32orchard 日比野店(サニーオーチャード) - Nagoya

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 32orchard 日比野店(サニーオーチャード)

住所 :

Taiho, Atsuta Ward, Nagoya, 〒456-0062 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 456-0062
Webサイト : https://www.32orchard.net/about/shop-hibino/
街 : Aichi

Taiho, Atsuta Ward, Nagoya, 〒456-0062 Aichi,Japan
まき on Google

フルーツサンドが最高に美味しかった!! クリームがたまんない!!食パンとの相性がよすぎる!!
The fruit sandwich was the best! ! The cream is irresistible! ! It goes well with bread! !
S miyachi on Google

You can drink tea while shopping.
S shi on Google

It's a local supermarket but it's a very stylish fruit parlor. Fresh juice is also delicious. Please drop in when there is a live in the Century Hall.
阪口恭子 on Google

The water here is full of citrus fruits and is very delicious and good for your health. I bought detox water with fruits at takeout. Corona measures were perfect and I was able to spend time with peace of mind.
ASAMI on Google

I brought back the fruit sand. The bread is soft and the cream is moderately sweet and delicious. The amount of cream is small and unsatisfactory, but the fruit is sweet, it is deep inside and it has a lot of volume, so I think it is affordable.
Non O on Google

サンドイッチ専門のカフェ☕️ たまに矢場町にあるレストランも利用しますが全く違ったスタイルで落ち着きます。こんかいはワッフルセットを頂きました。苺サンドがお気に入りでお土産に買いました。
Sandwich cafe ☕️ Sometimes I use a restaurant in Yabacho, but I feel calm in a completely different style. Konkai received a waffle set. I bought it as a souvenir because it was my favorite.
鉄道王 on Google

ヤマナカ日比野店の中に入っているフルーツのお店、週末の午後に利用してみました。フルーツサンドなどのテイクアウトのほか、店内にはカウンター2席とテーブル3卓程度のイートインスペースもあるのでフルーツサンドやドリンク、フルーツホットケーキやフルーツシフォン、それにランチタイムにはミートスパゲティやカルボナーラなどのパスタもあり食事利用もできます。 いただいたのは店頭に並んでいたいちごミックスサンド、イートインだと+220円円でカットフルーツとドリンクが付くセットにすることができるのでそうしてもらいました。 そのいちごミックスサンドはいちごのほかにキウイや甘夏といった旬のフルーツの入ったフルーツサンド、ほどよい甘さのクリーム、フレッシュなフルーツの酸味と甘みの調和が取れていて悪くなかったです。 機会があればパンケーキとかも試してみたいと思います、ごちそうさまでした。
I used the fruit shop in the Yamanaka Hibino store on weekend afternoons. In addition to take-out such as fruit sand, there is also an eat-in space with 2 counter seats and 3 tables in the store, so you can enjoy fruit sand and drinks, fruit hot cakes and fruit chiffons, and pasta such as meat spaghetti and carbonara at lunch time. There is also a meal available. I received the strawberry mixed sandwich that was lined up at the store, and if it was eat-in, I could make a set with cut fruits and drinks for +220 yen, so I asked them to do so. The strawberry mixed sand was not bad because it had a fruit sand containing seasonal fruits such as kiwi and sweet summer in addition to strawberries, a cream with moderate sweetness, and the acidity and sweetness of fresh fruits. I would like to try pancakes if I have a chance, thank you for the feast.
Rita Choung on Google

This is supposed to be a fruit and salad bar but everything was already made and packaged. Vegetables and fruits were very fresh though! Was satisfied with the perfect ripeness of the fruits too. The salads all had meat or seafood but the staff was kind enough to veganize their salad and sandwich for me. Limited English but friendly enough to work something out!

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