
3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

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住所 :

Tsurumi, Tsurumi Ward, 〒538-0053 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
街 : Osaka

Tsurumi, Tsurumi Ward, 〒538-0053 Osaka,Japan
久保野智美 on Google

I like sweets, but I do not buy what I can buy at the supermarket. Because supermarkets are cheaper.
kazuya Kisaragi on Google

懐かしいものをいろいろ売ってる昔の駄菓子屋に似せた店。 良心的な昔の駄菓子屋と違いぼったくり価格!
A shop resembling an old candy store that sells various nostalgic items. The price is different from the conscientious old candy store!
rin ta on Google

Some are a bit expensive and not sold individually, but there are many types (such as delicious sticks)
ゆゆっこん on Google

所狭しと駄菓子と昔懐かしいおもちゃがあります。 童心にかえりますね。 大人買いしたら案外高くついてびっくり!
There are narrow and candy and old-fashioned toys. I will return to childhood. If you buy an adult, you will be surprised at the unexpectedly high price!
N T on Google

You can buy a lot of nostalgic sweets
なめこキリン on Google

駄菓子屋さん…イオンモールによく入っている。チェーン店でしょうか? ここはその中でも規模が大きく 店内も広め その分、品揃えも豊富だと思います。の
Candy store ... I often go to Aeon Mall. Is it a chain store? Here is a large scale Spread inside the store I think that the product lineup is abundant. of
紺絣未来 on Google

イオンモール鶴見緑地4階にある駄菓子屋さん。 懐かしい駄菓子や玩具がたくさんあります。 こどもより大人が夢中になって駄菓子を選んでいました。
A candy store on the 4th floor of AEON MALL Tsurumi Ryokuchi. There are many nostalgic sweets and toys. Adults were more enthusiastic than children and chose sweets.
a obmoric on Google

面白いお店です。基本は駄菓子屋さん。でも中に雑貨あり、おもちゃありで、いつも賑わってるわ。もうね、その店内は昭和よ昭和! 平成や令和より昭和よねえ。とにかくね。一度行かれるよろし。イオン鶴見緑地店内に有りまする。
It's an interesting shop. Basically, it's a candy store. But there are miscellaneous goods and toys inside, so it's always crowded. Already, the inside of the store is Showa! It's Showa from Heisei and Reiwa. Anyway. You can go once. Located in the Aeon Tsurumi Ryokuchi store.

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