24-7ワークアウト 錦糸町四ツ目通店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 24/7ワークアウト 錦糸町四ツ目通店

住所 :

Kotobashi, Sumida City, 〒130-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://247-workout.jp/gym/t_kinshicho_yotsume_dori.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 7AM–12AM
Sunday 7AM–12AM
Monday 7AM–12AM
Tuesday 7AM–12AM
Wednesday 7AM–12AM
Thursday 7AM–12AM
Friday 7AM–12AM
街 : Tokyo

Kotobashi, Sumida City, 〒130-0022 Tokyo,Japan
Motsu Chige on Google

We have good trainers
ぽぽ on Google

I trained and lost weight
山田猛 on Google

He squeezed his loose body firmly!
町田梓 on Google

どのトレーナーも気持ちの良いコミュニケーションを取ってくれて適度に笑いもあり、苦しい1時間のトレーニングもあっという間です。 食事指導はライザップと比較すると甘いかな?と思いますがライザップより厳しくなく、でも痩せたい(鍛えたい)というちょっと緩めの人にはお勧めです。
All the trainers communicated comfortably, laughed moderately, and the painful one-hour training was quick. Is dietary guidance sweeter than Rizap? I think it's not as strict as Rizap, but it's recommended for people who want to lose weight (to train).
にしすみこ on Google

まず適切な食事のアドバイスがありました。 きついトレーニングをイメージしてたけど、思ってた程ではありません。自分の身体の変化が楽しみになります。
First of all, there was proper dietary advice. I imagined a hard training, but it wasn't as good as I expected. I am looking forward to the changes in my body.
柴田智子 on Google

They have conversations and training that are very close to the customers. It is a very kind and polite training gym that not only is strict in dietary guidance unlike other companies, but also makes suggestions that suit the individual.
Madoka on Google

Originally I didn't exercise at all, but since I started personal training and taught me in detail how to eat and exercise that suits me, my lifestyle has changed. Along with that, I was happy that the appearance changed steadily, and I enjoyed exercising. Thank you for your continued support!
moto yama on Google

初めてのパーソナルトレーニングで緊張していましたが、トレーナーさんが優しく指導してくれて安心しています。食事指導も1パターンではなく体調を見ていろいろなパターンをアドバイスしてくれます。 トレーニング後は、翌日翌々日に程よい筋肉痛が残り実感しています。
I was nervous at my first personal training, but I am relieved that the trainer kindly gave me guidance. Meal guidance is not one pattern, but it gives advice on various patterns by looking at your physical condition. After training, I feel that myalgia remains moderate the next day and the day after.

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