国営木曽三川公園 アクアワールド水郷パークセンター - Kaizu

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 国営木曽三川公園 アクアワールド水郷パークセンター

住所 :

国営木曽三川公園 アクアワールド水郷パークセンター 566 Kaizucho Fukue, Kaizu, Gifu 503-0628, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 503-0628
Webサイト : https://www.kisosansenkoen.jp/~aqua/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–5PM
Sunday 9:30AM–5PM
Monday 9:30AM–5PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–5PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–5PM
Thursday 9:30AM–5PM
Friday 9:30AM–5PM
Description : Picturesque waterside park featuring flowers & a windmill, plus various classes & events.

国営木曽三川公園 アクアワールド水郷パークセンター 566 Kaizucho Fukue, Kaizu, Gifu 503-0628, Japan
柴田祥貴 on Google

The site is large and there are no unusual playsets, but there are windmills and European-style buildings (administrative buildings), so you will want to point your camera at them. In addition, many parking lots can be parked for free, making it an easy spot to reach by car.
andre wang on Google

公園有辦一些活動感覺還不錯,環境也很好,裡面應該還有提供住宿(有看到房子)水池與水路應該是因為季節的關係感覺微生物很多(肉眼可以看到水是綠色且有小顆粒)不過不至於到有味道反而別有一番特殊的景觀。 園區裡面不可以騎自行車(我是騎車過去的)裡面有一座風車應該是主要景點,可以拍出倒映的畫面,不過當天因為水混濁所以看不太到這樣的景色。 有停車的地方,旁邊就是海津溫泉,可以走馬看花後去洗個溫泉,四周都是田地一片綠油油的感覺不錯,就是偏僻了點。
The park has some activities and it feels good, and the environment is also very good. There should be accommodations (you can see the house). The pool and waterway should be because of the seasons. There are many microbes (the water can be seen by the naked eye as green and with small particles). ) But it doesn't make it tasteful, but it has a special landscape. Bicycles are not allowed in the park (I rode a bicycle there). There is a windmill that should be the main attraction and can be reflected in the picture. However, because of the muddy water that day, it is difficult to see such a view. There is a parking place, next to the Haijin Hot Spring, you can go to the hot spring after watching the flowers. The green fields all around feel good, but it is a bit remote.

広い敷地の公園です。 風車や池があり、散歩するには最適な公園です。 ただコロナの影響なのか、閑散としていました。 良い雰囲気の公園ですので、もっと活用性を検討して、活発化した方が良いと思いました。とても 勿体ないと思います。
It is a park on a large site. With windmills and ponds, it's the perfect park for a walk. However, it was quiet, probably because of the influence of Corona. It's a park with a nice atmosphere, so I thought it would be better to consider its usefulness and activate it. I think it's very wasteful.
つのだゆう on Google

無料で入れる公園としては良いところ。 すこしヨーロッパのどこかを意識しているような小道を歩くと、小さな花壇と水路と池と、民家が左右に並んでいる。民家の中ではそれぞれいろいろな工作体験ができるようになってて、逆に面白い。 設計思想はすごく良い気がするんだが、閑散としているし、民家が空いているっぽい。 みんなもっと行こうぜ!
A good place for a park that you can enter for free. If you walk along a path that seems to be a little conscious of somewhere in Europe, you will find small flower beds, waterways, ponds, and private houses on the left and right. It's interesting to be able to experience various crafts in each private house. I feel that the design concept is very good, but it is quiet and it seems that private houses are vacant. Let's all go more!
なおみ on Google

国営木曽三川公園のひとつです。 遠くに養老山脈を望み、水辺の風景とシンボルの大きな風車があり、のどかで気分もリフレッシュできます。 週末には、イベントや自然体験、ワークショップが開催されています。 駐車場も広く、トイレの建物も可愛いいデザインです。 遊具は、有りませんが、春の新緑、秋の紅葉と楽しめる場所です。
It is one of the national Kiso Sansen Parks. Overlooking the Yoro Mountains in the distance, there is a waterside landscape and a large windmill with a symbol, so you can feel peaceful and refreshed. Events, nature experiences and workshops are held on weekends. The parking lot is large and the toilet building is also cute. There are no playsets, but it is a place where you can enjoy the fresh green of spring and the autumn leaves.
may way on Google

初めて行きましたが、なかなかの穴場ですよ。 これといって何もないけど、ゆっくりするには良い所だと感じました。 こまめに体験施設やイベントもやってますし、ちょっと散歩するにはオススメです。 テーブルやイスもありますよ。ただ日陰が少ないので、夏場は熱中症に注意ですけどね☀️? 花も綺麗で景色も良いし清掃もされてて駐車場も広いです。 綺麗なイベントホール?みたいなのがあったのでその内、拡張してエリアを広げるのかも知れませんね(笑) 今後も楽しみです!
I went there for the first time, but it's quite a little-known spot. There is nothing to say about this, but I felt it was a good place to relax. We often hold experience facilities and events, so it is recommended to take a short walk. There are also tables and chairs. However, since there is little shade, be careful of heat stroke in the summer, though ☀️? The flowers are beautiful, the scenery is good, and the parking lot is large. A beautiful event hall? Because there was something like that, it may be expanded to expand the area (laugh) I'm looking forward to it in the future!
湊Figueiredo on Google

jodemarill villamor on Google

Best spot to relax

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