
3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 11cut

住所 :

Fujimi, Tsurugashima, 〒350-2201 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://www.11cut.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Saitama

Fujimi, Tsurugashima, 〒350-2201 Saitama,Japan
永田剛 on Google

I went for the first time, but I think it is good. Note that some things can not be done late. I can not shampoo at the last minute. It's good at all because it was cut properly
二ノ宮ダリア(Dayalliyah) on Google

When I went the first time, I was in a hurry, so I was busy with time, so I couldn't say that good ?, today is the second time (≡ ^ ∇ ^ ≡) (((o (* ゚ ∀ ゚ *) o)) ))great! ️????????????????????❇❇❇❇
Yukio Kajiwara on Google

It comes in handy when you don't have the time and money to spare.
ちょきちゃん。 on Google

I don't know if the number of staff was small by chance, but the reception wasn't guided to the end and it was dark overall. I don't want any more because the price is cheap, but I will never go again.
よこのやま on Google

初めて、店員さんの対応が神がかっていて、お話ししながら楽しくカットして頂きました。学生のシャンプーカットで1980円でしたが、4000円でも良いほどの良さで周りの人にオススメしたくなりました! また、ヘアセットが苦手な私にアドバイスをくれたりと優しい方が多くて良いです!
For the first time, the clerk's response was God-friendly, and I enjoyed cutting while talking. It was 1980 yen for a student's shampoo cut, but I wanted to recommend it to people around you for as good as 4000 yen! Also, there are many gentle people who give advice to me who are not good at hair setting!
JUN .E on Google

店内の広さもあり、天井も高いですし、入口も解放して換気もよくされているようでした。入店後すぐに消毒も促されました。店員さんも全員マスク着用。 客側がマスクをしたままでもカットしてくれるとのこと。 ハサミなどの道具類も一人終わる毎に消毒していました。 手早くカットしてくれるし、カットの内容も私は満足いく仕上がりでしたから、安全面や短時間でカットできるという意味では、とても助かるお店かと思います。
There was a lot of space in the store, the ceiling was high, and it seemed that the entrance was open and the ventilation was good. Immediately after entering the store, disinfection was also urged. All the shop assistants wear masks. The customer will cut it even with the mask on. I was disinfecting tools such as scissors every time I finished. It cuts quickly, and the contents of the cut were also satisfying to me, so I think it is a very helpful shop in terms of safety and cutting in a short time.

コロナ禍の影響で髪を切る際にマスクの着用OKとのこと。しかしとあるスタッフに何故か開始時にマスクを外すよう要求されました。また、もみあげ等を切る際はマスクの紐を外すのですが、今までのスタッフは「紐を外しますね」と言ってうまいこと耳に掛けて切ってくれました。しかしそのスタッフは自分でマスクを外して自分で押さえてろとのこと。しかもケープ(マントみたいなやつ)は袖を通さないタイプです。仕方なくケープの下から手を出してマスクを押さえました。当然手の甲は髪の毛まみれです。 はっきり言ってそのスタッフの対応には星1ですが今までの対応は良かったので星3にします。
It is OK to wear a mask when cutting hair due to the influence of corona. However, one staff member somehow asked me to remove the mask at the beginning. Also, when cutting sideburns etc., I remove the string of the mask, but the staff so far said "I will remove the string" and hung it on my ear and cut it. However, the staff told me to remove the mask and hold it down by myself. Moreover, the cape (like a cloak) is a type that does not pass through the sleeves. I had no choice but to reach out from under the cape and hold down the mask. Naturally, the back of the hand is covered with hair. To be clear, the staff's response is 1 star, but since the response so far has been good, I will give it 3 stars.
はるまま on Google

今回で3回目利用でしたが、2回とも女性で上手にカットしていただいたので今回も利用しました。 今回は男性の方に担当してもらい 前回の女性の方と同じくカットと薄くしてしてほしいと要望しましたが 切り方も毛先を切りっぱなし、ボリュームもただテキトーに梳いてるので 毛先の方はスカスカ、トップはボリュームのある変な髪型になりました。 あげく前髪の左側を途中から思い切り梳られガタガタの前髪になりました。 左右の毛先長さ、ボリュームなど考えて切ってません。 ただ、テキトーに切ってます。 自分で使ってるスキバサミのすき率も分かってないのかなーと。 当日誰に当たるか分かりませんし、同じ要望をしても今回のようにハズレもあり、ここまで上手い下手に差があるか〜と大変残念でした。女性の方の利用はオススメしません。
This was the third time I used it, but I used it this time as I had a woman cut it well both times. This time I have a man take charge I requested that it be cut and thin like the previous woman. The way to cut it is to keep cutting the ends of the hair, and the volume is just combed into the texto. The tip of the hair is squishy, ​​and the top is a voluminous and strange hairstyle. The left side of the bangs was combed from the middle and it became a rattling bangs. I haven't cut it considering the length and volume of the left and right hair tips. However, I cut it into texto. I wonder if I don't know the plow rate of the scissors I use. I don't know who it will be on the day, and even if I make the same request, there will be a loss like this time, and I was very disappointed that there is a difference between good and bad so far. We do not recommend using it for women.

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