川口駅前接骨院 - Kawaguchi

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 川口駅前接骨院

住所 :

3 Chome-9-12 Sakaecho, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0017, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 332-0017
Webサイト : http://www.curacion.jp/kawaguchi/

3 Chome-9-12 Sakaecho, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0017, Japan
里見友則 on Google

腰痛のケアで通ってます 治療の必要性について分かりやすく説明してくれます
I go to care for back pain It explains the need for treatment in an easy-to-understand manner.
なはと on Google

明るく元気な先生が多く、親切丁寧な対応をして頂けるので気持ちよく通院させていただいてます。 首、肩の痛みに悩まされていましたが通っていくうちに楽になり、痛みも楽になりました。
There are many cheerful and energetic teachers, and they are kind and polite, so I feel comfortable going to the hospital. I was suffering from neck and shoulder pain, but as I went through it, it became easier and the pain became easier.
戌亥龍 on Google

明るく丁寧で通い易いのですが、上手な方と下手な方の差がある。 上手な先生だと、施術後身体が楽になりスッキリするのですが、下手な方にあたると施術後、全身痛くなり翌日まで痛みがとれない事があるので、とても残念です。
It is bright, polite and easy to go to, but there is a difference between good and bad people. A good teacher will make your body feel better and refreshed after the procedure, but if you are not good at it, your whole body will hurt after the procedure and you may not be able to get rid of the pain until the next day, which is very disappointing.
むつこうめしま on Google

I go to the hospital for massage and correction. The staff are cheerful, kind, polite and reassuring, and they listen to the condition of the day and respond accordingly.
ピスタチオベリー on Google

空いた時間にふらっと行ってみましたが、骨盤矯正ってすごい実感できるんだなと感じました。 先生方もとても親切で良かったので、通います
I took a leisurely trip in my spare time, but I felt that pelvic correction was a great experience. The teachers were also very kind and nice, so I go there
masterkissa on Google

20万以上するコースを平気で勧められました。とりあえず20万以上するコースはやめて普通に通おうかと断ると 直す気があるなら絶対20万以上するコースにした方がいいですよ?普通に通ったら損するの分かりますよね?治したくないんですか?だったら20万以上するコースにした方がいいんじゃないですか?治したいですよね?お得なんですよ?コースについて分からない事があるならもっとしっかり説明しますよ?何が不満ですか?と 帰してもらえないんじゃないかと思うくらいの雰囲気で勧められ個人的に"悪徳感、鼠講感、宗教感"を感じてしまいました。スタッフさんの"欲しいもの"が店内に顔写真と共に書かれているのも、個人的には まるで仲良くなったお客さんに買ってくれと言ってるようにしか見えませんでした。気持ち悪かったです。私は絶対に2度と行きません。スタッフさんは感じいいしカウンセリングや施術の技術も素晴らしかっただけに最後の最後に裏切られた気分で非常に残念でした。
I was willing to recommend a course of over 200,000. For the time being, if you decide to stop the course that costs more than 200,000 and refuse to go normally, you should definitely choose the course that costs more than 200,000, right? You know you'll lose if you pass normally, right? Don't you want to cure it? If so, shouldn't it be better to have a course of 200,000 or more? You want to cure it, right? Is it a good deal? If you have any questions about the course, I'll explain it more firmly, right? What are you dissatisfied with? I was encouraged by the atmosphere that I thought I wouldn't be able to return it, and I personally felt "a sense of vice, a sense of religion, and a sense of religion." The fact that the staff's "what I wanted" was written in the store along with a photo of my face seemed like asking a customer who became friends to buy it. It was unpleasant. I will never go again. The staff felt good and the counseling and treatment skills were excellent, so I was very disappointed that I felt betrayed at the very end.
k t on Google

He explained my current physical condition in an easy-to-understand manner. The atmosphere of the guide is good, and everyone is easy to talk to. After the treatment, my body was refreshed and the pain in my neck that hadn't disappeared for a long time was alleviated. The treatment time is about 30 minutes, so you can easily go there.
s e on Google

スタッフの皆さん明るく接しやすい方たちで通いやすい環境です。 施術はその日その日で状態を確認してくれてその日の辛い場所を伝えれば重点的にやってくれます。 矯正もパキパキ鳴りますが痛くなく、整っているなーと感じて終わったあとスッキリします。 営業時間も長いため比較的いつでも通えるのもいいところだと思います。 今定期で通っており、一年後どう変わるか楽しみです。
All the staff are cheerful and easy to get in touch with, and it is an environment that is easy to go to. The treatment will be focused on if you check the condition on that day and tell the painful place of the day. The correction also snaps, but it doesn't hurt, and I feel refreshed after feeling that it is in order. I think it's a good place to be able to go relatively anytime because the business hours are long. I am attending regularly now and I am looking forward to seeing how it will change in a year.

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