
5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact クールドール

住所 :

2 Chome−9, Jiyugaoka, Meguro City, 〒152-0035 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Webサイト : http://coeur-dor.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : Tokyo

2 Chome−9, Jiyugaoka, Meguro City, 〒152-0035 Tokyo,Japan
河合良介 on Google

いつもお世話になっている、優しいオーナーさんです! 彼女の紹介で特別に施述してもらったのですが、非日常を体験できました。 インディバで日頃の疲れや肩こりが取れました! メタボでも効果があるみたいですので、よろしくお願いいたします。
A gentle owner who always takes care of me! I had a special statement in her introduction, but I was able to experience extraordinary life. Indiva's daily fatigue and stiff shoulders have been removed! Metabo seems to be effective, so thank you.
aya uchino on Google

毎回行くたびに、満足と実感を感じています。 小顔矯正と合わせていろいろな身体の悩みに答えて頂けて 安心してお任せできます。 わたしにとってお守りのようなサロンです!
Every time I go, I feel satisfied and realized. You can answer various physical problems together with small face correction. You can leave it to us with confidence. It's a talisman-like salon for me!
amorefoglia039 on Google

インディバをかけたあとに上半身のケア、小顔矯正のコースですが、調子が悪い部分、自分が気になる部分を相談すると、とことん対応してくれます。 美容に対する情報はつねに最新の知識。 たよりにさせていただいてます。
It is a course for upper body care and small face correction after applying Indiva, but if you consult with the person who is not feeling well or the part you are concerned about, he/she will fully respond. Information about beauty is always the latest knowledge. I'm glad to hear from you.
後藤進子 on Google

先日私の首の不調に、オーナーが気づいてインディバの対応をしてくださいました。 それからは長年の睡眠トラブルもなくなり毎日快調です。 細かな配慮に感激です。ありがとうございます。 フェイシャルも透明感が増すし、ハリが出るので、とっても気に入ってますから、ボディケアと上手く組み合わせて、利用させていただきたいと思います。
The other day, the owner noticed that my neck was upset and took care of Indiva. Since then, my sleep troubles for many years have disappeared and I am in good shape every day. I am impressed with the detailed consideration. Thank you very much. I really like the facial because it makes the facial more transparent and gives it firmness, so I would like to use it in combination with body care.
Shinobu Matsumoto Otsuka (松本 しのぶ) on Google

This year is a little off, but I try to visit every year as a reward for my birthday celebration. Treatment in a white-based room with soft natural light. I had to spend less time going out at my stay home, and I had to spend a lot of time on my computer while sitting down, so I was suffering from persistent stiffness from my neck to my shoulders and swelling and hanging of my legs. This time, we received guidance from the owner to face the upper body firmly, and had the face, neck, shoulders, and back treated with indiva. Comparing the facial photographs before and after the treatment, I think that the line from the cheeks to the chin is clearer and the eyes are wider. As for the problematic feet, we introduced the compression socks and decided to use them to eliminate the coldness and swelling of the feet in preparation for the fall and winter when the temperature is getting colder. Thank you very much for your careful counseling and treatment. I look forward to working with you again!
あめ on Google

真っ白な清潔な店内、空気が美味しく感じるほどです。美容の知識が豊富で、何より人柄と細やかな気遣いで、どんな不調もアレっと気づいてくださいます。インディバは勿論、小顔施術はまるで整形したかのようなビフォーアフターです。 左右の違いと、ゴツッとした骨格は生まれつきと思ってましたが、オーナーさんの飼っているリリちゃんみたいに左右と顔の輪郭がチワワ顔に変化。しばし信じられないほど感動しました!
The inside of the store is pure white and clean, and the air is so delicious. With a wealth of knowledge about cosmetology, and above all, personality and delicate care, you will be able to notice any problems. Not to mention indiva, small face treatment is before and after as if it was shaped. I thought that the difference between the left and right and the rugged skeleton were born, but the contours of the left and right and the face changed to a Chihuahua face like Riri-chan owned by the owner. I was incredibly impressed for a while!
松尾佳子 on Google

長いこと肩こりに悩まされていましたが、インディバで背中を施術して頂き、姿勢が整えられたことを実感できました。今まで左右非対称だった顔も、眉や眼の位置が対象に、口角がキュッと上がり、デコルテも綺麗になりました。 清潔感あふれる落ち着いたお部屋で受けるオーナーさんの手技には至福を感じます。
I had been suffering from stiff shoulders for a long time, but I was able to realize that my posture was adjusted by having my back treated with Indiva. Even for faces that were asymmetrical until now, the corners of the mouth have risen sharply and the décolletage has become beautiful, targeting the positions of the eyebrows and eyes. I feel blissful about the owner's technique received in a clean and calm room.
sachiyo sato on Google

Not to mention the small face, I don't have to worry about the deep wrinkles on my forehead. My face has rejuvenated and it has become fun to see my face every day. The owner's aesthetic sense was high, and the advice was very helpful.

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