しえん - Sakata

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact しえん

住所 :

3 Chome-3-3 Honcho, Sakata, Yamagata 998-0043, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 998-0043
Webサイト : http://eco-green.main.jp/shien/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–10PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 5–10PM
Tuesday 5–10PM
Wednesday 5–10PM
Thursday 5–10PM
Friday 5–10PM

3 Chome-3-3 Honcho, Sakata, Yamagata 998-0043, Japan
ron roro on Google

旨い。 空きっ腹で入ったわけではないのに悉く旨い。 特に黒ラベルの生と冷奴が旨い。バイ貝旨い。岩ガキ旨い、卵焼きが旨い、スミイカの刺し身が旨い。 いい店を見つけた。 何度も来たい居酒屋になった。 埼玉からは遠いが、年に数回は通っている。
delicious. It's delicious even though I wasn't hungry. Especially the black label raw and cold tofu are delicious. Babylonia is delicious. The rock oysters are delicious, the omelet is delicious, and the sashimi of Sumiika is delicious. I found a good store. It has become an izakaya that I want to visit many times. It's far from Saitama, but I go there several times a year.
masa masa on Google

二度めの訪問。 一度めの時の料理の印象が良くて、もう一度行って料理を楽しみたいと思っていました。 まずは地ビールを注文。 お目当ての刺身の盛り合わせと、 今が旬の岩がきを注文。 コロナで家のみばかりで、久々が外食でのビール。 こじんまりした居酒屋だけど、刺身や料理は本当にお勧めです。
Second visit. The first time I had a good impression of the food, I wanted to go there again and enjoy the food. First, I ordered a local beer. Assorted sashimi you are looking for I ordered a rock shaving that is in season now. Beer for eating out after a long time, only at home in Corona. It's a small izakaya, but sashimi and cooking are really recommended.
LEO LEO on Google

There are plenty of seasonal seafood dishes, and the landlady's response is outstanding! I'm looking forward to visiting Sakata by fishing and visiting every year.
和美門田 on Google

お世話になってる方と、初訪問させて頂きました。ママお二人が丁寧な仕事をされてらして、酒の肴がおいしかったです。今度お邪魔させて頂いた際は、日本酒も頂こうと思います? ご馳走様でした?️
I visited for the first time with someone who was indebted to me. The two moms did a polite job and the side dish of sake was delicious. The next time I bother you, I'll try sake ? It was a treat ?️
やまさん on Google

地魚の刺し盛りの鮮度が良くおいしかったです。 あと、〆鯖の〆具合が丁度よかったので、 普段は食べない息子もおいしいと食べていました。 ほか、店でもおすすめの焼ビーフンや、モツ炒めも おいしかったです。 これから旬の岩ガキが始まったら、 また来たいと思います。
The freshness of the local fish sashimi was good and delicious. Also, since the condition of the mackerel was just right, My son, who usually doesn't eat it, was also delicious. In addition, we also recommend grilled rice noodles and stir-fried motsu that are recommended at the store. It was delicious. If the rock oysters of the season start from now on, I want to come again.
GO GO on Google

ドキドキしながら初めて入るお店…うまい!下戸な私は、ご飯セットで、地魚の刺身をいただきました(^^) お通しのつくねから美味しいんだもん、追加でギンダラや焼きつくね、厚焼き玉子を頼んじゃった‼︎
The first shop to enter while throbbing ... Good! As a Shimodo, I had sashimi of local fish with a rice set (^^) It's delicious from the regular meatballs, I ordered additional sablefish, roasted meatballs, and thick roasted eggs! ︎
悪代官でぃ on Google

⭐︎4.1 ココは居酒屋ですが、ビール1杯分のキャパでオッパッピーの下戸な私はガチ晩御飯。 お店は、誰にでも話しかけるタイプと、主に常連担当の2人の女将さんで回している。 カウンターと小上がりに卓3つの一般的な居酒屋だが、評判高く平日から繁盛しており、週末は予約していないと「満席で…」など重いパワーワードを浴びせられる事もしばしば。 曜日感覚の無い私は、うっかり先週土曜に予約せず行ってしまい手痛い洗礼を受けました。ぴえん。 同じ過ちを冒す訳にもいかないので、保険屋からもらった小さいカレンダーをガン見し再発防止を図り、ついでに、事前に"ご飯セット"がある事は確認済み。後は適当に頼んでも大丈夫。酒のつまみは大体ご馳走になるので1,2品頼めば定食っぽくなるでしょう。たまにご飯物が一切ない硬派な居酒屋あるからね、全くもって恐ろしい。 まぁ、グダグダと考えたお陰で美味しく頂けましたよ? さて、後はお勧め下記に載せときまっす。尚、詳細コメントは画像の方にも書いておきます。 ▪️ご飯 地元の方でもこのツヤツヤとした粒感主張強めの美味しいご飯は中々だと思っているはず。 また会社員のお客様が多く見られたので、出張組や単身赴任、接待なんかで来られた県外の方なんかはさぞかし驚いたのではないかと。 実家が農家の私も感動する1品です。一口目は是非ご飯単体で頬張って頂きたい。 ▪️銀鱈焼き 脂の旨さ、食べ易さ、香ばしい何とも言えぬ香り。秀逸です。生臭みは全くなく皮まで食べれます。オカズとしても実力を発揮しご飯との相乗効果は一瞬で絶頂に達する程。 ▪️鶏皮煮 これまたオカズに最適。ぶりんっとした肉感と鳥の良い香り。鶏油のコク。丁度良い塩味。ネギの香りと合わさって絶妙なお味。 ▪️刺身 酒田は港町である為この店だけに留まらず多くの飲食店共通で美味しい。〆さば推しみたいですが、地魚類はもれなくお勧めです。 ▪️特製焼きビーフン 一応、店側のお薦め。具沢山で食感豊か。ややコッテリした味付けなのでビールと合います。 まだ食べていないものも沢山あるので、後々、追加するかもー꒰꒪꒫꒪⌯꒱
⭐︎ 4.1 Coco is an izakaya, but I'm a big supper with the capacity of a glass of beer. The shop is run by two proprietresses, one who talks to anyone and the other who is mainly in charge of regulars. It's a typical izakaya with three tables on the counter and a small rise, but it has a good reputation and is prosperous from weekdays, and if you do not make a reservation on weekends, you will often be exposed to heavy power words such as "full ...". I didn't have a sense of the day of the week, so I inadvertently went without making a reservation last Saturday and received a painful baptism. Pien. I can't make the same mistake, so I looked at the small calendar I got from the insurance company to prevent recurrence, and it was confirmed that there was a "rice set" in advance. After that, it's okay to ask appropriately. Sake snacks are usually a treat, so if you order one or two dishes, it will look like a set meal. Sometimes there is a hard-core izakaya that doesn't have any rice, so it's really scary. Well, thanks to the idea that it was gudaguda, it was delicious, right? Well, after that, I recommend putting it on the following. In addition, I will write detailed comments on the image as well. ▪️ Rice Even the locals should think that this delicious rice with a strong graininess is moderate. Also, since many office workers were seen, I think that people outside the prefecture who came for business trips, single assignments, entertainment, etc. might have been surprised. It is a dish that impresses me as a farmer whose parents' house is a farmer. For the first bite, I would like you to chew with rice alone. ▪️ Grilled sablefish The deliciousness of fat, ease of eating, and fragrant aroma. It is excellent. There is no fishy smell and you can eat even the skin. It also demonstrates its abilities as a side dish, and the synergistic effect with rice reaches its peak in an instant. ▪️ Boiled chicken skin This is also ideal for side dishes. A fluffy flesh and a nice scent of birds. The richness of chicken oil. Just the right saltiness. Exquisite taste combined with the scent of green onions. ▪️ Sashimi Since Sakata is a port town, it is delicious not only at this restaurant but also at many restaurants. I'd like to recommend mackerel, but I definitely recommend local fish. ▪️ Special rice noodles For the time being, it is recommended by the store. It has a lot of ingredients and a rich texture. It's a little savory, so it goes well with beer. There are many things I haven't eaten yet, so I may add them later.
Greyson Fauchard on Google

A cozy little izakaya run by a trio of older auntie types, the food is cheap, delicious and made from scratch, and though the portions are a little small for my liking, I think they will fit the bill for most people. I personally recommend the karage, the fried potatoes, and the yaki tamago.

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