パソコンドック24 福山店

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パソコンドック24 福山店

住所 :

Kannabecho, Fukuyama, 〒720-2122 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88977
Webサイト : https://www.pcdock24.com/shop/hiroshima/fukuyama.html
街 : Hiroshima

Kannabecho, Fukuyama, 〒720-2122 Hiroshima,Japan
Design Pla9 on Google

いつもパソコンの修理で利用しています。 対応も速さも完璧です。
I always use it to repair my computer. Correspondence and speed are perfect.
山ちゃんレビン on Google

Thank you for your immediate support for PC repair.
さくら on Google

There is a problem with the cooling fan of the laptop computer, and the message "The fan is not working properly. Therefore, please request an inspection." Is displayed. I asked for repair because the case became very hot and I thought it would be a fatal failure if it was left as it was. I was able to understand it well by having them explain the work contents in detail. We received two proposals for repairs, one for parts replacement and the other for repairs without parts replacement. Before that, when I consulted with a computer shop, it was said that it would take two months for the manufacturer to repair it, so I was very happy that it was fixed in two days.
aa skybridge on Google

Appleの正規プロバイダーで修理不可と言われた2013年製MacBookを診ていただきました。 説明が丁寧で、良心的でわかりやすい料金体系、一番安くつくプランを選択しましたが、嫌な顔一つせず修理してくださいました。 受付から見積もり実作業まで、同じ方がしてくださるので相談もしやすく安心です。 お一人でされているようなので、事前に混み具合を確認されたほうがいいと思います。
I had a look at a 2013 MacBook that was said to be unrepairable by an Apple Authorized Provider. The explanation was polite, the price system was conscientious and easy to understand, and I chose the cheapest plan, but he repaired it without any unpleasant face. The same person will handle everything from the reception to the actual work of the quotation, so it is easy to consult and feel at ease. It seems that you are doing it alone, so I think you should check the congestion in advance.
黄金ごろごろ on Google

昨日1月31日に訪問致しました。愛用のdell9020電源入り不良を見て頂きに…。自分ながら診断で電源かな?との思いもありながら、アマゾンにて電源購入してみようかとも思いましたが、約7000円の費用がかかり違った場合を考えると、ここは本職の診断に委ねようと思いネット検索をしてみてここパソコンドック24福山店に到着いたしました。サイトを見るといろいろなレビューはあります。否定的なもの、肯定的なもの、双方ありますが概ね良好と判断しました。 お店に連絡もせずいきなり行ったので、留守だったら困るなと思ったら開いてた。よかったー。 で、さっそく現品を見ていただくため受付を行いました。現品を見て修理方法を診断するのに最低料金2000円某が発生。ここで作業を終了しても発生しますとの説明があり、一応こちらの要望を伝えました。可能であれば、ハードディスクの追加(こちらから持ち込みの中古品)。 さあ、安価に治ると良いな〜! 結果はまた報告致しますね。 ーー途中経過ーー 連絡を待ちに待ちました。電源は無事らしく、マザーボードの故障…。中古を中国へ発注しますがどう致しましょうとの問い掛け。 ざっくり見積りでは25,000円位、別ドライブ2TB(持込)の増設を一緒にとお願いしてましたので、仕方ない処。但し中国が春節で17日迄休みの為に部品が届かない…、待つしかないね! ーー完成報告ーー できたーー 連絡が、水曜日にメールにてありました。 木曜日が休みなのに、行きかけました? 出る前に気が付きまして、辞めました。 で、本日三月六日に受け取りに行きました。 ちゃんとメッセージにて修理報告を受けました。 ただ、DEELパソだからか? マザーボード故障としか判断を頂けず、恐らく単体でマザーを治すより中古の方が手が掛からないと言う事かなぁ? お家に帰り早速起動…、久しぶりでした。 最後にお世話になりました。 またお願い致します。
I visited on January 31st yesterday. Please see my favorite dell 9020 power on failure ... Is it a power source for diagnosis by myself? Although I thought that, I thought about purchasing a power supply at Amazon, but considering the case where it costs about 7,000 yen and it is different, I decided to leave it to my professional diagnosis and searched the net. I arrived here at PC Dock 24 Fukuyama store. If you look at the site, there are various reviews. There are both negative and positive ones, but it was judged to be generally good. I went suddenly without contacting the shop, so I opened it when I thought it would be a problem if I was away. It was good. So, we accepted to see the actual product. A minimum charge of 2000 yen is incurred to see the actual product and diagnose the repair method. There was an explanation that it would occur even if the work was completed here, and I conveyed this request for the time being. If possible, add a hard disk (second-hand goods brought in from here). Now, I hope it will be cured cheaply! I will report the result again. --- Progress --- I've been waiting for you to contact me. The power supply seems to be safe, and the motherboard is out of order. I will place an order for second-hand goods from China, but I am asked what to do. A rough estimate is about 25,000 yen, and I asked for an additional 2TB (bring-in) drive, so I can't help it. However, due to the Chinese New Year holidays until the 17th, parts will not arrive ... I have to wait! --Completion report --- I was able to I was contacted by email on Wednesday. Did you go even though Thursday is a holiday? I noticed before I left and quit. So, I went to pick it up today on March 6th. I received a repair report by message properly. But is it because it's a DEEL paso? You can only judge that it is a motherboard failure, and maybe it means that it is easier to use a used one than to cure the mother by itself? It's been a while since I got home and started up immediately. Thank you for your help at the end. Thank you again.
Won cheol on Google

As expected professional. With a quick and polite explanation, the PC that had been troubled all night was revived in just 10 minutes. I would like to take care of you again.
ビシャモンベイベー on Google

OSアップデートに伴う不具合があり、仕事で早急に使いたいこともあり見ていただきました。レビューの受け答えに一貫して誠実な印象を持ち、知り合いのパソコン店もあったのですが持ち込みました。 迅速でご丁寧な対応、わかりやすいご説明とお見積もり、その他、自分でメンテする際のアドバイスや、バックアップに関するアドバイスも頂き、レビューの印象の通り、誠実で素晴らしいお店だと思いました。 「もう長年使っているので、様々なパーツが寿命ですよね?」 と訊ねたところ 「使用時間は通算これくらいで、まだまだいけるはずです」 とのご回答。商売っ気の強いお店なら、そうですね、これも交換、あれも交換した方が良いですねと返ってくるので、本当に誠実なお店だと思いました。不良が素人からすると致命的だったのですが、幸いHDDを一台外すだけの簡単な作業で終わったので、せめてメモリを目一杯積んで下さいとお願いしましたが、メモリも目一杯積まれていたので非常に安く済んでしまいました。 かかりつけのショップにします。これからもよろしくお願いいたします!
There was a problem with the OS update, and I wanted to use it immediately at work, so I had you see it. I had a consistent and sincere impression of the answers I received from the reviews, and although I had an acquaintance with a computer store, I brought it in. We received prompt and courteous response, easy-to-understand explanations and quotations, as well as advice on self-maintenance and backup, and as the impression of the review, I thought it was a sincere and wonderful shop. "Since I have been using it for many years, various parts have reached the end of their life, right?" I asked "This is the total usage time, and I should be able to go there." Answer. If it's a store with a strong business spirit, yes, I think it's a really sincere store because it returns that it's better to exchange this as well. The defect was fatal for an amateur, but fortunately it was a simple task of removing one HDD, so I asked you to fill up the memory at least, but the memory is also full. So it was very cheap. I will make it my family shop. We are looking forward to hearing from you!
osamu yumimoto on Google

In order to have the phenomenon that the display at the bottom of the screen shakes is repaired, I will leave it on Friday evening and have it returned for the time being by diagnosis & parts order the next day. I got it. Thank you for the good response and cheap repair.

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