
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ストロベリーガーデンロイヤル

住所 :

14, Omotemachi, Mibu, Shimotsuga District, 〒321-0224 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://strawberrygarden-royal.com/
街 : Tochigi

14, Omotemachi, Mibu, Shimotsuga District, 〒321-0224 Tochigi,Japan
中材完折(中材完折) on Google

The venue was large and I enjoyed strawberry picking without getting too crowded. Is it a condensed milk container again? I got a cup with separate calyx, so it was easy to pick strawberries while soaking in condensed milk. I would like to come again.
おときさん on Google

ロイヤルクイーンなるイチゴを食べに訪問。 受付を済ませ、ビニールハウスの中に入ると沢山の真っ赤なイチゴがいっぱい。店員さんの説明を聞き、いざ30分間食べ放題始め〜。 大きく真っ赤なイチゴを食べてたら、あっという間に満腹感が、、、ヤバい!少し食休みしてからまた食べて40個位食べました。一緒に行った娘たちは50個以上平らげて、暫くイチゴは要りませんとのこと。 蜂がいましたが知らんぷりしていれば全く問題無し。30分間でしたが、店員さんが時間ですよとお知らせしてくれないので、そこは自己判断でハウスから出ました。 お土産にと買った500円のいちごのメレンゲがめっちゃ美味しかったです。
Visit to eat Royal Queen made strawberry. Accepted the finished, full of a lot of bright red strawberries Once inside the greenhouses. To hear a description of the clerk, including all-you-can-eat emergency 30 minutes to. If you eat a big bright red strawberries, quickly satiety is ,,, dangerous! I ate 40 days after eating a little break. And ate together daughters is 50 or more, which were carried out, while strawberries thing with do not need. No problem at all if it bee there were long as the Shiranpuri. It was 30 minutes, because the clerk is not me Notifications and I's time, there was out of the house at its discretion. Strawberry meringue of 500 yen bought a souvenir I was Truly delicious.

予約の人数が限られているので密にならず ゆっくりいちご狩りが出来ました。 ロイヤルクィーンはホント甘くて美味しい✨
Since the number of reservations is limited, it will not be crowded I was able to hunt strawberries slowly. Royal Queen is really sweet and delicious ✨

農園のスタッフさんの対応が 本当に良く、いちごも大変美味しかったです。 施設もとてもきれいでした! これからいちご狩りはここに決まり!!
The correspondence of the farm staff It was really good and the strawberries were very delicious. The facility was also very clean! From now on, strawberry hunting will be decided here! !!
瀬あ on Google

The big strawberry is sweet anyway. The experience fee is a little high, but I can understand it. I go every year. There are photo spots and chairs. The strawberry you experience is cultivated in a high place, the passage is wide, and the ground is not soil, so it will not get dirty.
田中 on Google

15時半の予約でイチゴ狩り体験してきました。最後の回だったので イチゴないかな??と思ったけど 沢山ありました。練乳は持参で かけなくても甘かったです。あっという間の30分で お腹いっぱい食べれました。 お店でジャムやイチゴが売っていました。いちご大福やアイスは売り切れでした。 ただ 本当に周りにコンビニとか喫茶店とか時間を潰せるところがないので 受け付け時間の5分前くらいにつけばいいと思います。私は1時間前についてしまって 農園の周りを車でぐるぐる走ってました(笑)
I made a reservation at 15:30 and experienced strawberry picking. It was the last episode, so I wonder if there are strawberries? ?? I thought, but there were many. The condensed milk was sweet even if I didn't bring it with me. I was able to eat full in 30 minutes in no time. Jam and strawberries were sold at the shop. Ichigo Daifuku and ice cream were sold out. However, there is really no place to kill time such as convenience stores and coffee shops around, so I think you should arrive about 5 minutes before the reception time. I followed an hour ago and drove around the farm (laughs)
Zack R on Google

Tip, go for smaller strawberries!!
Tomohiko S on Google

Unlike regular strawberry farms, a good point is strawberries are planted at your stomach height so you do not need to crunch down to pick strawberries. Their strawberry species are sweeter than regular ones. The farm is located at a walkable distance from the station.

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