奈良日産自動車株式会社 香芝店 - Kashiba

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 奈良日産自動車株式会社 香芝店

住所 :

3 Chome-142番地の1 Kitaimaichi, Kashiba, Nara 639-0242, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 639-0242
Webサイト : http://map2.nissan.co.jp/c/h/TENPO/0440/225.html

3 Chome-142番地の1 Kitaimaichi, Kashiba, Nara 639-0242, Japan
安本潤 on Google

The shop people were bright, the sales people were very attentive, and the waiting time for inspection was over without worrying.
杉本梓 on Google

The toilet was clean, and even if I only changed the tires, he made me a cup of coffee. He immediately spoke to me. It's a Nara NISSAN Kashiba store, where services are detailed in many ways. I thought. That's why I bought the NISSAN notebook with a new car at this store.
Masato Shizuka on Google

こちらの店舗は、皆様対応が良いです。 担当のサービスマンより、直筆の手紙が送られてくるなど、心温まります。 これからも末長くお世話になっていきます。 今後の期待も含めて、星4つとさせていただきます。
This store is very friendly to everyone. It is heartwarming to receive a handwritten letter from the service person in charge. I will continue to take care of you for a long time. Including future expectations, we will give it 4 stars.
nao F on Google

今まで色んなディーラーで車を買ってきたけど、こんな詐欺まがいのディーラーは初めて。 買う時は印象が良かったが、アフターが全部悪い。 キャッシュバックの書類を書いたのに、キャッシュバック対象外と言われ、その上書類は無いとの返事。 6か月点検の予約を入れたのに、入って無いと言われ再度入れ直したのに、当日担当の営業マンからは、それ迄の事に関しての一切の謝罪も無し。 契約時の契約条件も言ってない、出来ませんって… 契約詐欺な事して店長すら出てこない。 奈良日産の対応が悪いって聞いていたけが、ココはその遥かに上を行く酷さ。 二度とココで買うことは無い。
I've bought cars at various dealers so far, but this is the first time for a fraudulent dealer. I had a good impression when I bought it, but the after-sales service was all bad. I wrote the cashback documents, but I was told that they were not eligible for cashback, and I replied that there were no documents. I made an appointment for a 6-month inspection, but I was told that it wasn't there, and I re-entered it, but the salesman in charge on the day did not apologize for anything up to that point. I didn't say the terms and conditions at the time of the contract, I can't ... Even the store manager does not come out because it is a contract fraud. I heard that Nara Nissan's response is bad, but Coco is far above that. I will never buy it here again.
いとうとしこ on Google

最低な所です 購入するまでは、ペコペコして愛想良かったが、購入した後は態度ががらりと変わって‼️言った言わないが、おおい! 店長も購入までです、購入後は、逃げてばかりで、一度も顔を見せてくれない。 スマホのハンズフリーの着いたカーナビ、20万以上するのを付けたのに、アドレス帳は出ない電話の相手の番号だけで、名前が出ない! いくら言っても、あなたのスマホには、対応してないようですね!の返事! 購入前に対応しない機種のあること、言ってほしい!と言うと そこまで説明する義務はありません。と言われた。 まだまだ書きたいこと、いっぱいありすぎて! 自身で販売する商品の事、全く中途半端にしか、理解していません! 決して安い買い物ではありません。 私はこれからも付き合いしないとなりませんが、これから、行こうと思っている方は絶対に行ってはダメです。 他の店舗をお勧めします。
The worst place Until I bought it, it was fluffy and amiable, but after I bought it, my attitude changed drastically! ️ I didn't say it, but hey! The store manager is up to the purchase, and after the purchase, he just runs away and never shows his face. I added more than 200,000 hands-free car navigation systems on my smartphone, but the address book doesn't come out. Only the number of the other party on the phone doesn't come out! No matter how much you say, it doesn't seem to be compatible with your smartphone! Reply! Please tell me that some models are not supported before purchase! Speaking of There is no obligation to explain that much. I was told. There are too many things I want to write! I only understand half-heartedly about the products I sell! It's not a cheap purchase. I will have to keep going, but if you are thinking of going, you should never go. We recommend other stores.
y TFNKF on Google

購入時の印象はとてもとてもよかった。安くもしてもらったし、契約時の約束も納得して購入。 購入後担当者が転勤。契約時の約束反映されず、新しい担当者から挙げ句の果てに『言った言ってない話になるので』と。 その約束は夫、母親、姉、私と話聞いているのに証拠がないのでとうやむやに。 揉めてるのに店長も顔ださず、 新しい担当者からいつも『確認します』と言っておきながら連絡はこないし 会っても自分から先日の件なんですが など話もなし。 謝罪もなし。 こっちから毎回話振らないと言ってこない。 他の人のレビューはとてもいいけど 買うことをオススメしませんとは言いませんが、必ず『ボイスレコーダー』を持って毎回録音することをオススメします。 いつ被害に合うかわかりません。 私はこれからまだお世話にならないといけないので、毎回ボイスレコーダーを必ず持っていきます。 騙されてからでは後悔しかないので 同じ被害をうまないためにレビュー書きました。きっと私たちはブラックリストにのるでしょう。でもこれが事実です。
The impression at the time of purchase was very very good. I got it cheap, and I was satisfied with the promise at the time of the contract and purchased it. The person in charge is transferred after purchase. The promise at the time of the contract was not reflected, and the new person in charge said, "It's a story I didn't say." I talked to my husband, mother, sister, and me about the promise, but there was no evidence, so I was reluctant. Even though I'm rubbing, the store manager doesn't even show up The new person in charge always says "I will confirm" but I do not get in touch Even if I meet, it's the other day from me There is no talk. No apology. I'm not telling you not to talk every time from here. Other people's reviews are very good I'm not saying that I don't recommend buying it, but I recommend that you always carry a "voice recorder" and record it every time. I don't know when it will be harmed. I still have to take care of it, so I always bring a voice recorder with me. I only regret it after being deceived I wrote a review to avoid the same damage. I'm sure we will be blacklisted. But this is the case.
nagahide n on Google

営業担当者が横柄。 初めて訪れた時は腰も低く人当たりの良いいい感じだったのですが、折衝を繰り返すうちにだんだんと横柄でえらそうな態度に変化していきました。他社の見積を提示すると、難癖を付ける始末。最終的に社外品まで付けて金額を合わそうとまでする。近所の日産自動車の担当者も横柄でえらそうな態度。日産自動車の営業所はどこもそうなのでしょう。
The sales person is arrogant. When I visited for the first time, I felt low-profile and friendly, but as I repeated negotiations, I gradually changed to an arrogant and arrogant attitude. If you give a quote from another company, you will get rid of it. Eventually, even aftermarket products are attached to try to match the amount. The person in charge of Nissan Motor in the neighborhood is also arrogant and seems to be grateful. I wonder if this is the case at all Nissan sales offices.
Masataka Yamada on Google

いつも親切に対応いただいてます✨ 困った時にも頼りになり、購入後も営業さんもフロントの方にもフォロー頂いてます
You are always kind to me ✨ You can rely on it even when you are in trouble, and even after purchase, the sales staff and the front desk will follow you.

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