草津園芸 - Kusatsu

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 草津園芸

住所 :

2 Chome−4, Nishishibukawa, Kusatsu, 〒525-0025 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Postal code : 525-0025
Webサイト : https://m.facebook.com/%25E8%258D%2589%25E6%25B4%25A5%25E5%259C%2592%25E8%258A%25B8-419744131447968/%3Flocale2%3Dja_JP
街 : Shiga

2 Chome−4, Nishishibukawa, Kusatsu, 〒525-0025 Shiga,Japan
MASATAKA F on Google

ここ最近コンセプトを変えてしまったのか、すごく行きたい店では無くなった感じがします。 値段はほどほど、鳥や爬虫類、ミニブタまで置いていて、なんだろうと感じました。 寄せ植えのセンスが良くて、行くとワクワクしたのですが最近はそんな感情が無いです。
Perhaps I have changed the concept recently, I feel that it is no longer the store I really want to go to. The price was reasonable, and I had birds, reptiles, and even mini pigs, and I wondered what it was. I had a good sense of group planting, and I was excited when I went there, but recently I haven't had such feelings.
田村美智子(タムちゃん) on Google

#ぼちぼち暖かくなって来たので、可愛らしい花を玄関にと思って買いに行きました。 #目移りして、いつも悩みます。 #でも、いろいろアドバイスを頂いて買うことが出来ました。
#It's getting warmer and warmer, so I went to buy a pretty flower at the entrance. #I'm always worried about it. #But I was able to buy it with various advice.
小室初美 on Google

It was a very good shop to coordinate planting a large number of flowers and succulents. However, it would be better to clean the reptile corner a little more ... But the atmosphere of the clerk was very good ❗ I want to go again.
snowman on Google

季節が変わり、初夏から夏の花を探して夫婦で草津園芸を訪れました。 園芸初心者なので、「こんな花が欲しい」とイメージだけ持って店員さんを頼りに行きまた。 店員さんは花の世話や接客で忙しそうでしたが、豊富な知識と丁寧な対応で沢山のかわいい花を紹介してくれました。 品揃えがよく、お花の似合う素敵な店員さんのいるお店でした。
As the seasons changed, the couple visited Kusatsu Gardening in search of summer flowers from early summer. Since I am a beginner in gardening, I went to rely on the clerk with only the image of "I want such a flower". The clerk seemed to be busy taking care of the flowers and serving customers, but he introduced a lot of cute flowers with his abundant knowledge and polite response. It was a shop with a good selection and a nice clerk who looks good with flowers.
pman on Google

There are many kinds and stocks, so I sometimes bring my mother who loves flowers here.
みそまみ on Google

苗がみんな活き活きしていて、大切にされてるんだと感じました。 分からないことを店員さんが親切に教えてくれたので安心して買い物ができました。 通路が広めなのでゆったり買い物ができて、つい買いすぎちゃいます。
I felt that all the seedlings were lively and cherished. The clerk kindly told me what I didn't understand, so I was able to shop with confidence. Since the aisle is wide, you can shop comfortably and buy too much.
ズッキー on Google

凹みのひどい死にかけグラキリスや、ブヨブヨサボテンなど、多肉植物の品質はかなり悪く、こんな頑丈な植物たちを、どうやったらこんな状態に持っていけるのか逆に聞きたいくらい。 店員も数人いてもいらっしゃいませの一言もなく、およそ花を売るような店の雰囲気には思えない。
The quality of succulents such as dying grachyris and buyobuyo cactus with terrible dents is quite poor, and I would like to ask how to bring such sturdy plants to such a state. Even if there are several clerk, there is no word to welcome, and it does not seem like a store that sells flowers.
ダイアナanan on Google

I went there for the first time, but there were many flowers and seedlings, and the planting was wonderful. I bought viola, mini cyclamen, nemesia, etc. I am enjoying the view of the balcony garden. I want to buy more.

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