滋賀日産自動車株式会社彦根店 - Hikone

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 滋賀日産自動車株式会社彦根店

住所 :

170-1 Higashinonamicho, Hikone, Shiga 522-0027, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 522-0027
Webサイト : https://ni-shiga.nissan-dealer.jp/store/002/index.html

170-1 Higashinonamicho, Hikone, Shiga 522-0027, Japan
Mr. M on Google

点検、車検、オイル交換等の待ち時間に飲み物を出してくれます。 予約優先です。 予約が多いと希望の日時に診てもらえません。 車検は1カ月以上前ぐらいから予約しないと希望の日にやってもらえないかもしれません。 3月、9月は車検が多くて整備工場がいっぱいいっぱいです。
Drinks will be served during the waiting time for inspections, vehicle inspections, oil changes, etc. Reservation priority. If you make a lot of reservations, you will not be able to see you at the desired date and time. If you do not make a reservation for the vehicle inspection more than a month in advance, you may not be able to do it on the desired date. In March and September, there are many vehicle inspections and the maintenance shop is full.
yuki fuji on Google

When buying a new car, of course, please consult with a smile when consulting for checks and repairs. I thought it was a store that I would like to associate with you for a long time.
ハイテク on Google

オイル交換を頼んだらドレンボルトが締まっておらず、車庫に漏れたオイルのシミができた。 毎年年末の自宅へのカレンダー配布も勝手に止めた。 古い客は大事にしてもらえんようだ。
When I asked for oil change, the drain bolt was not tightened and oil stains leaked to the garage. Distribution of calendars to homes at the end of the year was also halted. It seems that old customers are not taken care of.
らいちなく on Google

接客が丁寧!車が道路に出るまで しっかりと接客対応してくれる のは素敵です。 整備士さんも素敵な笑顔で迎えて くれるのはこの店くらいぢゃない でしょうか。
Service is polite! Until the car gets out of the road I will respond firmly to customer service That's nice. The mechanic welcomes you with a nice smile I do not like this shop to give me Is not it.
ジャンD on Google

店舗も新しくスタッフの対応も問題ありません。他日産ディーラー(日産プ○○○)よりも値引き額も多い様に感じます。 ただしディーラーの方々には関係ありませんが、最近の日産の不祥事は残念です。若い頃は日産が1番好きなメーカーでしたが、最近は車種も少なく新型車もほとんど出てこず、ほしい車が全くと言っていいほどありません。買えませんがGTRは欲しいです!
There is no problem with the new store and the staff. I feel that the discount amount is larger than that of other Nissan dealers (Nissan Pu ○○○). However, although it has nothing to do with dealers, it is a pity that Nissan's recent scandals have occurred. When I was young, Nissan was my favorite manufacturer, but recently there are few models and few new models are coming out, so I can hardly say that I want a car at all. I can't buy it, but I want a GTR!
sugo nemu on Google

I called here for a certain job, but the female clerk (Obasan?) Was the worst. Since I live in the neighborhood, I was thinking of going to test drive the car I wanted on the weekend, but the dealer where such a person works does not spend more than 3-5 million to buy a car. I absolutely hate that even a small amount of money I pay is paid to that person! If you are a customer business, you should think about all telephone correspondence ... Maybe you are just a clerical worker, but did you think that you might be a customer ... I doubt the customer service education of the dealer here. I've been riding a Nissan car for a long time, but I was made to think about other cars.
包々茎川上 on Google

I was ridiculed when I asked about the price of the parts. I will never use it again. The price is the same as MonotaRO. Not worth using. Goodbye
ゆかり on Google

もう20年以上の付き合いですね〜 セレナも4台目です イベントなども行きやすく メンテナンス、アフターケアもしっかりしてくれています。 メンテナンスに無頓着な私に代わって予約アポを取ってくれるので…全ておまかせしてます。
It's been over 20 years! Serena is also the fourth unit Easy to go to events The maintenance and after-sales service are well done. I will take a reservation appointment for me, who is careless about maintenance, so I will leave everything to you.

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