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Contact 後閑3号墳

住所 :

Shimogokan, Annaka, 〒379-0106 Gunma,Japan

街 : Gunma

Shimogokan, Annaka, 〒379-0106 Gunma,Japan
kumi t on Google

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吉井雅則 on Google

It is the tomb of the ancestor. The landowner, you saved it well. It ’s a treasure of posterity.
小板橋崇 on Google

T字型横穴式石室を有する円墳です。 6世紀初頭と推定されています。
It is a circular bowl with a T-shaped horizontal hole type stone chamber. It is estimated to be in the early 6th century.
式部平内 on Google

The mound is a circular mound with a flat T-shaped horizontal hole type stone chamber with a diameter of 12.6 m and a height of 2.2 m. There is no parking lot, so you will have to park on the street when you visit.
降幡雄二 on Google

この古墳は、九十九川と後閑川の合流点から500m下流の九十九川左岸の低地にあります。6世紀前半に構築されたとされ、石室は平面T字形の横穴式で、中から玉類、鈴鏡、馬具、鉄鏃などが出土された。また、埴輪は、円筒埴輪、形象埴輪が出土された。そのうち人物埴輪2体は、1つが甲冑着用の武人で、もう一体は冠を被る男性で、飾り馬?の埴輪と家形埴輪、盾形埴輪が出土した。 墳丘の規模は、直径12.6mで、高さは1.72mのほぼ正円形の古墳です‼️
This tumulus is located in a lowland on the left bank of the Kujuku River, 500 meters downstream from the junction of the Kujuku River and the Gokan River. It is said to have been built in the first half of the 6th century, and the stone room was a flat T-shaped horizontal hole, from which jewels, bell mirrors, harnesses, and iron arrowheads were excavated. In addition, cylindrical haniwa and figurine haniwa were excavated. Among them, two human haniwa were armor-worn warriors, and the other was a man wearing a crown. The scale of the tomb is 12.6m in diameter and 1.72m in height. ️

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