立呑み処 七津屋 大阪駅前第4ビル店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 立呑み処 七津屋 大阪駅前第4ビル店

住所 :

Umeda, Kita Ward, 〒530-0001 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : https://nanatsuya-dai4biruten.gorp.jp/
街 : Osaka

Umeda, Kita Ward, 〒530-0001 Osaka,Japan
Chateau Pontgran on Google

小一時間ほど時間があった為昼食も兼ねて地元の友人と。周囲にも同様の店はあれど繁盛しているのはこのお店。鉄板焼系は残念ながら12時00分からということで串揚げ等をつまみに黒ビール→芋の水割りと大阪に来たときは大体このコースです。 友人と丸ごとアボカドというのを頼むと写真の通りまんまアボカドが来たのですが、これがアボカド特有の青臭さも控えめで濃厚。酒が進む逸品でした。 次はもう少し遅めに行って鉄板焼も堪能したいものです。
I had about an hour, so I had lunch with a local friend. There are similar shops around, but it is this shop that is thriving. Unfortunately, the teppanyaki system starts at 12:00, so when you come to Osaka with black beer → potato mizuwari with fried skewers, it's usually this course. When I asked my friend for the whole avocado, as you can see in the picture, the avocado came to me, but the green odor peculiar to the avocado was also modest and rich. It was a gem that sake goes on. Next time, I would like to go a little later and enjoy teppanyaki.
あさいっち on Google

サラリーマンに優しい価格設定。 大きいビールやハイボールも嬉しい
Price setting that is kind to office workers. Big beer and highball are also nice
萬大樹 on Google

モルツ大瓶360円、あん肝ポン酢220円、ポテサラ160円、すべて税込み サクッと一杯にもってこいのお店。気軽に一人で入りやすいです。
Large bottle of malts 360 yen, Ankimo ponzu 220 yen, Potato salad 160 yen, all including tax A shop that is perfect for a quick drink. It is easy to enter by yourself.
中島工業 on Google

大阪で「朝から飲める立ち飲み出来る店はどこだ?」といえば、まず名前が挙がるであろう格安居酒屋「七津屋」の大阪駅前店舗。 どんなに雨が降っていようが、どんなに雪が降っていようが、どんなに寒かろうが、どんなに風が強かろうが、大阪(梅田)駅から地下を通れば、そんなもの関係なしで辿り着ける。ホワイティ梅田店に比べれば、オープンになっているので、初めての人でも気軽に入れるだろう。 串カツの種類が豊富で1本100円のやつが結構あり、綺麗な油でしっかり揚がっているので、とても美味い。それで4本食べても400円。一方で、アルコールも格安。焼酎は230円。2杯飲んでも460円。先ほどの串カツと合わせても1000円出せばお釣りがくる。 サッと立ち寄って、サッと引き上げるのにこれほど立地の良い店はない。すぐそばにはトイレがあるし、向いには丸亀製麺があるので「もっと腹を満たしたい時」にハシゴすればいい。しかし、もう少し頑張って歩けば、スナックパークがある。あそこには「カドヤ食堂」の立ち食い店舗がある。私にとっては、朝の七津屋→カドヤというのが必殺のパターン。
When you ask "Where is the restaurant where you can drink standing from the morning?" In Osaka, the first name is the cheap izakaya "Nanatsuya" in front of Osaka station. No matter how much it rains, how much it snows, how cold it is, how windy it is, if you go underground from Osaka (Umeda) station, you can reach it regardless of that. Compared to the Whity Umeda store, it's more open, so even first-timers can feel free to enter. There are many types of kushikatsu, and there are quite a few of them for 100 yen each, and they are fried in clean oil, so they are very delicious. So even if you eat 4 bottles, it's 400 yen. On the other hand, alcohol is also cheap. Shochu is 230 yen. Even if you drink two glasses, it costs 460 yen. Even if you combine it with the kushikatsu, you can get change if you pay 1000 yen. There is no store in such a good location to stop by and pull up quickly. There is a toilet right next to it, and Marugame Seimen is on the other side, so you can do it when you want to fill your stomach more. However, if you work harder, you will find a snack park. There is a standing restaurant of "Kadoya Shokudo" over there. For me, Nanatsuya in the morning → Kadoya is a deadly pattern.
ラムタル on Google

Osaka No. 4 Building is the 1st basement floor, and the 2nd basement floor is a fierce battleground for standing bars and bargain ticket stores. Choosing a good tachinomi restaurant is easy. Even if you wait for a while, you can enter a thriving store. Then you can see the goodness of the store. Standing bars rotate quickly, so you may have to wait. This store is full of lively and kind employees, including the store manager. Not only is the price cheap, but just being there makes you feel better. This store is more prosperous than other stores. Not to mention the evaluation of this store.
Yuki Tassie on Google

とにかく安くて美味い‼️ 割と店内広めだし、ギュウギュウしてないから、女性1人でも恥ずかしくない立ち飲み屋さんです。 梯子酒にはもってこい♫
Miya K on Google

When you arrive at the counter, you will be asked "What's your drink?" "Daibin!" Seems to be the default rather than "bottle of beer bottles". If possible, when you are given a large bottle, it will be smooth if you order about 2 items. We recommend early-delivered small bowls such as tuna kakuni and potato salad. Anyway, you can order what you want to eat quickly, drink it quickly, and pay for it quickly.
Koichi on Google

一杯飲んで、ちょこっと2品程つまんで800円!みたいな庶民の味方の立ち飲み屋さんで、市内に何店舗もありますが、第四ビルのここが一番活気があっていいですね。また安いだけででなく、何を食べても居酒屋レベルとしてとても美味しいんです。ちなみにビール大瓶360円!てっちゃん鉄板焼き300円ときずし300円がおススメです。 耳に入ってくる他のお客さんの会話や店長と思しきスタッフの元気の良い対応を見ているだけで、気持ちが落ち着きます。元気が欲しい時やリセットしたい時はコソッと一人でここに来ます。長い付き合いの新地のクラブのママのエールよりも絶対ココの方が癒されます。こっちです!まあどっちもいきますが。
Drink a glass and pick up 2 dishes for 800 yen! It's a standing bar on the side of the common people, and there are many stores in the city, but this one in the 4th building is the most lively. Not only is it cheap, but it's also very delicious at the izakaya level no matter what you eat. By the way, a large beer bottle is 360 yen! Techan Teppanyaki 300 yen and Tokizushi 300 yen are recommended. Just watching the conversations of other customers in your ears and the cheerful response of the staff who seems to be the store manager will calm you down. When you want to be energetic or want to reset, come here alone. Absolutely Coco is healed more than Mama's ale of a long-time relationship Shinchi club. It's here! Well both will go.

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