さんさん牧場 - Masuda

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact さんさん牧場

住所 :

さんさん牧場 3 Chome-22-1 Takatsu, Masuda, Shimane 698-0041, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 698-0041
Webサイト : https://sansanfarm.jp/

さんさん牧場 3 Chome-22-1 Takatsu, Masuda, Shimane 698-0041, Japan
Ats S on Google

You can interact with horses that you can't usually see up close ?
capello tagliare on Google

馬、ウサギのエサやり (小)100円/(大)500円 お湯の出る手洗い場あり。 駐車場約10台くらい。 トイレあります。
Feeding horses and rabbits (Small) 100 yen / (Large) 500 yen There is a hand-washing area where hot water comes out. Parking lot for about 10 cars. There is a toilet.
Yuki on Google

I didn't know that there was a place where I could interact with horses and rabbits ❤ I was very healed by the horse's eyes (๑ ♡ ᴗ ♡ ๑)
いしだうさ on Google

とても近くで馬や兎と触れ合えて♪子供(6才)もとても喜びました。 乗馬体験もできて良かったです。
I was able to interact with horses and rabbits very close to me ♪ The child (6 years old) was also very happy. It was good to have a horseback riding experience.
LUVRocks on Google

乗馬体験で訪れました。 日常でお馬さんとふれあう機会ってないので、良い体験をさせてもらいました?⤴️?。 まず、お馬さんの大きさに驚いていたうちの子。でも、スタッフさんたちが親切に触り方を教えてくださり、可愛いお馬さんと楽しい時間を過ごすことが出来ました? さんさん牧場のホームページに載ってるお馬さんのプロフィールがとっても良いです♥️ 個性が分かりやすくて、お馬さんに対するスタッフさんの暖かさを感じました? また訪れたいです☺️
I visited for a horse riding experience. I don't have the opportunity to interact with horses on a daily basis, so I had a good experience ?⤴️?. First of all, my child was surprised at the size of the horse. However, the staff kindly taught me how to touch it, and I was able to have a good time with the cute horse ? The profile of the horse on the Sansan Ranch homepage is very nice ♥ ️ The individuality was easy to understand, and I felt the warmth of the staff towards the horse ? I want to visit again ☺️
やちるchan on Google

子供達と引き馬乗馬体験をしに伺いました? 最初は、緊張しましたが楽しかったです‼️次回は、引き馬乗馬体験 8周したいです? 動物に触れ会えて癒されました✨
I visited with the children to experience horseback riding ? At first, I was nervous, but it was fun! ️ Next time, I want to do 8 laps of horse riding experience ? I was healed by touching animals ✨
只野親仁 on Google

It was a very comfortable facility. I would like to make the facilities like this more active. I sincerely hope that it will continue for a long time.
Junko on Google

スタッフさん達はみんなとても親切でとても居心地良く過ごせます。 馬をはじめとした動物たちとゆっくり触れ合うことが出来て、カフェでは美味しいランチやデザートもいただけます。 小さい子供連れのご家族も沢山来場されてます。おすすめです。
The staff are all very kind and very comfortable. You can relax and interact with animals such as horses, and enjoy delicious lunches and desserts at the cafe. Many families with small children are also visiting. it's recommended.

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