few years ago. It seemed that I was in the middle of making the cake, but I was told that it was okay, so as soon as I pointed my finger at the cake that the clerk had in the tray, he said, "Don't touch the cake. I was surprised and left the store without buying anything. I was so shocked that I couldn't say it back at that time, but after I got home, I was angry and regretted that I couldn't say anything, and I cried. You can't touch the item for sale. It's a beautiful person, but he was an elderly clerk in his late 40s to 50s. In the past, there were many stores in front of Peace Park and across from NTT, and I used to go to a cake shop to buy it, but I will never go there again and I don't want to recommend it. Please educate the clerk properly. Even now, when I move out of the prefecture, I remember every time I go to a cake shop.
ひろひろと on Google

Shortcakes were very good ? for the price. It wasn't sweet, and there was depth. I will come again.
かじゅまま on Google

パワハラ、モラハラ、とても辛い思いをしました。 社員として入社しましたが、最初からおかしくて、普通は面接をして採用していただいたら、試用期間に入るはずです。 ですがこちらでは、面接→採用(数名いる模様)→その中で切られる人と残る人→最後残れた1人が試用期間に入る、という流れでした。 でもその流れも聞かされておらず、いきなり、あなたに決めました!と言われ、なんのことだかわかりませんでした。 そして私は試用期間に入りましたが、小さなミスは新人なのでありましたが、遅刻もせず特に大きなミスもしていないにもかかわらず、1ヶ月もしないうちにクビになりました。 あなたはうちの店には合いません。明日から来ても来なくてもいいですと。 私は色々なところで働いてきましたが、クビになったことなんてなかったし、こんなひどいところ初めてでした。 本当にショックでした。 いきなり明日から来ても来なくてもいいと言われ、ひとり暮らしをしていたので不安でした。 数年前の出来事ですが、 こんな人達が作ったケーキなど二度と食べたくないです。
Power harassment, mobbing, I had a very hard time. I joined the company as an employee, but it was strange from the beginning, and usually if you interview and hire me, you should enter the trial period. However, here, the flow was as follows: interview → recruitment (it seems that there are several people) → those who are cut and those who remain → the last remaining one enters the trial period. But I wasn't told about the flow, so I suddenly decided on you! I didn't know what it was. And I entered the trial period, and although the small mistake was a newcomer, I got fired in less than a month, even though I wasn't late and made no big mistakes. You don't fit our store. You don't have to come from tomorrow. I've worked in many places, but I've never been fired and it's the first time I've been in such a terrible place. I was really shocked. Suddenly I was told that I didn't have to come from tomorrow, and I was worried because I was living alone. It happened a few years ago, I don't want to eat cakes made by these people again.
k s on Google

I have loved Fifth Avenue cakes for over 20 years, and I go to Aomori City only for this cake. In the past, we used a shop near Heiwa Park and a shop near Sun Road Aomori. There is also a cafe corner and there is a parking lot that can be stopped in front of the store. The cake looks simple, but the cream is not too sweet and has a light mouthfeel, and the light texture of the sponge makes use of flavors such as banana, chestnut, pear and matcha. The cassis cake I ate for the first time today is well-balanced because it doesn't lose sweet and sour cassis to rich chocolate. I want to eat again. The price seems to be relatively low for classic products and a little higher for new products? Although it is a little far from home, I want to eat regularly.
hunm onisid on Google

初めて来店しました。 イトーヨーカドーの近くで立地は良いですが、駐車場が狭く、また特に雪山のせいで、営業しているか分かりづらいです。 外観が小洒落です。 ぱっと見美容院に見えました。
I came to the store for the first time. The location is good near Ito-Yokado, but the parking lot is small and it is difficult to tell if it is open, especially due to the snowy mountains. The appearance is stylish. At first glance it looked like a beauty salon.
モカメタル on Google

五番街と云えば『バナナパイ』 他のケーキも美味しいのだけれど、自分の中でのナンバーワンはバナナパイです。 バナナとクリームのマッチングがグッド! 人気があるのか売れ切れている時があり、そのときはかなりショックを受けます。 珈琲とバナナパイの組み合わせは最強!
Speaking of Fifth Avenue, "banana pie" Other cakes are delicious, but my number one is banana pie. Good matching of banana and cream! Sometimes it's popular or sold out, and I'm pretty shocked at that time. The combination of coffee and banana pie is the strongest!
Hoo T on Google

The sponge is delicious. The moist feeling is good. The cream is also less sweet and more refined than the old Fifth Avenue (although I also liked the old butter cream feel). It seems that you can drink tea inside.

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