奈良ダイハツ(株)橿原耳成店 - Kashihara

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

橿原耳成店 | 奈良ダイハツ株式会社 - Nara-daihatsu.co.jp


Contact 奈良ダイハツ(株)橿原耳成店

住所 :

270番地, Tokiwacho, Kashihara, Nara 634-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 634-0003
Webサイト : https://nara-daihatsu.co.jp/shops/kashihara-miminashi

270番地, Tokiwacho, Kashihara, Nara 634-0003, Japan
ahiru on Google

新車と中古車の両方を扱うダイハツのディーラー店ですが、古い車で訪れて「買う気は無い」と言うと「買う気も無いのに、何しに来たんだ?」調の露骨に嫌な態度になり、中古車を買ったら「新車買えない貧乏人」扱いの雑な態度を食らいました。 若い営業さんや修理の人は感じも良いんですが、店長っぽい人と事務員は「こんなの相手にするだけ時間の無駄」風の、売れるまでは愛想よく、買わない奴と買った後の人間に用は無いという事のようです。
I am a Daihatsu dealership that handles both new and used cars, but when I visit with an old car and say, "I am not willing to buy," "I am not willing to buy, what did you come to?" When I bought a second-hand car, I ate a rough attitude of being treated as a "poor man who can not buy a new car". Young sales people and repair people have a good feeling, but the manager-like person and the clerk are "Wasteful of time to be with the other party" style, after being bought with a man who does not buy well until they sell It seems that there is no use for human beings.
yukio f on Google

Beautiful interior, polite correspondence. A refreshing business and a pretty store. However, I went to buy it, but I didn't want to buy it and came out. I pretended not to notice the sales content like a child's deception, but suddenly it became ridiculous. Good or bad Extreme word of mouth is convincing.
ベラガシラ on Google

I asked for an oil change for the Hilux (not a DAIHATSU car), but he was very kind and gave me a polite explanation (oil type and adaptation, etc.). I was happy to order the elements.
アメリカンシークレット on Google

ダイハツディーラー耳成店は 客対応で尚かつ 親切に接していて満足度が高い方です
The Daihatsu dealer Miminashi store is a customer-friendly and kind person with a high degree of satisfaction.
はい、フリスク on Google

I went to a repair request. Thank you for presenting various plans and responding very kindly.
たらみぃ8512 on Google

After carefully inspecting it, I even had coffee served. The shop is also clean and beautiful.
hiccam on Google

タントのシリンダーブロックオイル漏れでサービスに行ったところ、「エンジン積み下ろしになって、10万前後になります。かなり古いのでお金をストックして新しい車の資金にされてはどうですか」と言われその時は納得して帰ったが、ダメ元で近くのコバックに持ち込むとエンジン積み下ろしなしで、しかも短時間でシリンダーブロック交換して、50000円かからずに済んだ。 ディーラーは新車を売りたかったのか、面倒臭さかったのか?不信感しかない。
When I went to the service due to a cylinder block oil leak in Tanto, I was told, "It's about 100,000 when the engine is unloaded. It's quite old, so why not stock up money and use it to fund a new car?" I was convinced and went home, but when I brought it to a nearby Tanto, I didn't have to unload the engine, and I replaced the cylinder block in a short time, and it didn't cost 50,000 yen. Did the dealer want to sell a new car or was it annoying? There is only distrust.
ka ishi on Google

営業の方、サービスの方含めて親切丁寧なご対応感謝です オトイレも毎回綺麗です、後コロナ対策で飲み物出せなくなった事から自販機設置して下さいましたがコーヒーが最高に美味しくってビックリしました‼️
Thank you for your kind and polite response, including sales people and service people. The toilet is also beautiful every time, and I was surprised that the coffee was the best, although I installed a vending machine because I couldn't serve drinks afterwards due to corona measures! ️

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