さわの眼科 - Nagoya

1.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact さわの眼科

住所 :

4-chōme−1, Yadaminami, Higashi Ward, Nagoya, 〒461-0048 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 461-0048
Webサイト : http://www.sawano-ganka.com/
街 : Aichi

4-chōme−1, Yadaminami, Higashi Ward, Nagoya, 〒461-0048 Aichi,Japan
すずきりさ on Google

先生の対応に大変感謝しています ドラッグストアで買ったら数千円する目薬を処方して頂いてます
I am very grateful for the teacher's response If you buy it at a drug store, you will be prescribed eye drops that cost thousands of yen.
なっとうまき on Google

ここの院長が冷たいあと使えない先生がいた だがとても優しい先生が1人だけいた。 だから星2つだ キクチに行って分かったのだか私の視力と眼鏡の視力があっていなかったのだがそこの先生は レンズの度数は変えなくていいからと言われていたのだけれど、キクチでは変えないといけないと言われて変えましたが、とても度数はあっています。さわの眼科の先生は間違えたのかそれとも適当にやったのかが分からない。もし適当にやっていたとしたらそれはやめた方がいい。
There was a teacher who couldn't use it after the director here was cold But there was only one very kind teacher. So it's two stars I knew when I went to Kikuchi that my eyesight and the eyesight of my glasses didn't match, but the teacher there I was told that it wasn't necessary to change the lens power, but I was told that I had to change it at Kikuchi, but I did. I don't know if the Sawano ophthalmologist made a mistake or did it properly. If you were doing it properly, you should stop doing it.
ナインねむ on Google

こちらの眼科に行く前にコンタクトレンズの試着や着脱練習について聞きたいことがありお電話させて頂きました。 電話に出ていただいたのは女性の方でした。 正直、居酒屋の電話受付以下の対応でした。居酒屋さんを比較に出すのが申し訳ないくらいです。接客初めての方でもこんな対応はないと思います。 そもそもこちらの話を聞きたくないような態度、今は空いてますけどぉー…… とゆうような語尾を伸ばし音程が下がるようなダルそうな返事。 質問に対する回答も私の聞いていることではない答えが返ってきたので、もう一度説明したら不服そうな怒ってるような返事。 とても気分が悪くなりました。 こんな電話1本きちんとした対応のできない人間が、人の健康を守る仕事をしなくてもいいのでは? 目とゆう替えのきかない大切な部位を何かしら不調があり眼科に来ている人もいるだろうによくこんな対応が出来ると思います。 イオンモールに入っている慢心からこう言った態度になるのでしょうか。大変疑問です。
Before going to this ophthalmology department, I had a question about trying on contact lenses and practicing putting on and taking off, so I called. It was a woman who answered the phone. To be honest, the following was the response from the izakaya telephone reception. I'm sorry to compare the izakaya. I don't think there is such a response even for those who are new to customer service. In the first place, I don't want to hear this story, but I'm vacant now ... A dull reply that stretches the ending and lowers the pitch. The answer to the question was not what I was hearing, so when I explained it again, it was a dissatisfied and angry answer. I feel very sick. Isn't it necessary for a person who cannot respond properly to such a phone call to do the work of protecting human health? I think that some people may come to the ophthalmology department because of something wrong with an important part that cannot be replaced with the eyes. Is it the attitude that I said from the pride of being in AEON MALL? I am very doubtful.
チダー on Google

I had a medical examination at the lower eye city to buy a contact, but the teacher was dark and silent and did not explain any symptoms. First of all, the teacher's room is dark and full of withdrawal. Also, the two aunts at the reception had a bad impression that they were hungry. An assistant who taught me how to measure frequency and how to make contacts? 3 people and the girl in the reception training were bright and had a good customer service attitude, so I put 2 stars, but I will not go to the hospital except for the purpose of buying contacts.
ひあそび on Google

眼鏡の処方箋を希望して受診しました。 しかし、院長が休みのため代診の先生しか居らず、代診の先生では処方箋が出せないとの返答でした。 院内での決まりであれば致し方ないことではありますが、事前にホームページを確認した上で何もお知らせが無かったことが残念です。予めわかっていれば受診日を変更できたのですが……。
I visited the clinic hoping for a prescription for eyeglasses. However, because the director was on holiday, there was only a substitute doctor, and the substitute doctor could not give a prescription. It is unavoidable if it is a rule in the hospital, but it is a pity that there was no notice after checking the homepage in advance. I could have changed the consultation date if I knew in advance ...
xu on Google

コンタクトを購入するために受診しました。 受付には3人いらっしゃいましたが、1名の明るい方以外は口コミ通り、人生に疲れ切っているかのような雰囲気が漂っています。 眼科検診をしてくださる3名の看護師?さんはとても親切で、丁寧に検査・コンタクトの説明をしてくださいました。 正直、コンタクトをもらうために眼科検診を受けるのは手間だと感じていたので、淡々とした先生の診察は特に気になりませんでした。 流れ作業ですので、しっかり診てもらいたい方にはお勧めできませんが、さっさとコンタクトが欲しい方にはおすすめです。 受付:1名は☆4、残りの2名は☆2 看護師(検査の人):☆5 先生:☆2
I went to see a doctor to buy contacts. There were three people at the reception, but except for one bright person, the atmosphere is as if you are exhausted from your life, as the word of mouth says. Three nurses doing eye exams? He was very kind and kindly explained the inspection and contact. To be honest, I felt that it was a hassle to have an eye examination to get contact lenses, so I wasn't particularly worried about the innocent doctor's examination. It is an assembly line, so it is not recommended for those who want a thorough examination, but it is recommended for those who want quick contact. Reception: ☆ 4 for 1 person, ☆ 2 for the remaining 2 people Nurse (inspector): ☆ 5 Teacher: ☆ 2
Kozue Yoneda on Google

事前にさわの眼科のホームページで院長がいる日を選べば問題ないです。 丁寧に話も聞いてくれます。 代理の時は地獄で人の話は聞かないは、態度は悪いは、適当なことを言われます。 二度と代理の医者の時には行かないです。
There is no problem if you select the day when the director is on the Sawa Ophthalmology website in advance. He also listens to the story politely. When I'm acting, I'm told that I don't listen to people in hell, I have a bad attitude, but I'm appropriate. I will never go when I am a substitute doctor.
オムライ鈴木 on Google

やばいのが1人います。 日によって目の見え方が変わるのが気になります。とコンタクトの処方箋の際に相談したところ、度数は問題ないと思うけどねー。のひと言で帰されました。しかも色々原因はあるしそれだけ言われても、、、笑 的な感じで言われたこともあり、全く信頼できません。 受付の方や、他の先生方はすごく親切ですが、そいつがいる以上もう行きたくありません。職場が近くて便利なだけにとても残念です。
There is one bad guy. I am worried that the appearance of my eyes will change depending on the day. When I consulted with him when prescribing contact lenses, I don't think the frequency is a problem. It was returned in one word. Moreover, there are various causes, and even if it is said that much, lol I can't trust it at all because I was told with a certain feeling. The receptionist and other teachers are very kind, but I don't want to go anymore as long as he is there. It's a shame because my workplace is close and convenient.

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