2nd Street Hiroshima Fuchū - Aki District

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 2nd Street Hiroshima Fuchū

住所 :

1-30 Shinchi, Fuchu, Aki District, Hiroshima 735-0028, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 735-0028
Webサイト : https://www.2ndstreet.jp/shop/details%3FshopsId%3D31302

1-30 Shinchi, Fuchu, Aki District, Hiroshima 735-0028, Japan
雨傘 on Google

I used to think that I don't like clothes or clothes that someone used, but recently I changed my mind. When you find a bargain, you get excited, and above all, you should buy it cheaply.
ぬん on Google

店員の対応は良い。 買取価格は高かった、だからか値付けは微妙だった。 あと動作確認は家電でも全部が全部してるわけじゃないみたい。
The clerk's response is good. The purchase price was high, so the pricing was subtle. Also, it seems that not all home appliances are checked for operation.
kanami on Google

最近OPENした事を聞いて友達と一緒に行ってみました。正直、他のリサイクルショップと比べて値段が高いですね。そうでもないブランドも高く感じましたがハイブランドはほぼ新品と変わらない感じ。新品買った方が良いかな。 お店も全体的に散らかっちゃってて、ケースに入った商品以外は見にくかったです。 買取は待ち時間が1時間以上だったのでまた友達のとこに遊びに来た時に利用させて頂こうと思ってます。 このお店もですがほとんどのリサイクルショップでマナーの悪いお客さんが多いですね。散らかし放題であとから来るお客さんとか片付ける店員さんの事考えない人とか。見て要らないなら元の状態で元の位置に戻すくらい大人が子供にお手本見せないと。
I heard about the recent OPEN and went with my friends. To be honest, the price is higher than other recycle shops. Other brands also felt high, but high brands are almost the same as new. Should I buy a new one? The shop was totally messed up, and it was hard to see except for the product in the case. The purchase time was more than one hour, so I will use it when I come to my friend's place again. At this shop, most of the recycle shops have a lot of bad manners. Someone who doesn't think about the customers who come out after all because of all-you-can-eat or the clerk who cleans up. If you don't need to see it, you have to show the child an example so that the adult can return to the original position in the original condition.
Bunny Chan on Google

リサイクルショップですので、昔懐かしい雑貨から、カメラ、スマホ、楽器、宝石、腕時計、家電、スポーツ用品、カープシャツ、ブランド財布、調理具、楽器、大人、キッズ服ととにかく商品の種類が豊富です。古着など買取もしてくれるが、今はコロナで海外に輸出出来ないので、リサイクル処分品(お値段が付かない商品)は、持ち帰らなくてはいけないシステムに変更に、なっている。 引き取り価格帯からしたら、ユーズドのリサイクル品なのに高めの値段な気がする。ブランド品もあります。あと、ペコちゃんが沢山ありました。
Since it is a thrift shop, there are a wide variety of products, from old-fashioned miscellaneous goods to cameras, smartphones, musical instruments, jewelry, watches, home appliances, sports equipment, carp shirts, brand wallets, cooking utensils, musical instruments, adults, and kids' clothes. They also buy used clothing, but now that they can't be exported overseas in Corona, the system has been changed so that recycled items (items that don't have a price) must be taken home. From the pick-up price range, I feel that the price is high even though it is a used recycled product. There are also branded products. Also, there were a lot of Peko-chan.
すんちゃん on Google

Steel tableware for camping, which was bought for 10 yen, was sold for 330 yen, and a frying pan for 100 yen was sold for 1450 yen. It seems that the number of items sold in stores and the amount of inventory are decreasing due to the influence of corona. Therefore, the purchase is also restricted. Camping equipment has been booming and purchases have been strengthened, but tableware was only steel products and plastic products were not purchased.
shu kita on Google

自宅に親兄弟等家族の分も含め、不要品があると相談したら 親身になって話をきいてくださいました。 売れそうなもの、処分したほうが手間がかからない等細やかな対応をしてくださいました。
If you consult with us that you have unnecessary items at home, including those for your family such as parents and siblings He was kind enough to talk to me. He took detailed measures such as things that seemed to sell and that it would be easier to dispose of them.
ひろ on Google

店内はわかりやすくてよいと思う。洋服もとってもきれいに並んでいる。 ただ、買取に持っていったけど、明細と手元に戻ってきた品物の数が合わない。 こまごましたものを出して、多分買取だめだろうと思ったけど、戻された中に品物がない。明細にもない。無料? 品物を返されて、チェックすればいいのだろうけど、たくさん買取不可で戻されるから、そのたくさん戻された品物の中をイチイチ確認するのも悪いかと遠慮した。タダで品物取られてる。 だいたい、買取不可が多すぎ。そんなにいいものばかりあるはずない。査定の基準がわからない。いつも、ほとんど品物戻される。
I think the inside of the store should be easy to understand. The clothes are lined up neatly. However, I brought it for purchase, but the details do not match the number of items returned. I put out a lot of things and thought that I probably couldn't buy them, but there are no items in the returned items. Not even in the statement. free? It would be good if the items were returned and checked, but since many items were returned because they could not be purchased, I refrained from checking the items that were returned a lot. Goods are taken for free. Generally, there are too many unpurchasable items. There can't be all that good. I don't know the criteria for assessment. Most of the goods are always returned.
m on Google

時期に合わせて持って行ってますが特に服は、ほぼ買い取りしない。 査定の時間はかかるし、持って行くだけ損です。 売ってる物も、決して安く有りませんね。 時間と労力の無駄でした。 その後、レプトンで全て、こちらより良いお値段で買い取って貰えました。
I bring it with me according to the season, but I rarely buy clothes. It takes time to assess and it is a loss to bring it with you. The items for sale are not cheap at all. It was a waste of time and effort. After that, I bought them all at Lepton at a better price than here.

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