裁判所長野簡易裁判所 民事係

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Contact 裁判所長野簡易裁判所 民事係

住所 :

〒380-0846 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.courts.go.jp/nagano/saiban/madoguti/
街 : Nagano

〒380-0846 Nagano,Japan
山下良太 on Google

I went through the payment reminder procedure, but the examination took a long time for more than a month, and when I asked about the progress, the young man at the reception always had a big attitude from above, and there was no sense of sincerity or justice. It's a court clerk's world, so that's fine, but there's no compassion for the plaintiff.

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