
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 炭火焼肉1129

住所 :

Chuocho, Uwajima, 〒798-0040 Ehime,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88999
Webサイト : https://www.1129iiniku.com/
街 : Ehime

Chuocho, Uwajima, 〒798-0040 Ehime,Japan
秀樹古谷 on Google

This is good. The thickness of the meat is perfect. The price is pretty good.
なかだいらようこ on Google

すべてのお肉が、最上級に美味しいです❗ 炭火で焼くので、それもお肉の美味しさを引き立ててくれてるのかな✨ 店内も、仕切りで区切られていて 個室的になってて落ち着きます。
All meat is superlatively delicious ❗ Since it is grilled over charcoal, I wonder if it also enhances the deliciousness of the meat ✨ The inside of the store is also separated by partitions, making it a private room and calming down.
もり政志 on Google

Delicious meat.
zuzu kiki on Google

The seats were partitioned and infection control measures were in place. It's been a while since I ate out, but I was able to eat with confidence
うどんちゃん on Google

お店のオープン当初に職場の飲み会で利用させていただきました。 脂がのったとても良いお肉が食べられます。店内の雰囲気も良いです。 飲み放題のコースでしたが、お肉の出す順番が気になりました。 終盤に脂の多いお肉が来るので、胃がしんどかったです(笑) ですが、味はとても美味でした!またの機会に行きたいと思います。
I used it at a drinking party at the workplace when the store opened. You can eat very good fatty meat. The atmosphere in the store is also good. It was an all-you-can-drink course, but I was worried about the order in which the meat was served. My stomach was tough because I had a lot of greasy meat towards the end (laughs). But the taste was very good! I would like to go again.
愛媛産には愛がある on Google

As the name suggests, it is a charcoal grilled meat store. Not only the taste, but also the presentation is good and inspiring. Just be careful because the amount of pork in the set is too large (laughs). The hot rooibos I had before the meal was delicious.
あい on Google

愛媛で一番おいしい! 筋のない柔らかいお肉です。
The most delicious in Ehime! It is a tender meat with no streaks.
河野亮二 on Google

宇和島の商店街にある焼肉屋さんです。まず、お肉がうまい❗肉厚な赤身は、添えられてるワサビと一緒に食べると、口の中に肉汁が広がって、肉そのものの美味しさを堪能できます。適度の弾力がある肉を噛み締める度に、肉汁が溢れてきて、肉を食ってる~って感じがします。ホルモンもうまし。甘味が最高です。ホルモンなのにサッパリしてます。熟成バラも美味しかったなぁ。鹿や猪などのジビエも味わえます。とにかく、お肉にこだわってることが分かります。 店内は個室になってるので、仲間内だけでワイワイやるのに最適です。店員さんのサービスもテキパキしてるので、ずっと心地よいです。 うまい肉を食いたい‼️みなさん、オススメです。
It is a yakiniku restaurant in the shopping district of Uwajima. First of all, the meat is delicious ❗ If you eat thick lean meat with wasabi, the meat juice spreads in your mouth and you can enjoy the deliciousness of the meat itself. Every time I chew on the meat with moderate elasticity, the gravy overflows and I feel like I'm eating meat. Hormone is good. The sweetness is the best. Although it is a hormone, it is refreshing. The aged roses were also delicious. You can also enjoy deer and wild boar. Anyway, you can see that we are particular about meat. The inside of the store is a private room, so it's perfect for doing it only with your friends. The service of the clerk is also very nice, so it's much more comfortable. I want to eat delicious meat! ️I recommend it to everyone.

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