蛇の目寿し - Sammu

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 蛇の目寿し

住所 :

1652 Shirahata, Sammu, Chiba 289-1306, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 289-1306
Webサイト : http://www.janomesusi.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM

1652 Shirahata, Sammu, Chiba 289-1306, Japan
Riii on Google

女将さんと思われる方を始め、女性スタッフの態度が基本的にとても悪く、無愛想な接客はとても気分が悪かったです。 とても美味しいお寿司店なので今一度、接客をしっかり見直していただけたら幸いです。
The attitude of the female staff, including the one who seems to be the landlady, was basically very bad, and the unfriendly customer service was very unpleasant. It's a very delicious sushi restaurant, so I hope you'll review the customer service once again.
内山大志 on Google

ランチで利用しました! 比較的リーズナブルなのに。お寿司からお鍋までいたれりつくせりなお昼でした!また来ます!
I used it for lunch! Though it is relatively reasonable. From sushi to hot pot, it was a nice lunch! I'll come back later!
まりりん on Google

Daimyo course is recommended! It's an on-parade of fresh and delicious food that you can't eat at a reasonable price! The sashimi in this area is by far the best in terms of deliciousness, price, and volume.
I Kyoko. on Google

近すぎて行ったことがなかったので、土曜日の夜ふと思いたって夫婦で初来店。 外観は思っていたより立派な店構えで正直驚きました。 店内も清潔感があり、ゆったりとした造りで落ち着いた雰囲気。 個室が1つ空いていたので、夫婦2人でゆっくり食事が楽しめました。 主人の注文した本日のオススメ握りは舟に乗っており、ネタもとても良かった。 私のウニいくら丼もほんとにたっぷりのウニといくらで大満足。 オススメのズワイガニ一肩も身がぎっしり、食べ応え十分なものでした。 帰りに 今度から近場でお寿司を食べる時にはココにしようと決めました
I hadn't been there because it was too close, so I thought it was Saturday night and the couple came to the store for the first time. To be honest, I was surprised at the appearance of the store, which was better than I expected. The inside of the store is also clean and has a relaxed and calm atmosphere. One private room was vacant, so the couple could enjoy a relaxing meal. Today's recommended grip ordered by my husband was on a boat, and the material was very good. My sea urchin salmon roe bowl is really satisfying with plenty of sea urchin and salmon roe. The recommended snow crab shoulder was also full and it was enough to eat. On the way home I decided to go here when I eat sushi nearby
I. Takako on Google

素晴らしいです!お刺身の盛り合わせは、お味だけでなく見た目的にもテンションが上がります。お店の雰囲気も良くスタックの方ひ皆さんとてもフレンドリーです。 今で訪問したお寿司屋さんでダントツNo.1ですね、 Here is awesome sushi restaurant!! Fish is very fresh and looking is beautiful as well!! Atmosphere of interior is comfortable and staff are very friendly.This will be a No.1 sushi restaurant for me!!
Wonderful! The sashimi platter not only enhances the taste but also the purpose of the sashimi. The atmosphere of the shop is good and everyone in the stack is very friendly. It's by far the best sushi restaurant I've visited right now, isn't it? Here is awesome sushi restaurant !! Fish is very fresh and looking is beautiful as well !! Atmosphere of interior is comfortable and staff are very friendly. This will be a No.1 sushi restaurant for me !!
K H on Google

地元のお寿司やさん。 お正月にテイクアウトで頼んでもらいました。 (正確には、配達していただきました。) 多分、特上だと思うのですが、とても美味しいネタで、量もちょうど良かったです。
Local sushi restaurant. I asked for takeout on New Year's Day. (To be exact, it was delivered.) I think it's special, but it was a very delicious material and the amount was just right.
林T on Google

I used to use it at a banquet before, but I wanted to eat sushi that doesn't go around occasionally, so this time I came to the store with my family, and it's a fresh sushi with a big story ?. The private room was full (is there a lot of rooms?) Because it was a weekend, but it was delicious sushi.
パンダ代表 on Google

最高のコスパ!! 特上握りがこのクォリティで2,750円(税込) 千葉市内じゃ絶対食べられません。 年末で市場が休みなので、鰯の握りが入ってますが、いつもは鯨の握り等が特上握りに入ってます。 大トロも美味いし、海苔の風味も最高。 今回は食べませんでしたが、天ぷらもサクサクだし、火の入りも絶妙でおすすめです。 ご馳走様でした。 また伺わせて頂きます。
The best cospa! !! Special grip is 2,750 yen (tax included) with this quality You can never eat it in Chiba city. Since the market is closed at the end of the year, there is a handful of eels, but usually a handful of whales is included. The fatty tuna is delicious and the flavor of the seaweed is the best. I didn't eat it this time, but the tempura is crispy and the fire is exquisite and recommended. It was a treat. I will visit you again.

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