
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 阿倍野だんご本舗深江橋店

住所 :

2 Chome−1, Fukaekita, Higashinari Ward, 〒537-0001 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Webサイト : https://abenodango.com/fukaebashi.html
街 : Osaka

2 Chome−1, Fukaekita, Higashinari Ward, 〒537-0001 Osaka,Japan
k k on Google

10月28日夕方来店 きなこプリンは美味しい 肝心のきなこ団子は口に合わず レシートは無いんかな
Visit on the evening of October 28 Kinako pudding is delicious, Kinako dumplings are not good enough and there is no receipt
ムッシュゴン on Google

手頃で美味しいお団子。 わらび餅も美味ですよ
Affordable and delicious dumplings. Warabi mochi is also delicious
ピロ式 on Google

It's just outside the Chuo Line Fukaebashi Station Exit 2. Although it is a small store, I thought that the taste of Kinako dumpling was good. It seems that many people are buying it.
ぬらぬら on Google

I happened to pass in front of the store and was curious, so I bought one kinako dumpling, which was delicious and delicious, and it was the most delicious kinako dumpling I had ever eaten! I will go again!
folikochiru emafap on Google

偶然前を通っていてきなこだんごの看板があり気になってしまい寄ってみました。 車は駐車場がなく、近くのコインパーキングを利用するしかなさそう。 きなこだんごの他にもおはぎやとか色々メニューがありましたが、オーソドックスなお団子を頂きました。 味は予想範囲内の美味しさでした。突出したものではないですが、歯ごたえや味付けも自分好みです。 丹波屋のあべかわ餅が好きですが、店舗が減って行ってる中でそれに変わる美味しさです。 今はこういうお店は貴重ですし、家の近くにあればいいなと思います。
I happened to see a signboard of soybean flour passing in front of me, so I was curious and stopped by. There is no parking lot for cars, so it seems that there is no choice but to use a nearby coin parking lot. In addition to Kinako Dango, there were various menus such as Ohagi and others, but I received an orthodox dumpling. The taste was within the expected range. It's not outstanding, but I like the texture and seasoning. I like Abekawamochi from Tanbaya, but it's delicious as the number of stores decreases. These shops are valuable now, and I wish they were near my house.
N T on Google

素朴なお味で美味かったです。 1本95円で、少し小腹が空いたときに1本買いできます。 駅前なので、立地もよいです。
It had a simple taste and was delicious. You can buy one for 95 yen each when you are a little hungry. The location is good because it is in front of the station.
真仁PRO on Google

阿倍野だんご、一串に小ぶりの団子が5つ 刺さり、きな粉がたっぷり塗されています! 甘さも控えめで、きな粉の風味はたっぷり。 たまにお土産に買って帰ったりしております。 素朴な味ですが結構好評で喜ばれます。 持って帰る距離によっては、保冷剤も入れてくれます。 また、別の袋にきな粉が別で付いていますので、お好みで。 お茶菓子にぴったり合うので、気になっている方一度お試しください。
Abeno Dango, 5 small dumplings on a skewer Plenty of stabs and soybean flour is applied! The sweetness is modest, and the flavor of kinako is plentiful. Sometimes I buy it as a souvenir and go home. It has a simple taste, but it is quite popular and pleased. Depending on the distance you bring it home, it will also add an ice pack. Also, the soybean flour is attached to another bag, so you can use it as you like. It goes well with tea confectionery, so please try it once if you are interested.
Masaぽん*ReBoot on Google

22/02 追記 久し振りに寄ってみました。 今日注文したのは、『きなこだんご』(一本¥95円)と『白あんのいちご大福』(一つ¥390円)です。 きなこ団子ですが、砂糖がまぶしてなくて、シンプルにきなこを味わうことが出来、大人の味を楽しめました。甘さが欲しい方は、ご自宅等でお砂糖を掛けていただきましょう。 いちご大福の肝心のイチゴですが、この時期、手に入りにくい果物ですが、その割に大ぶりで甘味と酸味が上手く調和しています。また、とてもジューシーであんとマッチしました。 やはり、この季節でも『きなこプリン』人気は強そうですね。 *ーーーーーーーー* 大阪メトロ・中央線の深江橋駅を利用する時に、いつもこちらのお店の看板が気になっていて、今年の9月に「ミニわらびもち」(¥320)と「きなこプリン」(¥360)を購入しました。 量の割に値段が少し高いかなと思いましたが、毎日買うものでも無いため、さほど気になりませんでした。 わらび餅の味の方は、予想を裏切るほどのものではなく、少々残念でしたが、一緒に購入したきなこプリンは思いの外美味しかったですし、プリンの舌触りも良かったです。 この2種類を購入する際にマロンも気になったのですが、生物を一度に買いためても味が落ちると思い、買いませんでした。 次回はマロン(今は冬なので、別メニューですね。。。)を購入してみたいと思います。
22/02 postscript I stopped by after a long time. I ordered "Kinako Dango" (¥ 95 per bottle) and "Shiro An no Ichigo Daifuku" (¥ 390 each). Although it is a kinako dumpling, it was not sprinkled with sugar and I could simply taste the kinako and enjoyed the taste of adults. If you want sweetness, sprinkle some sugar at home. Strawberries are the key to ichigo daifuku, but it is a fruit that is difficult to obtain at this time of year, but for that reason it is large and the sweetness and acidity are well harmonized. Also, it was very juicy and matched well. After all, "Kinako pudding" seems to be very popular even in this season. * -------- * When I use Fukaebashi Station on the Osaka Metro Chuo Line, I'm always curious about the signboard of this shop, and in September of this year, "Mini Warabimochi" (¥ 320) and "Kinako Pudding" (¥ 360) ) Was purchased. I thought the price was a little high for the amount, but I didn't really care because I didn't buy it every day. The taste of warabi mochi was not disappointing and I was a little disappointed, but the kinako pudding I bought together was unexpectedly delicious and the texture of the pudding was also good. I was also curious about Marron when I bought these two types, but I didn't buy them because I thought that even if I bought the creatures at once, the taste would be lost. Next time, I would like to buy Marron (it's winter, so it's a different menu ...).

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